Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Synthesis Essay - Mahatma Gandhi - 1769 Words
Synthesis Essay – Mohandas Gandhi Master Sergeant Jeannette Cook Air Force Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Academy 10 September 2015 Master Sergeant Zita Madau Mohandas Gandhi How did Mohandas Gandhi, considered by many to be the father of the modern passive resistance movement, lead a 55-year long campaign against violence result in over a million deaths? In the case of Gandhi, it was because he was neither a visionary nor ethical leader. This essay will show how Gandhi’s lack of transformational leadership traits, specifically â€Å"Inspirational Motivation†and â€Å"Idealized Influence†and his inability to foster an inclusive environment did not make him an effective visionary leader. Also, by falling into the ethical trap†¦show more content†¦This meant he was not able to use the transformational leadership principle of Idealized Influence, which is defined in part as being consistent rather arbitrary (BCEE, 2014c, p. 14) to inspire people to follow him. Not only did Gandhi fail to create a vision for him and his followers, his inability to foster an inclusive environment, led to the lack of support from the Muslim commu nity, which was the largest religious minority in India. This lack of inclusion can be seen in Gandhi’s dealings with Mohammad Ali Jinnah, one of the leaders of the Indian Muslims and the eventual founder of Pakistan. Initially, Jinnah had worked with Gandhi to create a Hindu-Muslim accord and independence for India, but eventually became convinced that the 80 million Muslims in India would be subjugated by a Hindu-dominated India. (Shirer, 1979, pp. 107, 108). This belief was based on the actions of Gandhi, such as Gandhi’s articles advising Hindus how to protect themselves when attacked by Muslims and Gandhi’s failure to perceive the Muslim elite’s longing for power as a distinct religio-political group (Prasad, 1985, p. 76). Opportunities to include Muslim leaders in political positions, such as when provincial ministries were formed, were not utilized. (Prasad, 1985, p. 76). By failing to consider his actions and their effects on the MuslimShow MoreRe latedThe Assassination Of Mahatma Gandhi1912 Words  | 8 Pages Synthesis Essay- Mahatma Gandhi MSgt Tiffany J. Jones Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy Mahatma Gandhi 504. 240. 2,555. 6. The number 504 represents the hours spent fasting in hunger strikes against racial injustice. The number 240 represents miles journeyed in protest against unjust taxes. The number 2,555 represents the number of days in prison for civil disobedience. The number 6 represents the number of assassination attempts made. What do those numbersRead MoreHenry David Thoreau4404 Words  | 18 Pagesman of many talents who worked hard to shape his craft and his life. He is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay, Civil Disobedience, an argument for individual resistance to civil government in moral opposition to an unjust state. Henrys books, articles, essays, journals, and poetry total over 20 volumes. Among his lasting contributions were his writings on natural history and philosophy, where he anticipated the methods and findingsRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesexploration of attitudes and values. 5. Student motivation is increased, especially in adult learners. xviii PREFACE 6. Students receive immediate feedback from their instructor and peers. 7. Students are involved in higher order thinking (analysis, synthesis, evaluation). Our goals in writing this book were to bridge the academic realm of theory and research and the organizational realm of effective practice, and to help students consistently translate proven principles from both realms into personalRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 Pagescases, why it is not done. But with each one of those components being affected by this phenomenon of change, each presents its own challenge to an effective process of change. 48    Introduction Paradigm shiFtâ€â€myth or reality Try This! Mahatma Gandhi once said, â€Å"We must become the change we want to see.†Is a paradigm shift in response to changing information service necessary? What external factors are forcing library and information services organizations to do things differently? What
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Safety vs Freedom of Speech Essay - 711 Words
Look around you America. Your world is changing. Suddenly it’s no longer safe to fly in airplanes, attend sporting events, or just open your junk mail. Almost daily, news of threats and security breach’s litter the airwaves, leaving many asking the same question. â€Å"How can we make our country safe again?†Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple answer. America is united in the cause, but divided over the methods of preventing terrorism. At this time of uncertainty, many are urging Americans to â€Å"give up†some of their freedoms and privacy in exchange for safety. Regrettably, this wave of patriotism has spilled over, and is beginning to infringe on our fundamental liberties as outlined in the Bill of Rights. Since the September 11th terrorist†¦show more content†¦Following the September 11th terrorist’s attacks, Bill Maher, host of the controversial late night television show Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, outraged an alre ady shell-shocked America. During the show he attacked our military by saying â€Å"We have been the cowards lobbing cruise missiles from 2, 000 miles away. That’s cowardly†(Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher). He continued by essentially expressing respect for the hijackers, saying â€Å"Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, [is] not cowardly†(Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher). Not surprisingly, Maher has been publicly ridiculed since making these statements. Two of the show’s sponsors pulled their advertising, and several local affiliates have taken the show off the air. The reaction to Maher’s statements has been swift: apologize, praise America and maybe you’ll get to keep your job. The reluctance of America to â€Å"speak up†became obvious after â€Å"the government bungled the poisonous anthrax letter sent to Sen. Tom Daschle†(Gergen). Instead of taking proper precautions for everyone at risk, our government chose to provide â€Å"immediate protection to the politicians and their staffs while neglecting the safety of the postal workers†(Gergen). This blunder cost two postal workers their lives. Yet, both the public and media remain silent. Dissenters today dread the wrath of anShow MoreRelatedProtecting Life, Liberty, and Property in the Bill of Rights848 Words  | 4 PagesThe writers intention of the Bill of Rights was to ensure the safety of citizens rights without them being violated. Most amendments apply in daily life, but it might not show. The First amendment, freedom of speech, amendment two, the right to bear arms, and amendment four, protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. These three amendments are a major factor in daily lives for citizens. Amendment one, freedom of speech is a very important factor for all citizens to have. AmendmentRead MoreCase Analysis : Schenck V. United States852 Words  | 4 PagesStates is at war, people can not willingly cause or attempt to cause disloyalty and refusal of duty in the military or naval forces of the United States. On the defendant side, Schenck argued that his First Amendment right, specifically the freedom of speech provision, was being violated. 3. The Facts of the Case: The Espionage Act was passed in 1917 as a result of the United States involvement in World War I. In the name of national security, the American government passed different statutesRead MoreUs Bill of Rights First Amendment1740 Words  | 7 Pagesto, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Right to Assemble and Petition the Government to address Citizen’s Grievances. Here is a summary of three important and controversial â€Å"U.S. Supreme Court Cases.†All of which posed serious challenges to the â€Å"First Amendment†to â€Å"The Bill of Rights.†The first of the Supreme Court cases I will summarize, a landmark decision dealing with the right to â€Å"Freedom of the Press.†The petitioner in this case was Nebraska Press Association, et al. vs. StuartRead More Free Speech Essay809 Words  | 4 Pagesabridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievancesquot; (Funk amp; Wagnalls 162). This Amendment guarantees each person of free speech. Does this mean that a person can stand in the middle of the street and yell anything he wants? No, society, even though it cherishes freedom of speech, does give this freedom certain restrictions. Why does society find it necessary to restrict freedom of speechRead MoreBill of rights Essay955 Words  | 4 Pagesrights. The writers intention of the Bill of Rights was to ensure the safety of citizens rights. Most amendments apply in daily life, but might not realize it. The First amendment, freedom of speech, amendment two, the right to bear arms, and amendment four, protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. These three amendments are a major factor in daily lives for citizens. Amendment One, freedom of speech is a very important factor for all citizens to have. Amendment One protectsRead MorePublic Policy : Freedom Of Speech1235 Words  | 5 Pages3, 2016 Public Policy: Freedom of Speech Around the world governments are placing laws to criminalize different religions, minorities, and offensive expression . The United States up hold the beliefs of â€Å"land of the free†publicizing that the constitution gives Americans rights some countries may not offer . The United States of America stands on the beliefs of the Constitution which includes the first ten amendments . The first being Amendment One which addresses freedom of religion, press, andRead MoreSpeech On Freedom Of Speech1147 Words  | 5 Pages Freedom of speech serves to be a fundamental democratic right that affords every citizen participation in The United States constitutional democracy. It is a vital tool because it can be utilized by every person, rich, poor, black or white to voice their concerns and rejections of the federal or state government in hopes to bring about change. In addition, the first amendment allows for the free exchange of ideas, as it creates the moral imperative to challenge and oppose hateful ideas and celebrateRead MoreShould We Protect Our Privacy? Essay1729 Words  | 7 Pagesan effortless way for them to violate their power and strip citizens of their constitutional rights. People will argue that the price one has to pay for safety, is giving up their rights to privacy. As Benjamin Franklin once said, â€Å"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety†(Independence Hall Association). In other words, those will ing to give up their privacy for security, deserve neither. We the people, those who assembleRead MoreFree Speech : The Importance Of The Freedom Of Speech1079 Words  | 5 PagesFree speech in my mind, should be universally protected, except when that speech turns into hate against any particular minority and incites violence that is not needed for the safety of the public at large. Freedom of speech serves to be a fundamental democratic right that affords every citizen to participate in the United States constitutional democracy. It is a vital tool because it can be used by every person, rich, poor, black or white, to voice their concerns and rejections of the federal orRead MoreThe Rights Of Our Privacy Essay1695 Words  | 7 Pagesan effortless way for them to violate their power and strip citizens of their constitutional rights. People will argue that the price one has to pay for safety, is giving up their rights to privacy. As Benjamin Franklin once said, â€Å"Those wh o would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety†(Independence Hall Association). In other words, those willing to give up their privacy for security, deserve neither. We the people, those who assemble
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Diverse Presentation Of Acute Leukemia - 1842 Words
Overview The diverse presentation of acute leukemia subtypes often makes specific disease subtypes difficult to recognize. Few, however, are as clinically challenging for the practicing hematologic malignancy physician to recognize as acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis (APMF). APMF is a rare type of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) that manifests with a rapidly fibrotic bone marrow and progressive cytopenias. Early recognition is essential, as APMF can quickly turn fatal, a consequence of the disease’s ubiquitous pathologic features, aggressive clinical course, and poor response to traditional treatments. Pathologically this AML subtype is recognizable for its heavily fibrotic marrow, increased overall cellularity, immaturity of all cell-line lineages, abnormal megakaryocyte population, and lack of driver mutations. Clinical features include lack of spleen enlargement, bony pain, fevers and other features associated with systemic inflammation. In this chapter, we focus on how the hematologist and pathologist alike can best identify and manage the disease in light of the clinical challenges that accompany its rapid and progressive course. We discuss the background of this unique and deadly disease and what led to the identification of this disease from pathologically similar entities. Morphology and recognition of characteristic disease features, including immunophenotypic findings, cytogenetics and morphology are discussed. The identification and distinguishing features ofShow MoreRelatedAcute Lymphoblastic Leukemia ( All )2135 Words  | 9 PagesAcute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), a malignant disorder of lymphoid progenitor cells, is the most common hematological malignancy affects children, accounting for 25–30% of all childhood cancers with peak prevalence between the ages of 2 and 5 years [1]. The causes of pediatric acute leukemias are still not well known, the identification of causes and prevention/early intervention is clearly a worthwhile goal [2]. Previous studies have demonstrated that the interaction between genetic backgroundRead MoreBurkitts Lymphoma Disease Essay3211 Words  | 13 Pageswith Burkitt lymphoma. Dr. Burkitt was sending at the end of the World War II the military authorities to Africa. He was staying there and working as a doctor for many years. He saw there incurable malignant disease of children, similar to leukemia , tumors that appeared jaws, abdomen cavity and kidney. To make a map the spread of the disease, the doctor Burkitt drove by the car 15 thousand km on Africa. He found that the lymphoma sick only where the temperature never drops below 15 ° C. HeRead MoreEvaluating External Environment and Business Ethics: Samsung in Malaysia Case Study4568 Words  | 18 Pagesinto the environmental factors. An investigation by Kotha and Nair (1995) on the plan and environment as factors of presentation in the Japanese machine tool business designated that effectiveness and development of presentation were predisposed meaningfully by the environment. In addition to that, only ecological variables were connected with secure development of firm presentation. Recent stud y by OCass and Julian (2003) presented to Samsung that environmental features have an important influenceRead MoreSocm Study Guide Essay30404 Words  | 122 Pagesbones * Prevent over expansion of bladder Fluid Connective tissue – * Distinct population of cells suspended in a watery ground substance that contains dissolved proteins. Ex, blood and lymph Supporting Connective tissue – * Less diverse cell population * Matrix of dense ground substance and closely packed fibers * Either cartilage or bone * Hyaline Cartilage – most common * Stiff but slightly flexible * Support and reduces friction between bones Read MoreGsk Annual Report 2010135604 Words  | 543 PagesSee page 21. CER% represents growth at constant exchange rates. Sterling % or  £% represents growth at actual exchange rates. See page 21. The calculation of results before major restructuring is described in Note 1 to the ï ¬ nancial statements, ‘Presentation of the ï ¬ nancial statements’. GSK Annual Report 2010 01 We exist to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. We work by respecting people, maintaining our focus on the patient and consumerRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 Pagesgreat care to provide precise deï ¬ nitions and clear examples of concepts that Advanced Placement Statistics instructors have acknowledged as difï ¬ cult for their students. We have also expanded the variety of examples and exercises, recognizing the diverse potential futures envisioned by very capable students who have not yet focused on a college major. Topic Coverage Our book can be used in courses as short as one quarter or as long as one year in duration. Particularly in shorter courses, an instructor
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is Data Capture A Database - 1105 Words
Firstly, what is data? In computing, data is information that has been translated into a form that is more convenient to move or process. Relative to today s computers and transmission media, data is information converted into binary digital form. A best example of data is information collected for a research paper, an email. Data capture is critical in managing the operation of an organization. Next what is a database? A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed, and updated. In one view, databases can be classified according to types of content: bibliographic, full-text, numeric, and images. In a retail supply chain, data is captured and analyzed at all levels to generate useful†¦show more content†¦BODY: The business report is discussed about the data needs and how the needs drive the collection of such data in Coca Cola PVT Ltd. The various levels used in a Manufacturing company (Coca Cola) are: †¢ CEO (Chief executive officer) - Strategic level †¢ CTO (Chief technical officer) and CFO (chief financial officer) - Tactical level †¢ Demand Manager, Forecast Manager, Marketing Manager, Plant Manager and Purchasing Manager, Maintenance Manager – Operational level In order for a product manufacturing project to be embarked on, various positions not limited to those listed above are involved. The production information including forecasting measures, the capacity management, multiple vendor management and other sales figures are maintained at the production plant as well as the head office. When consent has been given by the coca cola cooperation for an area to be explored, the first set of people to start work are the Forecast Plant department. The company uses quarterly sales data to forecast future fluctuations in demands and identify future variations. Since the Coca-Cola beverage is a highly commoditized product there are no such end consumer segments. Demand and forecast are data developed with the forecast Manager and thus various
The Immigration Problem Of The United States - 1429 Words
The Solution to Our Immigration Problem: Expedite the Process The United States of America is facing a huge dilemma. This is the current immigration process and legalization of illegal migrants. It seems like nowadays immigration is all we hear about and how it is the only policy on which our population cares about. Which is sensible, because of all the refugees coming into America seeking asylum from their war torn countries. America has always been a glittering beacon to immigrants in foreign countries who want to better themselves and live out the American dream. Knowing when they come over here they are not made legal automatically. They also have to face the stigma and prejudice of being an immigrant. Many Americans believe illegal immigrants come to the United States just to abuse the system and take jobs away from the citizens. Little do they know the application fee to come a permanent citizen is way over-priced. Also, the wait time for spouses to be legalized is too long. The time has come for our politicians to step up to the plate and get our immigration problem fixed. To make the process of becoming a naturalized citizen easier and seamless. We need to lower the cost of applications, expedite the time it takes for a spouse to be naturalized, and lower the amount of temporary visas given out. If these steps are taken our immigration system will be vastly upgraded. Did you know one of the big reasons as to why most illegal immigrants are not becomingShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigration Is A Problem For The United States1361 Words  | 6 PagesIllegal immigration has been a problem for the United States for a long time. This is not a new phenomenon and thousands of illegal immigrants have come into US through either the Mexico border, the Pacific Ocean, or through many other ways. Some people entered in country legally through a visit visa, but then have stayed illegally and are working in various places. Illegal immigration is a double enclosed sword; one hand it provide the local economy with cost benefits as the illegal immigrants areRead MoreImmigration Problems in the United States Essay1191 Words  | 5 PagesImmigration problems are not just a problem in Arizona but a problem throughout the United States. The definition in the Webster dictionary, an illegal immigrant or alien is a non-citizen whom has entered the United States withou t government permission or who has stayed beyond the termination date of the visa is consider an illegal immigrant or alien. Arizona’s newly enacted immigration law, which was meant to stem human trafficking and drug-related border violence, has been criticized by many asRead MoreThe Illegal Immigration Problem Of The United States Essay2173 Words  | 9 PagesLone Star- North Harris THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION PROBLEM IN THE UNITED STATES TODAY MIDTERM RESEARCH PAPER Amee Jagtap Immigration Law Professor Delesandri OCTOBER 19, 2016 ABSTRACT: Illegal immigration into the United States is occurring at massive scale. More than 10 million undocumented aliens currently reside in the U.S., and the populationRead MoreThe Problem Of Immigration Within The United States Essay776 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferent individuals can view immigration in many distinct ways. Some view it as a chance to improve ones life and as a way to secure a bright and prosperous future for their children and loved ones. While others refer to immigration as the downfall of this country, and with the continuous increase will cause the unanimous destruction of pure American ideologies and life styles. The most obvious way for me to start this essay is in a way to relate to the topic of immigration. In order to speak for myselfRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is A Problem That Affects The United States2334 Words  | 10 PagesIllegal immigration is a problem that affects the Southwest United States of America in many different ways that needs to be handled in a strict but reasonable manner. Ever since president Barrack Obama first went into office, immigration has been one of his top priorities. But over time, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats were able to come to a compromise on the issue. â€Å"The political debate over illegal immigration has been a roller coaster ride ever since it was brought up in 2007†(MarcovitzRead MoreChinese Exclusion Act and Immigration Problems in the United States1516 Words  | 7 Pagesact exiled Chinese laborers from arriving in the United States. This was the first time ever that a specific ethnicity was banned from immigrating to the U.S.A. Racism against the Chinese was strong, so the ban remained for ten years, but was eventually made â€Å"permanent†. However, China soon became a war ally in World War II, so the ban was repealed in 1943. There are many issues concerning immigration and racism that still plague the United States today. For example, many people are still prejudiceRead MoreNeighbor Relations:. An Immigration Problem Between The1215 Words  | 5 Pages Neighbor Relations: An Immigration Problem between the United States and Mexico Alberto Beltran Sociology 121 November 20, 2013 Outline I. Introduction II. Mass Immigration from Mexico: 1910 to1930 III. Bracero Program IIII. Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 V. Impact of Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 VI. Illegal Immigration problem VII. Conclusion I. Introduction The United States has always been considered a countryRead MoreEssay about The Issue of Illegal Immigrants from Mexico853 Words  | 4 Pagestoday is that of illegal immigrants from Mexico. Illegal immigration into the United States is a problem that should be stopped, as it is unfair to both Americans and to the people of the country from which they illegal immigrated. It is that the majority of illegal aliens residing in the United States are Mexicans. Roy Beck clarifies the situation by stating, The national consensus is that the United States should be a post-mass immigration country has included most leaders of business, religionRead MoreImmigration And The United States1464 Words  | 6 Pages Immigration has always been a complex issue in the United States. Previous and current administrations have had great difficulties in setting policies and programs in place to address this problem. During the course of American history, laws were enacted to address such issues. There were numerous legislative milestones in regards to immigration in the United States. In order to understand the current issues regarding immigration, we have to look back at the policies that were in placeRead MoreImmigration : The Ongoing Question1419 Words  | 6 PagesImmigration: The Ongoing Question It was estimated in 2014 that there were at least 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the United States. Illegal immigration has been in the headlines for the last ten years and will forever plague the United States of America. New immigration policy such as the â€Å"Priority Enforcement Program†was implemented in 2015, and programs like these are one of the main topics up for debate in the upcoming election. Over seventy-five percent of people deported back to
Its Norml free essay sample
Recent medical experiments have show that cannabis is another form of agony relief, focusing mostly on neuropathic pain. It has been proven that medicinal cannabis has cured or eased the patient’s symptoms of nausea, glaucoma, migraines and spastic movements like Tourette’s syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and seizures. A catastrophic reality is that thousands of patients are denied the use of medicinal cannabis due to marijuana prohibition. It has been shown that smoking marijuana can help those with Attention Deficit Disorder, also known as ADD and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, (ADHD) like symptoms. Patients who anguish from HIV, AIDs or chemotherapy for cancer find it much more pleasing to eat food after using marijuana, as it is a formidable appetite stimulant. Emerging studies show that medical cannabis can lead to sheltering the body of a few types of malignant tumors. Along with preventing a few types of malignant tumors, marijuana can slow other types down as well. We will write a custom essay sample on Its Norml or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Now, without medical concerns in mind, let us talk about what does not happen when people do decide to smoke marijuana. Different dosages can affect the awareness and psychomotor functions, which could impair one’s driving ability. Nonetheless, in driving experiments, cannabis shows nearly no car-handling impairment. Smoking increases tentativeness, therefore making it safe to drive a vehicle and operate machinery. Reports show that fatally injured drivers that have Tetrahydrocannabinol, better known as THC, detected in their blood also have high alcohol levels as well. Unlike marijuana, tobacco accounts for more than 400,000 deaths each year, and nearly 50,000 people die from alcohol poisoning each year. Marijuana is nonhazardous and there is no possible way to overdose on this drug. Other examples of smoking cannabis and still capable of doing everyday things, would be a student going to school or an adult going to work. Students and working adults could smoke marijuana and still be able to perform tasks at hand, such things like doing homework, class lessons, talking with clients or composing a major presentation for your company’s owners would become easier due to paying closer attention to details from the vigilance that using marijuana can give you. Say you are feeling particularly down one day, it has been proven that smoking cannabis can change your mood dramatically by making you laugh, giggle, and smile constantly, making your mood happy and carefree while keeping up with everyday tasks. Many people believe that marijuana is a â€Å"gateway drug†, the concept that although, cannabis might not be dangerous, it may and can lead to experimentation with â€Å"harder†drugs like heroin and cocaine. However, this is a myth that has not seemed to go away. Marijuana has not yet been proven to lead users to â€Å"harder†drugs. Other influences such as alcohol may lead it’s users to experiment with harder drugs because they are more than likely to not know what they are doing or may not even be fully aware of the situation. Smoking marijuana will keep you fully aware and vigilant. Under the influence of cannabis a person may be even more paranoid and knowledgeable to the consequences that come with trying these harder drugs. Marijuana is innocuous and cannot kill its users by accidental overdose.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Motivation Speech By Maryam and Latifa †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Motivation Speech By Maryam and Latifa. Answer: Section 1 I have recently attended a speech by Maryam, who is an entrepreneur. I am much motivated by Maryams ideas and her dedication towards her business. She has her degree in eyelash from London and wishes to start her own business that would be funded by Kuwait National Oil Tankers. I am impressed by the fact that she wishes to select employees for her business without any support and she is even ready to rely on them. To me, she is a true inspiration as she wishes to adjust her timings according to the employees. By attending the speech, I have learnt that if an individual has dedication then everything is achievable. Section 2 Latifa spoke out the second speech that I attended. I was surprised to know that even after the collapse of her business within two years she is not broken. I am immensely motivated by her speech in the classroom. I have learnt that if it is seen that a particular business is not showing good results, and the business is part time, in that case, one should consider selling off the business. I felt that there is no point dragging a part time business for more than year if it is running in loss, as Latifa said. On the other hand she also compared it with a full time business o which I felt that if a business is the primary source of income then much dedication should be paid to it. I have realized that full time business needs much patience, dedication and hard work to keep it going good.
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