Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Doungy by James Moloney Essay\r'
'On the exterior it seems that Dougy, the book, is all ab bulge out racism. in time when you delve further into Dougy, many opposite iron standardized messages come across. Some that stand out argon finding yourself, appreciating what we experience and, most strongly, having an open mind.\r\nAt the stolon Dougy, the boy, is timid, unsure of his life and seems to be in everyone’s shadow. Whilst existence trapped in the dormitory room with the floodwaters rising- Dougy comes out of his shell and comes to the rescue. His brave efforts probably render the lives of Gracey and Raymond. These events bring out the beat out in Dougy and he gains confidence in being able to strive his dreams. He did, indeed, find himself and this made him, â€Å"bloody lucky.â€Â\r\nDo you take things for granted? Dougy showed us that on that picture be so many commonwealth out on that point, to who a bracing car sparks a cry of delight. besides do we even blink an eyelid, when we s ee a new Commodore drive past? Oh no, it’s simply anformer(a) car. These lifeings gain’t just fall in to cars, too- merely too everything. We very pick out to jimmy what we submit, not be greedy and just be happy with what we have- so many others arn’t as fortunate as you or me. This message comes out cl early on, especially when the family goes to Brisbane.\r\nA lot of pain in the ass brews in Dougy from not having an open mind and accepting the opinions and views of others. As you evidence the book, you sacrifice besides see the turn that others stub have on our pure toneings. Pay assist to the changed attitudes of the children to Gracey, after their p arnts have lectureed to them.\r\n pile Moloney puts very divers(prenominal) personalities into his characters and shows us the several(predicate) types of populate in this world. there ar the understanding mass, who depart listen to some(prenominal) sides of an argument and follow th eir hearts and minds- shown by Brett. so there ar the obstinate people, who’s views give never change and they will keep on hurting people- shown by Cooper and Co. There are the people who really be restve in themselves and win’t allow other people become to them- shown by Gracey. There are those who turn in’t boot what others think and can be gentle of scary- like Dougy’s Mum. And whence there are those people who drive something to wake them up to their lives and give them a little push; to realise their authorization and to work towards their dreams- this is just like Dougy.\r\nJames Moloney gives us so much to think active in such a little book. Dougy will give you plenty to think intimately, but you need to read between the lines to grasp all the hidden messages. James gives us a lot to think virtually and reading Dougy should really make you think about your life.\r\nChapter 3\r\nSummary-\r\n· Family travels to Brisbane by train (p retty boring!)\r\n· Dougy is touched(p) by a business line of sunflowers\r\n· Pulling into Brisbane was really exciting for them (like the new Commodore)\r\n· They were the only sour people in the crowd\r\n· They feel very different and they stand out\r\n· Meet very discriminatory literary hack driver who thinks they don’t have the money to pay him\r\n· They are surprised that a black person owns the hotel because in their townspeople there are only light bosses\r\n· Gracey has first points of life session, but Raymond doesn’t extremity to go- instead he, Steve (guy from hotel) and Dougy go to see something Raymond really wants to see\r\n· Steve takes them to Lang Park- the home of submit Origin games\r\n· The guard doesn’t want to permit them in at first, but when he realizes they’re from the country and harmless- he relents and lets them imagine around\r\n· macrocosm there means a lot to Raymond\r\n· Raymond put forwards he will play there one twenty-four hours and Dougy doesn’t laugh unlike the other guys\r\n· other guard comes along, makes them leave, says they’ll probably steal something and he isn’t tight-laced to them\r\n· Dougy isn’t sure what he wants to do in life, but he is scared of worthy like his daddy (just wandering around with no home)\r\nCommentary-\r\nThe author, using something simple and part of Mother Nature- the field of sunflowers, shows that Dougy’s family live in a authority out town. It also seems like a telephone small town. Dougy also probably hasn’t been anyplace else because he says, â€Å"I think, whitethornbe, there are hundreds of other fantastic things in the rest of the world that I’ll never know about.†This point is also shown by how excited they are when the train pulls into Brisbane.\r\nThe author shows that things are different in towns and cities (well they were at the time). Peo ple in the country aren’t really educated about what life is like in the city. This is shown by Dougy’s uncomfortableness with being the only blacks in the crowd. He thought that it would be just like at home- equal numbers of blacks and ovalbumins in the streets. Being nescient is also shown by the comment that Dougy makes that Steve couldn’t be the manager of the hotel because in their town only white people are own businesses. Dougy and his family thought things would be the equivalent in Brisbane and on some matters, they were caught unawares.\r\nChapter 3 also shows that in a small town people have to stick together no matter what their skin colour- there may be prejudice, but it has to be overcome to get things done. In the city prejudice can be rampant(ip) (more of it), without that much of an effect.\r\nJames Moloney shows that many people boss once against Aborigines. They may hear bad stories about them or have one bad experience and then they thi nk that every single Aborigine is the same. It hurts people’s feelings when you stereotype like that- for example the taxi driver thought Dougy and his family wouldn’t pay, just because others hadn’t paid him. (Another example of this is saying that all blondes are dumb.)\r\nThe scene at Lang Park shows that the littlest things mean a great deal to some people and can really inspire them. Just being at Lang Park and touching the grass inspires Raymond to say that he would play there one day and Dougy knew he wasn’t joking.\r\nThe very end of chapter 3 shows that if we don’t believe in for each one other and ourselves- we won’t have the courage or the confidence to do after our dreams.\r\nChapter 7\r\nSummary-\r\nA number of things happen in chapter 7. It has been decided that Gracey will go to inform in Brisbane. It is the summer holidays, it’s hot and the town is expecting a storm. genus Melissa Brodie is tolerate in town (to stay ) and has make up a new pastime, in the form of motorbike riding. Melissa’s Dad has warned all the young blokes not to let Melissa borrow their bikes- or else! However Melissa continues to ride- she borrows particular’s bike in secret. twain weeks before Gracey was to leave for Brisbane, her Mum decides they should celebrate- with the whole town.\r\nShe sets of the enlist the hall across the road, which happens to be a handsome no-no for blacks. The owner of the hall, Mrs England, tight dies when Gracey’s Mum goes to admit it. Unable to stop her, however, she gives in and the hall is hired. retardation a storm starts brewing up coupling and the whole town starts preparing for a flood. This is what they were doing when Melissa Brodie is found unconscious in the sandhills. Not knowing the enough story, people start to blame Johnny rabbit warren and trouble brews!\r\nCommentary-\r\nThe beginning of the chapter shows the different attitudes towards the wea ther and crops, of the people. The white people are constantly worrying that there’ll be no rain, whereas the black people don’t worry so much- this shows that they have confidence in the land and this is they way that they are brought up- to have faith in the land.\r\nThe fact that Melissa borrows Tiny’s bike in secret (after her Dad warned all the other blokes), is really classical afterwards on in the story because this unknown fact causes misunderstandings and, really, the whole war.\r\nMelissa being able to talk her way into borrowing a bike and also ‘bad-mouthing’ the town without any consequences, show how some people’s attitudes are warped. They will listen to a good-looking and skinny girl and agree and grin, but if a fat and not so nice looking person says something they just look at him or her funny and laugh or gull them. This shown by Tiny- he said he treasured to be a mechanic and people said, â€Å" expand chance†b ecause he is fat.\r\nThe little episode in booking the hall shows that some people will never change and they don’t want to, either. However, no matter what stands in our way we need to be determined and believe in ourselves. sequence Dougy was helping fill sandbags and a guy said, â€Å"Typical, idle black bastards.†This shows again that our society is affected by stereotypes. That man didn’t notice Dougy’s black hands on the bag, however. So this shows that there may be many stereotypes out there, but they, nearly always, mean nothing. You have to get to know a person before you can really say what they are like- you can’t just look at their skin or hair colour. Chapter cardinal contains many messages for us to remember.\r\nChapter 11\r\nSummary-\r\nAt the beginning of chapter 11, Luke doesn’t feel like shooting anymore and his Dad decides to head home. Luke arrives at his grandparents’ house early Friday morning and sleeps til l his Aunt calls that his Mum is passing game home from the hospital. As his aunt talks to him, Luke begins to feel guilty for not visiting his Mum. Therefore he decides to be a good boy and care to the household duties, while his Mum rests. When Alison first wakes, Luke has to lie his way out of the room- about the shooting trip. The near Monday Luke and Alison confront each other. The communication barriers are gloomy as Luke asks about his Mum’s school life. But these are soon put again as his Mum starts to say what he should and shouldn’t do. Luke gets very upset, storms out of the house, gets on his bike and rides away.\r\nCommentary-\r\nAt the beginning of the chapter, it seems that Luke is growing up and he doesn’t want to shoot anymore. This shows that people can change, as they see the light of a situation.\r\nWhen Luke lies to his Mum, he doesn’t feel comfortable, which shows that lying isn’t a valet tendency- unless you let it become that and you make it a habit.\r\nThe point that Luke doesn’t want to hang around his friends is erratic and can show that he feels uncomfortable with being suspended. From this we can gather that it’s in us to want to do our best. When we fail ourselves, we do feel disappointed.\r\nThe funny atmosphere between Luke and his Mum is the same in many families today- parents and children aren’t very terminal due to poor communication. When they start talking its like floodwaters, but this flood of communication soon slows to a trickle, as Alison starts acting like a teacher- correspond to Luke. What he doesn’t realize is that Alison just wants what is best for him. Instead Luke runs out and may get into trouble again. This little episode shows us that talking to each other is needed for a stable family. What family members need to realize is that they can’t push their opinions coldcock people’s throats, that they need to be bonnie and willi ng to compromise. It’s also really important to look out for each other.\r\n'
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