Friday, December 27, 2019
Why The American Government Got So Powerful - 1293 Words
Change is often something that everyone in this universe experiences at one time or another. Change can include and new technical, social, or organizational changes and or revisions. For the purpose of this paper, the technical, social, and organizational changes that occurred in the United States from 1865-1945 will be discussed to a great extent. Usually with change comes a new type of power. For the paper, the reasons for these drastic changes will be used to explain why the American government got so powerful. The first part of the essay will focus on three distinct advances in American way of life. The three items that will be discussed will be the battery developed by Edison for Submarines, The new sights for bombers, and the birth of IBM. After the conclusion of the first part of the paper, the paper will shift gears into explaining why the American government got to be a massive power. By the end of the paper, a thorough understanding of this subject matter will be establishe d. From the 80 year time frame from 1865-1945, technology, social, and organizations in the United States changed and immersed immensely. Too name a few of the major inventions that took place included the lightbulb, the telegram, and the use of aircraft. A major social norm that changed in the United States was the freeing of the slaves after the end of the Civil War. This was huge as it changed the dynamics of the United States making the north and south united instead of divided like theShow MoreRelatedThe Declaration Of Independence By The United States1106 Words  | 5 Pagestheir independence. One will describe why the declaration of independence was written. What lead to the cause for writing such a document. The leaders who wrote the declaration. And what the colony was going through for it to lead to the circumstances. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Negative Effects Of Divorce - 1710 Words
Getting a divorce is not an easy decision. As a matter of fact, for many people getting a divorce is one of the hardest things they will have to deal with. Divorce has a long-lasting effect on the entire family. For example, according to Clarke-Stewart and Brentano (2006, p. 56), the couple getting a divorce can feel anxious and depressed by the situation. They also mention that children can be the most affected because they might feel confused and betrayed. However, the aftermath of divorce is different for everyone. For instance, the ages of the children can have an impact on how they deal with the divorce. Furthermore, the way parents cope with the aftermath of the divorce can have a negative or positive outcome in their children’s†¦show more content†¦For instance, both her parents were young when they decided to get married. Her mother was twenty while her father was twenty-two. It is also important to note that in order for her family to be financially stable, h er father had to work long hours which cause a strain in the relationship. Cindy’s father was always working meaning he spent little to no time at home. In addition, having children added more stress, since her father had to work hard to provide for his family. Regrettably, the longer a couple is married the higher risk of a divorce. Cindy’s parents had been married for eleven years when they decided to dissolve their marriage. At the end, Cindy’s parents had plenty of risk factors that contributed to her parents divorce. Life after the divorce was not easy for Cindy either. Just like many children when her parents divorce, there was no explanation or a simple conversation. Children are left worrying about what will happen to their family (Clarke-Stewart Brentano, 2006, p. 133). There was a change in her lifestyle. Cindy explained that she had to move multiple times since her mother could not afford the rent. At the same time, she experienced seeing her mother work more than usual and keep her away from the family (Hetherington Kelly, 2002). Along with the lack of money, she was also faced with the absence of one parent, in Cindy’s case her father. Just like Cindy’s father left theShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Divorce1718 Words  | 7 PagesDivorce is a controversial issue in the United States. On one side of the argument, some researchers claim that children of divorced parents are still able to adapt to their new environment and have an enhanced level of maturity, among othe r things. On the other hand, researchers like Karl Zinsmeister believe that the effects of divorce on children can never be fully overcome and marital conflicts cause significantly less damage to children than divorce does (Zinsmeister, 1996). The purpose of thisRead MoreNegative Effects Of Divorce1475 Words  | 6 PagesDivorce is the termination of a marriage or marital union, the canceling or reorganizing of the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage, Divorce occurs after a husband and wife decide not to live together anymore and they do not want to marry one another. They agree to sign legal documents that allow them to marry other people if they so wish. Divorce is a problem that is increasing every year. It also affects our society, which most countries face. Divorce causes many negative effects, someRead MoreNegative Effects of Divorce1303 Words  | 5 PagesDivorce can be one of the biggest environmental pressures put on a child with lasting affects that can lead well into their adulthood. With an increase in the number of divorces taking place each year it is starting to become a major concern for not only children and their families but also for society as a whole. 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In many divorce cases, there are long-term effects that hinders children from having a peaceful adult-life. These effects include: relationship issues, inability to make a place feel like a home, and the emotional hardship that comes with moving away from a parent . Aside from the negative effects divorceRead MoreNegative Effects Of Divorce1409 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Center for Disease Control and Prevention 813,862 divorces have been granted in 45 out out the fifty states in 2017 alone (Marriage and Divorce). Around half of those divorces will involve children. With divorce becoming a prominent phenomenon it has become increasingly important for the two parties involved to remain courteous. Children’s lives are easily impacted when they are forced to go through this life altering situation. Divorce can inflict damage both mentally and psychologically. WhenRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Divorce689 Words  | 3 PagesWith approximately 876,000 divorces per year in the United States alone, many people today are bringing up the controversial topic: should divorces be made harder to obtain? Many people think that it would be best if families stayed together, while others believe that an unhappy marriage is useless, and the dissolu tion of the marriage is the best choice. However, with current laws being the way they are, the process of getting a divorce is too simple, which is why people tend to opt out of theirRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Divorce1089 Words  | 5 Pagesending a marriage, but it can no longer ignore the massive effects that come with it, especially to children. To the parents, the effect is separation from one another. To the children, the effects include engaging in drug abuse to get over the emotional turmoil, committing a crime to earn money to support the family, and performing poorly in school, especially in spelling, reading, and mathematics (Scott et al., 2014). With the rate of divorce increasing rapidly in the country, children are going toRead MoreNegative Effects Of Divorce On Children1072 Words  | 5 PagesWhat are the Negative Effects of Divorce on Children When I was five years old I was forced to make a choice. This was a choice many children should not have to make and can never really be prepared for. My parents were getting a divorce and they decided it was in my best interests to give me the option to live with whomever I chose. It was a burden that to this day affects my relationship with one of my parents. Ultimately, I chose to live with my mother and from then on, my father would barelyRead MoreThe Negative Effect of Divorce on Children Essay941 Words  | 4 PagesThe Negative Effect of Divorce on Children Divorce has a negative effect on the psychological and social aspects of our children, which may appear instantly or not come to the surface for years. This is why I think that divorce should only be a last resort and not rushed into even by couples with the most troubled marriages. The only acceptable reason for someone rushing into divorce is if they or their children are in danger. I believe that marriage is a commitment not to be taken lightly and
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Marketing Mix in Target Market
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Mix in Target Market. Answer: Introduction Marketing a business is all about satisfying the needs of the target market. Huang and Sarigll (2014), states that the four critical items, important for any business, are Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. These four elements vary according the control in creating the marketing mix, which will attract the consumers to the business. This article examines the marketing mix of Myer, which is one of the largest departmental stores in Australia in their target market segment, international buyers. After the brand merged with the Coles group in 1985, the brand had suffered numerous poorly executed strategies, however now Myer has been able to mark their brand at a high level accompanied by their marketing mix and new strategies to the domestic and international buyers. 4Ps of Marketing Mix Product The first element of marketing mix is Product, which refers to the services and goods the business offers to its consumers. There are other elements as well, which are associated with this factor are packaging, quality, brand, labels, customer services after the sales etc (De Mooij 2013). Thus, the product is a bundle of provided services to the consumers. Myer retails a vast range of products across mens, womens, and childrens clothing lines, accessories and footwear, homewares, fragrance and cosmetics, toys, bedding, furniture, confectionary and food, stationary and books and travel products ( 2017). In order to target the international buyer market, Myer has introduced several programs, such as the discount card and gratitude reward card system consisting four levels Standard, Silver, Gold, Platinum. The discount card has offered the credit of 1 point per $1 spend up to $2500 per year, 1.5 point per $1 spend $2500 to $5000 per year and 2 points per $1 for spending more than $5000 per year. After gaining the points the customers can receive gift cards, store cards or Myer Visa card. Myer treats their regular customers specially by providing them discounts, samples of their products, free copy of their magazine Myer Emporium and offers like gift with purchase in every quarter. They have these facilities for the online customers as well. It was stated in their report, published in 2010, that they have more than five million cards in transmission. Price For the International buyers Myer have launched a bunch of products offering a huge range of quality goods at highly competitive charges, familiar services, and additional benefits comprising of the Myer one loyalty program, paying with the CommBank Award points and Myer Visa Card. In comparison to other retail stores Myer has often offered cheaper prices in both their stores and websites. Myer also offers numbers of offer only for the online customers, which is effectual for their international target market. The organization also offers special negotiated price available for their selected consumers under special conditions like corporate rate, membership offer etc. The discount offer, Myer provide, is sometimes offer more than money like another voucher or discount coupon or loyalty points. The International buyers are profited by their online website that has exclusive offers valid online only or selling products below the cost (Helm and Gritsch 2014). However, the My er stores will not have the offers valid and the store price will not match those prices. Polonsky et al. (2015) shows that, the international market is one of the potential market segments for the retail store; therefore Myer has promoted their online website through several means such as facebook and other social media sites. Myer also launched and online site for shopping based on Hong Kong, which is now closed down. The organization has continued operating their only site, which is based in Melbourne. Place Targeting the international market is a little difficult, as most of the trade is done online and through the official website of Myer. Datta, Ailawadi and Heerde (2016) states that, nowadays shopping habits of consumers are changing and they are increasingly being online and looking for online offers. However, Myer has launched a different website named, but that closed down after a while. Myer has promoted their official website online. The store locations of Myer have also attracted the international visitors and the buyer market. It has stores in all the six states of Australia and in the Capital Territory. The stores are well maintained and customized buyers for the consumers. According to Boon, B.T.L and Liang (2015), the international shopping has increased this much in recent times for the retailer, a recent study showed that the retailers are enjoying higher margins for the international groups hence Myer has started several online offers for their international m arket and trying to seize the break in the international market. Promotion When the target market is international, the retailers had to come up with innovative advertizing and promotional strategies (Hanssens et al. 2014). Last 2014 Myer has dropped their decade long slogan is my store and introduced a new one find wonderful for the large rebranding of marketing including advertizing campaign with famous actress Tilda Cobham Hervey. This promotional strategy refreshed the brand value of Myer and made its focus a lot younger in the international market. Myer has its promotion going on in the social media sites as well. In order to reach the international market, Myer has started more promotion online and planning to add French Connection UK, Nine West and Seed to the brands. Recommendations There are few strategies that can be adopted for the international market. As the international market costs more than the domestic ones, the brand should plan their business deals with banks and other services strategically, so the currency exchange process becomes easier. The overseas goals need to be well defined and the target market as well. Several times language and cultural differences becomes barrier for the business deals, so the brand should choose their employees carefully. In terms of sending overseas products the customs and border operation work should be integral and the promotional strategies need to be more distinct. Reference List Boon, B.T.L. and Liang, T.W., 2015. Firms Marketing Mix Effectiveness and Modes of Entry in the Host Countries. InProceedings of the 1998 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 474-474). Springer International Publishing. Datta, H., Ailawadi, K.L. and van Heerde, H.J., 2016. How Well Does Consumer-Based Brand Equity Align with Sales-Based Brand Equity and Marketing Mix Response?.Journal of Marketing. De Mooij, M., 2013.Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes. Sage Publications. Hanssens, D.M., Pauwels, K.H., Srinivasan, S., Vanhuele, M. and Yildirim, G., 2014. Consumer attitude metrics for guiding marketing mix decisions.Marketing Science,33(4), pp.534-550. Helm, R. and Gritsch, S., 2014. Examining the influence of uncertainty on marketing mix strategy elements in emerging business to business export-markets.International Business Review,23(2), pp.418-428. Huang, R. and Sarigll, E., 2014. How brand awareness relates to market outcome, brand equity, and the marketing mix. InFashion Branding and Consumer Behaviors(pp. 113-132). Springer New York. (2017). Myer. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jan. 2017]. Polonsky, M.J., Carlson, L., Grove, S. and Kangun, N., 2015. International environmental marketing claims: Real change or simple posturing?. InProceedings of the 1996 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 136-137). Springer International Publishing.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Intelligence Quotient
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) refers to a standardized measure of human intelligence. The standard is dependent on deviations that an individual makes. According to psychologists, all individuals have a presumed IQ of 100. The standard deviation of 30 implies that an individual may fall short of 100 or exceed the standard.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Intelligence Quotient – A Measure of Human Intelligence specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hence, IQ ranges between 70 and 130. IQ scores help humans to predict achievement, needs or even performance of individuals (Bradberry Greaves, 2009). Considering global trends and empirical data, human IQ seems to rise by an average of 3 scores across the world for every decade. As such, it is not surprising that the intelligence of the American recruits has risen by 24 scores since the World War I. The phenomenon where the average intelligence rise across the world and overtime is known as the Flynn Effect. It implies that the world will have people of higher intelligence in the future whose mental faculties will mature at an accelerated rate. There are various explanations of the Flynn effect. While Flynn does not agree that, the increment in IQ gains contributes to the effect, other proponents point out several issues that they see as important in enhancing IQ gains. Antonakis et al. (2009) say that education levels have risen across the world and consequently, the literacy levels have increased. People are currently directing huge proportion of their disposable incomes to education, both formal and informal. To that end, it is logical to attribute increased value for learning and education to IQ gains. Second, they articulate that social dynamics and changes have contributed to IQ gains by global population. Societies are currently under the pressure to work within time spans that prompt adaptation of human IQ and other cognitive aspects to re spond to pressure posed by time limits. Another potential cause for the massive IQ gains is the improved nutrition and diet across the world. While it is true, that improved access and availability of nutritious food increases with time, so is the IQ gain (Martins et al., 2010). Nonetheless, debate rages on to the actual causes of rise in intelligence levels since there are other factors at play beyond the few above. Besides, the reliability of IQ score as a method to measure intelligence has been under severe criticism since the components of intelligence remain partially unknown. In fact, it is arguable that IQ is in itself a component of intelligence. Similarly, the IQ gain comprising the Flynn effect has elicited different perspectives and theories.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The great divide in competencies refers to the gap that exists between emotions and the body. It is important as it helps people to understand various ways they can manage their social, professional and emotional skills. In addition, it facilitates the growth of emotional intelligence that reflects the combination of thoughts and feelings. To the contrary, human beings have competences that are purely cognitive such as logical thinking and reasoning. The great divide is important since it helps in the management of self-awareness as we strive for personal competence (Bradberry Greaves, 2009). This entails ability to gain emotional awareness in which an individual is able to recognize his/her emotions and their implications on self and others. In addition, it leads to accurate self-assessment whereby a person comprehend their strong points and weaknesses that in turn leads to self-confidence. Other aspects of personal competencies that the great divide brings out are self-regulation and motivation. Social competency also arises from the great divide where an individual becomes pro ficient in handling and developing others leading to an improvement in social competency and skills. In fact, it revolves around the ability to manage the human interactions patterns. In this scenario, the IQ of US army recruits has grown substantially over the last decades. The proponent argues that in the context of recruitment process, recruits always react to their instincts and increases their ability to control their emotions and feelings. Apparently, the process of recruitment involves extreme tests on individual’s emotional stability prompting the recruits to learn how to control the emotions (Brody, 2004). With the increased expectations from the recruits, the emotional intelligence develops as they encounter situations eliciting emotions. Peter Principle refers to the aspect of organizational culture in which promotion into new positions will depend on the competencies of the individual. This implies that an individual whose competence is at peak cannot rise to a hi gher job in the hierarchy. The principle articulates that an individual will receive a promotion up to a particular point when their competencies will fall below the expectations and job requirements of the position (Martins et al., 2010).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Intelligence Quotient – A Measure of Human Intelligence specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More While we applaud the need for meritocracy in every organization, it is noticeable that at a given point all the positions in the hierarchy of organization will bear people who are not competent enough to carry out the job requirements. Through continued education and skills development, organizations are able to resolve the problems associated with The Peter Principle. Despite increase of competencies and skills of the employees, the principle predicts that the effect will return owing to consequent promotions. The text claims that attention is the gr eatest resource since it is through it that people are able to comprehend the great divide in competencies. This enhances the development of cognitive processes such as self-awareness and self-confidence (Goleman, 2000). Besides, attention helps people to understand the patterns of interaction with other people that they encounter in the mainstream society leading to superior social skills. Without attention, people could not be in a position to develop the emotional intelligence and other cognitive aspects. This essay on Intelligence Quotient – A Measure of Human Intelligence was written and submitted by user Saige Mcfadden to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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