Introduction M whatsoever tales have been spun from Marko Polo and his stories of his disembodied spirit-time adventures exploring the cold eastside. explanation blend in out neer truly have it a direction what was fact and what was fiction, the truth lies tot e precise(prenominal)y and died with Marko Polo himself. But, recital was as well altered by the yarns of Marko Polo as his maps and descriptions of the vitamin E influenced the likes of Christopher capital of Ohio in the quest to prove that the atomic number 18a was in fact round. Who was Marko Polo? He was the son innate(p)(p)(p) of a mercenary principal in the thirteenth century, further by and by that, it be enters harder to connect d deliver the truth of the rest. He has been c wholly(prenominal)ed an Italian#, a Venetian#, an exaggerator, the source journalist or at least fore any(prenominal) adventure snuff it spirit level teller, whitethornhap he started globalization by linking civiliz ations and sharing inventions, maybe he was pull down a Croatian, broad(a)ly in the end, he was unimp from each bingleably an adventurer and has been an ecstasy to generations centuries oer. In our present creative activity the adduce of Marko Polo tail end be frame unless near anywhere; on schools, hotels cosmea-wide, museums, travel developncies, streets, maps, restrains, and towns/ hamlets. His designation is so widely use that around of the worldly concerns commonwealth lie with of him in ane or the bran-new(prenominal) stylus. Marco definitely earned his reputation. He is perhaps the king-sizegest researchr of only times. Some arrange that it was Marko Polo who changed Europes write up. To shrink imp all overished mediaeval Europe, Marko tales of the out-of-the-way(prenominal) easternmost revealed incredible riches of cognition, inventions of whole new civilizations. His travels enliven some to go and explore the world. Some of thes e explorers include Christopher Columbus who! instead of finding an easier route to China stumbled and discovered America. Markos discoveries of new devour where knowledge and culture were part of free-and-easy lives dynamited Europes walls of ignorance and later on on godly the commodious cultural flowering forthwith known as a Renaissance. There is some line of work over which country cigaret plead Marko Polo as their own. Of course, it is kinda an respect to ready claim to one of the worlds most celebrated explorers. To Italians he is Italian, according to National geographical (worlds leading scientific magazine) he is Venetian# and in history word of honors doneout the world he is either Italian or Venetian. The pee Italy de nones the unity of all small metropolis-states in that neck of the woods and starting signal appeared in 1861 as a commonwealth of Italy#. Therefore, Marko Polo, who was innate(p) in 1254, couldnt possibly be Italian since it did non even exist when he lived or when he died , over 700 stratums ago. His second citizenship of Venetia faecest be advanced either since he wasnt born there. check to some Italian historians Marko was hence born on Korcula. Their mind was ground on the fact that Markos start Nikola wasnt returning(a) to Venice between 1250-1269. Since we all agree on the year 1254 that Marko was born he couldnt possibly been c at onceived or born in Venice#. He later became Venetian citizen, barely he was genuinely born in a small costal v laid low(predicate)age named Markovo close together(p) the urban center of Korcula (where he later go), on the island of Korcula in Dalmatia#. Dalmatia is a province of Croatia. So why all this confusion for such important figure? And why washbowlt Marko be what he actually was? Is it that common European greediness where smaller nations have to give up all they are proud of to their sorryger and stronger friendly neighbour? The city of Korcula is at present known as one of the m ost cute and trounce preserved towns from the snap! per Ages in the Mediterranean region#. The island of the alike(p) name is one in the long concatenation of pearls forming coarse archipelago that runs on the eastern coast of the Adriatic sea. Throughout my learning in Split, Croatia, I knew only of Marko Polo as the with child(p)est carriage bob traveller of all times. It was when I left Split, in 1991, and washed-out five historic period cycling somewhat the world on my bicycle promoting Peace in Croatia that I presently found out that my travel inspiration and countryman, Marko Polo, was claimed by others and no long-acting my own countryman. Henry S. Hart is one of those who assay to come up with Markos true mount. In his book Venetian Adventurer: Marco Polo he care to the fully describes Marcos family origins#. According to his book, Polo arrived from Sibenik, Dalmatia . Later, the family moved to Korcula which became Marcos birth town. In the 13th century, Korcula was the Dalmatian touch for ship bui lding and trading. In place to have relegate access to wealthy city-states on the other side of Adriatic ( master(prenominal)ly Venice) Korculas merchants used two names; Latin as citizens of Venice and their own Croatian name while among their countrymen In most of Croatian history books Markos full name is Polo-Pilić Marko#. Markos pelage of arms is make of quatern chickens. In to twenty-four hour periods Italian polo marrow chicken and in Croatian pilic means chicken. Markos coat of arms is registered in Korcula. some other(prenominal) proff of Markos birth place is in Encyclopedia Britannica which states that Marko was born on Korcula, Venetian Dalmatia#. Markos father and uncle had established a lucky trading outpost on their island of Korcula. At that time, Venice was one of the strongest centers of vocation in the Mediterranean. However, Marko spent first seven geezerhood of his life with his mother and other relatives at his home in Korcula. His post in Korcula, the one he was born in, is sedate stand! and is in very good condition. Another tec on Marko Polo, Sir Henry Yule, goes even further in describing Marcos background in his book Ser Marco Polo#. To further straighten the line of products of his Croatian connection Sir Henry noted that Marko;s daughters each wed men by last names Bragadin and Doliln, which are typical Croatian last names and not Italian. Marcos genealogy similarly listed a brother married to a Sagredo-this Sagredo is registered in Dalmatian nobility. The Croatian Census of Population for 1948 lists Depolo (De-of Polo) on the Island of Koruna with 40 individuals in 15 families and the city of Drnis, Dalmatia approximately 20 km from Sibenik (the origins of Polo) has over 25 families with much than 130 individuals named Pilic.# jam A. Gilman from the British Museum has presented a 14th century document to the Marko Polo totality of Korcula linking Marko Polo with Dalmatia.# Another proof of Polo approach shot from Korcula is from the Encyclopedi a Treccani which states that famed sculptor Corinth Polo lived in Korcula in the 5th century B.C.# At that time Korcula was the important Illyrian stronghold in the Adriatic. Polos original documents show their Venetian citizenship starting line in 1295 which indicates their immigration from another place, possibly Korcula#. In Andjelko Nedos Etnic origin of the explorers Pols (alias POLO-s) reason shut downs: Giovanni Orlandini, the Venetian authority on our instance writes in 1926. that the genealogy of the Polos is not chiara (clear). He asserts that their genealogy is attributable in Venice as from the centre of the XIIIth century. He believes that the Polos had been gradually coming from the Near East ports and settling, by and by the year 1261. in Venice in the consequence of the Near East Latin Empire#. In another article from Britannica the author stated about Markos birth place vigor is known of his early years in Venice, although it seems fairly sure that he learned poor or no Latin#. Which could be expla! ined by his procreation in Dalmatia. When Marko Polo travelled to the Far East, 750 years ago, Europeans didnt know anything about the vast land of the Far East. They knew about India from their traders-sailors but anything beyond India was a mystery. Westerners had some ideas of India since the glory days of horse parsley the gigantic#. They may have later heard stories from reciprocal ohm European seamen who traveled through and through the eastern parts of Mediterranean and the Black Sea and would have heard rumors about the resplendent land out-of-the-way(prenominal)- out-of-door on the east. But it wasnt until 1300s that individual had enough courage to endure a visit to China. Marko was full of joy once he learned that he was passing game with his father and uncle. So in the early summer of 1271 Marko, at the age of seventeen, started his voyage from the port of Venice. Little did he know that he would not return for over twenty dollar banknote four years. S ailing on the eastern side of the Adriatic Sea, which was the commonplace way for Venetian galleys to travel, Marko passed by his indispensable Korcula to greet relatives and friends#. inappropriate to all previously heard rumors they didnt come crosswise any sea monsters or Muslim pirates during their travel crosswise Mediterranean. Their first major stop was Acra, a Palestinian headquarter, where they obtained straightlaced diplomatic credentials and garners for the Mongol emperor. From that point on they were alike accompanied by two missionaries. The two Catholique monks/missionaries soon died and Polos had to disoblige their mission alone.(Lantham, 1958, p.14) #. Marko Polos uncle and father had promised to return to China with Christian priest at the request of the Mongol Emperor. The next prodigious stop was capital of Iraq, although some historians claim that to be Hormuz. These historians carry on their theses scarcely by observing how Marko describe d the Mediterranean downcast modify from that citys! river. It is commonly known that river Tigris that flows through Baghdad has the color of mud#. From the heat of Baghdad they proceed through the long portion of stretches of salt desert where their lives depended greatly on few and far between oases. Water was used very strictly and in some cases they carried enough of lifes fuel for a whole week. Slowly they were come the great business deal range that lied at the heart of Asia and which made air fresher and travel easier. Marko enjoyed watching big mountain sheep and to this day, those sheep are named Polos sheep in his honor.# adjoining big contend was the Gobi desert. It is well known for its poor and disused oasis and forgetful or no vegetation for animals or birds. Up to this point, most of the tidy sum they met had were followers of Mohammed. Few were Christians and the ternary class were those who holiness idols.# He couldnt understand these new religions but he enjoyed their ceremonies and festivals. A fter the city of Kerman, where Marko became quite ill and had to stay for some a year# to recover, they continued their travels along the famous Silk roadway.

on with providing a trade route with China, the Silk Road was also the way which both Buddhism and Nestorian Christianity were using to overspread their religions. Marko did an excellent meditate of recording many new things along the road he traveled. He was particularly talented at gathering information and noting particularities of local animals, food, spices, customs, art, and plants. He was also great geographer; it was Marko Polo who was the first travell er to trace a route across the whole longitude of Asi! a.#. Their main transportation consisted of ox, horses, wagons and camels.# After 40 days of traveling over the Himalayas they finally reached the city of Kashgar, the most western city of mainland China (China).# They were empowered with this triumph and a pit of months later they encountered even bigger surprise-the Great Wall of China.# give-and-take that Polos were coming had reached the Great caravanserai at his summer castling of Shang-Tu. The Great Khan sent his representatives on a forty days jaunt to find the Polos and bring them to him. The Polos presented him with the Holy inunct from Jerusalem and the letter from the Pope Gregory X. Kubilai was impressed by Markos intelligence and oddly his fluency of Mongol language. Marko soon became one of his governors and served him for the next twenty years. It was the year of 1292 when Kibilai asked Polos to escort princess Kokachin to far forwarfared Iran. They were given 14 ships and enough supplies for two yea rs and also letters for the Pope. They arrived to Venice in 1295, the year Great Khan Kubilai passed away in far away Cathay. Three years after Marko returned to Venice, he commanded a galley in a war against the rival city of Genoa. That involution was one of the biggest in the middle Ages. It took place near Markos native Korcula. The Venetians had sent 96 galleys and three big ships against 85 galleys from the Genoese. Contrary to all expectations Venetian vessels were either captured or destroyed including the Polos. Marko was then captured and taken to a Genoa prison where he spent a year. It was during his imprisonment, that he met Rustichello, the generator from Pisa to whom Marko started to dictate his memories of the marvellous travels to China. His book known as Il Milione became one of the most popular books in medieval Europe. His book also had horrifying impact on contemporary Europe. If the battle before his native Korcula hadnt taken place his Il Milion e might never have been written! If there is anythin! g to conclude after reviewing the books on Marko Polo, it is that there are many who lay claim to having the honor of calling this most famous of famous travelers, their own. It in truth isnt all that important where he was born scarce or where he identified himself as coming from, but in the wealth of his travels and what voluminosity he brought to the west by his travels. Perhaps it is sufficient to throw shadows of dubiety as to whether or not Marko Polo can be claimed by Venice or mod day Italy as their own. Many people are born in countries where they do not shade a profound connection as they grew up in another stead or emigrated and settled somewhere else. Marko Polo was indeed born on the island of Korcula, in the Croatian state of Dalmatia. That makes him a Croatian and it is put down that his family root came from Croatia. However, after their travels Markos father and uncle settled in Venice#. Therefore they are practically misidentified as the Venetian o r Italian Polos. The role of city-state of Venice for the Polos should not be disputed. solely historians agree that Korcula was part of the Serenissima giving medication for centuries which ultimately helped Korcula to prosper and grow. It can be argued by Dalmatian Croats that Marko Polo is one of their own but above all he is the property and inheritance of the entire world. His wonderful stories described our world population with all richness having different races and cultures. Furthermore Marko move to teach us about the importance of getting in contact with as many other people as possible in order to develop true relationships with them and not against them. And that is exactly what Korculas Marko Polo-Pilić was doing throughout his travels. His name therefore represents probably the strongest bridge for cultural supersede between East and West. His name has potential to increase the intellect and friendship between East and West. His stories, fiction or n ot have captured readers through the centuries. for! thwith there are more than 80 manuscript copies in various versions and many languages around the globe#. It is unclear until this day where Marko spent his childhood. It seemed that his father Nikola proverb him first time in Venice in 1269. Markos cradle is unknown so we can all argues about it. His roots are very apparent from Croatia#. He was one of the first European diplomats in China. imputable to his historical accomplishments Marko Polo-Pilić was the world-citizen of the Croatian railway line#. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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