Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Literary Analysis: The Omnivore’s Dilemma Essay
In Michael Pollans, The Omnivores Dilemma alwaysything we corrode is somehow derived from edible maize. Dating back to the day of the Mayans when they were sometimes referred to as the lemon people (Pollan 19). Pollan takes us back to the beginning of the industrial diet chain. In The Omnivores Dilemma historical context, ideology, and displace do not do the endorser justice in opening their eyes to the harsh reality that without the corn whisky industry eating as we know it today would cease to exist.The office of historical context in The Omnivores Dilemma insufficiently details the effective melody of corn. Per Pollans writing he explains that Squanto taught the Pilgrims to plant maize in 1621.. (Pollan 25), entirely the existence of corn dates way back much still than 1621. In a 1948 excavation of Bat Cave, New Mexico by consequently student of anthropology at Harvard University, Herbert W. Dick found small cobs of corn at the bottom of Bat Caves floor which were e stimated to contain maize that had their beginning no later than 2000 B. C. (Mangelsdorf 148).Many different types of test have been used to encounter how old the corn plant is, but only with solid manifest provided by archeologists has there been any real way to argue the real evolution of corn. It is more than evident having conducted my own research about the origin and historical context of corn that Pollan incorruptly touched on the heart-to-heart matter of, where corn came from. In this day and age with many households having both the husband and wife, or single p arent households, or just because of mere laziness, society as a whole doesnt put as much thought into what we consume as they use to.For the most composition what we consume is what is most convenient at the time we are hungry, but little do most of us know what it really is that we are eating.. corn. As Pollan so bluntly states, . At the end of the food chain (which is to say at the beginning), I invariably f ound myself in almost exactly the same place a farm line in the American corn belt (Pollan 18) Practically everything we eat has corn in it or has been fed corn, and has been chemically altered before it reaches us. Everything from yogurt, cowardly mcnuggets, and fifty-fifty beef contain corn of some form.Per whiz article, Pollan wants us to know what it is were eating, where it came from, and how it got to our table (The Wall Street Journal), only that even after having read The Omnivores Dilemma I still had questions, questions Pollan failed to address in his throw. The only remotely interesting part of Pollans book is the setting various corn farms. Though interesting it still insufficiently turn to many facts. In my opinion it would have been appropriate to add that in the U. S. alone there are over 400,000 corn farms and that the U. S. s the largest corn producer in the world, producing 32 percent of the worlds corn in the year 2010 ( www. ncga. com www. epa. gov).Accordi ng to the National Corn Growers Association a good 80 percent of corn grown is eaten by both domestic and overseas livestock, poultry, and even fish. Also according to the NCGA Americans eat 25 pounds of corn a year. (www. ncga. com). Pollan details how corn travels About a one-fifth of the corn river flowing out from the elevators at the Iowa Farmers reconciling travels to a milling plant (Pollan 86), but epically fails of informing us of the big picture.In conclusion, I found that by simply doing a little research on my own in the library or by searching online, not only could I find a wide range of actually interesting information on the ever so popular corn industry, but I wouldnt sink asleep doing so as I did on more than one occasion trying to read The Omnivores Dilemma. The Omnivores Dilemma is not a book I personally would ever read again. Nor would I recommend it.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Language: The Fatal Weapon in Othello Essay
quarrel is specially tricky because of all the possibilities it can manage. Be quiet versus Shut up is one sample of the power that spoken row holds. Rumors are a nonher example of how powerful language can be when it passes by dint of a indis entrustable set of ear lobes some people are shattered by the rumors floating around about them. Othello is a play that takes the intricacies of languagethe fashion something is said versus what is actually being saidto show the dire consequences put into effect when someone hears something a certain way.The following three passages volition examine how language hides and reveals something about Othello, Iago and Desdemona, and how it is ultimately the downfall of the characters. Jealous Iago uses language like a cunning fox, hiding behind his rowing to learn to his prey. Othello in turn is easily deceived, himself jealous and paranoid because of the viral words strategically planted throughout. In the third scene of the third act, I agos use of language makes him actually visible to the audienceby this backsheesh the audience is well alert that Iago is jealous of Othello, but eager however to hide this fact from Othello.But it is this scene that most reveals Iago to the world, when Iago may non be at all visible to himself. Saying of jealousy, It is the green-eyed goliath which doth mock/The meat it feeds on (166-167). Iago may be jealous of Othello by this point in the play, but he seems either unaware of it or in denial of it. To speak of jealousy in this way instantly to Othellothe object of his envyis to suggest that Iago may not be richly conscious of his own jealousy.Perhaps if Iago were to realize what he was saying, he superpower have changed course and decided against pointing a finger at Cassio. further clearly he goes on, That cuckold lives in bliss/Who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger (166-168). Iago could very well be describing himself here, ignorant of his own jealousy towar d Othello, whom he obviously does not truly love. He is hiding not plainly from Othello but from himself as well, but psychologically he is rather unmixed to the audience, for which Othello will unknowingly kill.Desdemonas language reveals her purity even when go about with accusations, even when she is unsure of what exactly she is being accused. When Othello tells her she must(prenominal) die by his hand, when her sins are her love for him, and before he tells her why he must kill her, she says, These are portents but yet I hope, I hope,/They do not point on me (45-46). She knows he is accusing her of something, but in her saturated love for Othello she dares to hope that he is not charging her.Here she is hiding from herself, knowing full well that, Some bloody passion shakes your very frame (44) means that Othello is indeed pointing on her for some crime. Desdemonas purity, revealed through her speech, further enrages Othello, for in his jealousy he sees her shock and fear as further proof that he must kill her for dishonoring him and their marriage. The audience, however, is fully aware of Desdemonas purity and honesty honesty in the marital sensory faculty to Othello, even if she is not honest with herself at this crucial time.This self-deception reveals how pure her love is by showing how she does become self-righteous or ardent to anger and resentment. In the face of an unjustified accusation and obvious mistrust, Desdemona stands her background in her love, taking her punishment though protesting it, That deaths unnatural that kills for loving (42). Yet she dies for loving. Othello shows through his speech how utterly ignorant and device he has been throughout the play, O vain boast /Who can concord his fate? tis not so now (264-265).Here he is resigned to his fate, to dropping to his weaknesses despite his obvious strengths, Here is my journeys end (267). For cleanup Desdemona he feels incredible guilt, and does not wish to go on. This re veals Othellos regret, and in turn reveals his acknowledgement of wrongdoing and sorrow at his actions. Othello could very well have stuck to Iagos story without implicating himself, but through his jealousy he was able to see that Emilia was telling the truth, and for that he is truly sorry.Language is the fatal weapon in Othello. Jealous Iago uses it to verbally plant seeds of interrogation and jealousy into Othellos mind. Desdemona in turn can say zilch to save herself from Othellos jealous rage. Othello himself ultimately realizes he was duped by it into sidesplitting the woman he loved and who loved him in return. The subtle complexities of language can turn a normally level headed person into a foaming, jealous beast who mistrusts his gut, and Othello was no exception.
Monday, January 28, 2019
High Altitude Living Low Altitude Training Essay
Altitude prep describes homework practice by athletes grooming in type O deprived grooms for some(prenominal) weeks to increase their performance resolution. Often, there are elevations training camps strategically knowing for this objective (Geiser, Vogt, Billeter, Zuleger, Belforti & Hoppeler, 2001). Altitude training further entails simulated or natural aggrandisement conditions in the training course often as a precursor to a major competition event. The conditions are maintained while the training athlete is in the training process, during exercises and while at rest. Despite this, tallness training strategy exposes the athlete to hypoxia, small(a) oxygen pressure, thereby resulting to hypoxemia, tissue oxygenation and petty(a)er rakehell.The history of living(a) advanced raising and training low natural elevation traces to 2400m altitude Mexicos 1968 Olympic Games. During the event, constant athletes such as in the 10,000 and 3,000 m marathons could not s et overbold records and their performance declined whiles the sprinter athletes succeeded (Rusko, Leppvuori, Mkel, & Leppluoto, 2010). Altitude hypoxia condition explained this. It was known to deplete human beings aerobic performance.Consequently, coaches, athletes and sports consultants adopted altitude training camps to acclimatize competition. Implementing altitude training was observed also to altitudes. Experts argued that, in survival performance, the volume of total red blood cells was paramount. This was confirmed by data-based tests involving manipulation of human blood (Stray-Gundersen, Chapman, & Levine, 2012). Therefore, the eminenter the volume of an athletes red blood cells, the faster the performance of an athlete in all likelihood is during the triathlon. However, it is commonly observed that altitude training has improved the performance and endurance of ternary athletes but still others do not. So, how comes altitude training does not induce the consis tency in positive results?Scientific empirical evidences allude astronomical variant individual adaptive responses to this training concept. In addition, altitude tolerance exposure determinants are also poorly understood (Tiollier, Schmitt, Burnat, Fouillot, Robach, Filaire, et al., 2005). Moreover, hypoxia condition training at a practical level as the training intensity management is a principal problem. Under such conditions, supreme exercise capacity of an athlete reduces drastically. High living and low training concept arose to improve on the defects of altitude training. It involves sleeping or living at high altitude thereby stimulating increase in volume of red blood cells while training at sea level to conserve an athletes training intensity. This helps to overcome multiple training related problems while posting consistent adaptations.Besides, living high and training low at low altitude triggered renal endocrine gland erythropoietin (EPO) secretion (Wilber, 2013). In turn, the hormone stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells provided there is sufficient altitude dose. Therefore, the high altitude living low altitude training rationale in sporting events was founded on a crew of altitude and rigorous practice to boost the volume of red blood cells. In so doing, there was a boost in an athletes endurance performance. Based on this finding, several hypoxic facilities across the ecumenical have been established by various sports federations over the old age.In addition, many amateur, elite and professional athletes across the world training in low altitudes prior to major events have been observed to set new fetes (Wilber, 2013). This confirms the high altitude living and low altitude training hypothesis. Despite this, numerous accurately controlled scientific researches do not exhibit systematic forceful results of the hypothesis on athletes endurance performance.Despite the anecdotes, altitude training results over the years produced majo rity positive performance results among athletes. forceful endurance results by elite athletes who posted world-class records over the years present a strong case to adapt classical altitude training.ReferencesGeiser, J., Vogt, M., Billeter, R., Zuleger, C., Belforti, F., & Hoppeler, H. (2001). information High nutrition Low Changes of Aerobic performance and Muscle Structure with Training at Simulated Altitude. International diary of Sports Medicine, 22(8), 579-585.Rusko, H. K., Leppvuori, A., Mkel, P., & Leppluoto, J. (2010). Living High, Training Low A sassy Approach To Altitude Training At Sea direct In Athletes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 27(Supplement), S6.Stray-Gundersen, J., Chapman, R. F., & Levine, B. D. (2012). Living High Training Low Altitude Training mends Sea Level Performance In Male And Female Elite Runners. Scandinavian daybook of Medicine and Science in Sports, 12(1), 60-61.Tiollier, E., Schmitt, L., Burnat, P., Fouillot, J., Robach, P., Filaire, E., et al. (2005). Living hightraining low altitude training effects on mucosal immunity. European diary of Applied Physiology, 94(3), 298-304.Wilber, R. L. (2013). Pro Live High+Train Low Does Improve Sea Level Performance Beyond that Achieved with the Equivalent Living and Training at Sea Level. High Altitude Medicine & Biology, 14(4), 325-327. citation document
Lifelong Learning Essay
It is important for educators to ensure superfluous t from each oneing and how the diagnosis of developingal disabilities, early hindrance, educational activityal programs, services for young examineers, transitional programs, strengths and weaknesses in assessments and interventions affects their students and classroom environment, while also being qualified to offer suggestions for student advance and expected performance. People learn for a lifetime so special(a) education fates to start as early as possible for both kidren that strike it and continue on through with(predicate) their in high spirits tame years. The accomplishment process is non equit suitable about academic learning for special education students, plainly is also about learning social, emotional, and self-c ar skills. in that respect is much to learn and it all begins with diagnosis. Diagnosis of Developmental DisabilitiesDevelopmental supervise occurs from the time a baby bird is born thr ough well- electric razor visits with a health professional. There argon five aras of development that good deal be touch and these ar what health professional argon monitoring cognitive development, forcible development (including vision and hearing), communication development, social or emotional development, and ad fittingive development (Overview of proto(prenominal) interposition, 2012). If any problems are noticed during monitoring, then the claw is further assessed through developmental screening. Screening allows health professionals to monitor a squirts progress more closely and determine how their development relates to the general population of children at the same developmental stages. The hope with all well-child visits to prove a child is in perfect physical, mental, and emotional health and if they are not, then the process protagonists parents and health professional to intervene early. Early InterventionEarly intervention is a system of services that at hletic supporters babies and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities (Overview of Early Intervention, 2012), which has been proven to signifi bathtly improve a childs fall outs of success in all developmental areas. For children with developmental delay of disabilities, early intervention give notice help them develop their physical, cognitive, communication, social, and self-care skills extensively. There are many services that can help develop these skills, such as speech therapies, assistive devices, physical therapies, and many more. Once children reach check age, they may then be placed in special education programs within their selected school system where they will continue the learning process. educational ProgramsOnce children enter the educational system, IDEA carrys schools to provide the necessary tools and keep going mental faculty to construe that each student can achieve a free education. This may withdraw something as simple as an assistive devic e, such as an iPad or computer to use to communicate, or could require more direct assistance, such as an incite to provide one-on-one assistance. Parents, teachers, and other support staff race together to create an IEP for each student. The IEP lays out the plan for each individual student and also includes what that students areas of developmental delay or disability are so schools can befittingly assist the student. Then once the IEP is established, it can then be unflinching what educational program that the student should be conglomerate in. There are a few different educational programs 1) strictly special education, which does not include any general education classes, 2) semi-special education, which includes a combination of general and special education classes, and 3) all general education classes, which is think for those students that require special education, but do not necessarily need to be a part of a special education classroom.Strictly special education situations would be for students that are not capable of actively combat-ready in a general classroom setting. Semi-special education programs are for students that are able to actively participate in a general education classroom, but may only need extra help in certain areas. One example could be in Math and Science, where a student significantly struggles, but they achieve well in other areas such as Related Arts classes. Some students only need a little help and do well in a general education classroom, but still need to be involved in the special education program in certain facets in order to follow an IEP to ensure their inevitably are being met and that they are achieving well in school. Services for Young Exceptional LearnersAnother grouping of children, often included in the special education program, are those that are gifted, or considered exceptional learners. Although gifted children are often very intelligent, they can struggle with other areas that can affect their education and social development. These students should be offered services to help them reach their true potential. Quite often, gifted students just need focus, which can be achieved through services that help them learn how to develop their skills, interests, and brainual capacities. (Beckley, 1998) Nurturing students with positive reinforcements, while provided adequate challenge in their stronger areas, can help ensure their ultimate success. It is important to not just throw gifted students into special education because their skills are not seen, but rather to work at understanding the student so that their intellect can blossom and their weaknesses improved or managed. alterational ProgramsChildren continue through the education program until they complete high school. This can be up through age 22 for some students. At age 16, or before then for some students, IDEA mandates that students begin an Individualized Transition Plan (ITP) as part of their IEP. Transition services are intended to prepare students to move from the world of school to the world of adulthood (Transition to Adulthood, 2010). save like the IEP, transition service for students must be coordinated amidst parents, teachers, support staff, and at this age also includes the student. Transition is intended to help students not only achieve academic goals, but also to aid in developing a students self-care and independent liveliness skills. In addition, it also aids in determining their interests so that they can interact in their community, begin college or other post high school education, or obtain employment. If transition is successful, then students should be able to adequately adapt to their new circumstances and environment after end high school. AssessmentsAssessments and interventions can be extremely beneficial to the well-being of a child with developmental delays or disabilities. Assessments by parents, health care professionals, and educators help to identify potential delays or disabilities early so that the child can receive services to help them manage or overcome them. Intervention programs provide the resources necessary for children to receive the services they are entitled to. Unfortunately, assessments and intervention are only as good as the support round the student. Parents must take their child to well-child checks for health professional to be able to identify an issue. Once an issue is determined, intervention can begin and involves parents, educators, healthcare professionals, and other support personnel. It is important for all parties in the support staff to work together and keep in communication about the needs of the child. The support system surrounding a special needs child can be their strongest resource or their weakness. It is up to parents to ensure that their child is getting the best treatments and services available to meet their needs and ensure their childs success. Improvement SuggestionsImprovements in assessment and intervention begins with parents. Parents need to be thoroughly educated on the needs of their child. Knowledge is function and the more the parents have, then the more they will be equipped to work with the childs other support personnel. Doctors and teachers needs to help parents understand the needs of their child and how all the various programs and processes can help their child succeed. Improvement stems primarily around a sticking unit of educated or well informed support group surrounding the child. pass judgment OutcomesAs parents, students, educators, and health professionals come together to form a cohesive support group, involving great communication, then the child can benefit by overcoming or improving their delay or disability. As more is wise(p) about developmental disabilities, the brighter the future looks for all those that are challenged by such disabilities. Early intervention and appropriate support gives special needs children the chance t o reachtheir dreams.ReferencesBeckley, D. (1998). Gifted and Learning Disabled Twice Exceptional Students. Retrieved from Neag meat for Gifted Education and Talent Development http// Overview of Early Intervention. (2012, December). Retrieved from guinea pig Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities http// Transition to Adulthood. (2010, September). Retrieved from National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities http//
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Toothpaste and Colgate
INDEX S. No. CONTENTS PageNo. 1 political party PROFILE 4 2 INTRODUCTION 5-7 3 COMPANY level 9-12 4 trade MIX 11-16 5 BCG MATRIX 14-18 6 rise psychoanalysis 7 STP ANALYSIS 8 BALACESHEET 9 RECOMMANDATIONS 9 CONCLUSION 10 COMPANY PROFILE conjunction name Colgate Palmolive Ltd. insure of Establishment 1937 R tied(p)ue 347. 188 (USD in Millions) market Cap 111160. 5286158 (Rs.In gazillions) Corporate overlay Colgate Research Centre, Main Street Hiranandani Gardens Powai ,Mumbai-400076, Maharashtra WWW. colgate. co. in Management Details chairman person J Skala MD R D CalmeyerDirectors Derrick Samuel, J K Setna,Skala, K V Vaidyaanathan, M Elias,PK Ghosh, R A Shah, V S Mehta Business Operation Household &Personal Products Background Colgate-palmolive is Rs 1. ccc crore lodge started in year 1937. In Rs 2,400 crore domestic market it enjoys 50% of markets sh ar.It spread across 4. 5 million retails outlets out of which 1. 5 million atomic number 18 direct ou tlets. Financials Total Income Rs 20606. 60 Million (year Ending baby 2010) interlock Profit Rs 4232. 60 Million (year Ending Mar 2010) Company Secretary K V VaidyanathanINTRODUCTION * Colgate Palmolive Company is an American diversified transnational corporation foc utilise on the production, dispersal and provision of household, health billing and own(prenominal) products, such as soaps, detergents, and oral hygiene products (including toothpaste and toothbrushes). * Under its Hills commemorate, it is overly a manufacturer of veterinary products. The companys corporate offices be on Park Avenue in New York City, across from the Waldrof Astoria. * In India, it operates under(a) the name as Colgate-Palmolive (India) limited and its head office is at Mumbai. Colgate Palmolive is a $10. 6 billion global company serving peck in more than 200 countries and territories with consumer products that make lives healthier and more enjoy adequate. COLGATE PALMOLIVE INDIA * Head quarter in Mumbai. * yearly Turnover around 1100 crs. * Market leaders in oral palm. * Colgate systematic in exclusivelyy won India no 1 brand of the year award from persist three years. * Colgate ranked among best employer in India. * Customer base of more than 8 lacs retailers. * Serviced by company field force, more than 1800 stockiest & topnotch stockiest & their field force. Colgate is the brand that people trust, for complete oral care protection for themselves and ones they lov COMPANY HISTORY * 1806 William Colgate starts a starch, soap and candle business on Dutch Street in New York City. * 1817 First Colgate advertise appears in a New York newspaper. * 1820 Colgate establishes a starch factory in Jersey City, New Jersey. * 1857 Upon the death of founder William Colgate, the company is reorganized as Colgate & Company under the management of Samuel Colgate, his son. * 1873 Colgate introduces toothpaste in jars. * 1879 Gerhard Mennen establishes a chem ists in Newark, NJ, later ecoming the Mennen Company. * 1896 Colgate introduces toothpaste in a collapsible tube. * 1902 Stylish Colgate advertising begins, emphasizing ingredient purity and product benefits. * 1906 Colgate & Company celebrates its hundredth anniversary. Product line includes over 800 several(predicate) products. * 1911 Colgate distributes two million tubes of toothpaste and toothbrushes to schools, and provides hygienists to salute tooth brushing. * 1914 Colgate establishes its inaugural international subsidiary in Canada. * 1930 On March 13, Colgate is first listed on the New York Stock Exchange. 1939 Dr. Mark L. Morris develops a pet pabulum to help save a guide dog named Buddy from kidney disease. This uncovering leads to the first Hills Prescription Diet product. * 1956 Colgate opens corporate headquarters at ccc Park Avenue in New York City. * 1968 Colgate toothpaste adds MFP Fluoride, clinically proven to impose cavities. * 1972 Colgate acqu ires Hoyt Laboratories, which later becomes Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals. * 1985 Colgate-Palmolive enters into a joint venture with Hong Kong-based Hawley Hazel, a leadership oral care company, which adds strength in key Asian markets. 1989 one-year Company sales surpass the $5 billion mark. * 1995 Colgate enters Central europium and Russia, expanding into fast-growing markets. * 1997 Colgate Total toothpaste is introduced in the U. S. and quickly becomes the market leader. Only Colgate Total, with its 12-hour protection, fights a complete range of oral health problems. * 2004 Colgate acquires the GABA oral care business in Europe, with its strength in the important European pharmaceutics channel and its ties with the dental community. * Today Today, with sales surpassing $15 billion, Colgate focuses on four core businesses Oral Care, Personal Care, Home Care and favorite Nutrition. Colgate now sells its products in over 200 countries and territories worldwide. MARKETING MIX MARKETING MIX CUSTOMER WANTS AND NEEDS PRODUCT COST TO SATISFY progression PLACE PRICE CONVIENCE TO BUY COMMUNICATION 1. Product - * The product, the Precision toothbrush, is a product that should add value to a buyers livelihood. * It should also add utility, and meet the wants and needs of tar retrieveed consumers. The product should be unique and different from all corresponding products that are already available on the market. * The dodge is to differentiate the products design and packaging, which in return go out cause the toothbrush to stand out. VARIOUS TYPES OF COLGATE 2. Price- * The expense of a product says something some the quality. * Even though the quality of the Precision toothbrush will be significantly higher than other leading toothbrushes, the price of the toothbrush will be determined by the prices of the other toothbrushes already in the market. This pricing strategy is a result of positioning the toothbrush as a mainstream product rather than a ni che product. COLGATE 20gms 40gms 50gms 75gms 80gms 100gms 150gms 200gms 300gms dental consonant cream 5rs &8212- 14rs &8212- &8212- 30rs 45rs 56rs 86rs Max fresh &8212 &8212 15rs &8212 32rs 35rs 55rs &8212- &8212 Total &8212- &8212- &8212 35rs &8212 &8212 65rs &8212 &8212 Sensitive &8212 &8212 35rs &8212 &8212 60rs &8212 &8212 &8212 Kids &8212 26rs &8212 &8212 &8212 &8212 &8212 &8212 Advance whitening &8212 &8212 &8212 27rs &8212 &8212 53rs &8212 &8212 Active salt &8212- &8212 14rs &8212- &8212- 30rs &8212- 54rs &8212- Cibaca &8212 &8212 &8212 &8212 &8212 18rs &8212 28rs &8212 Herbal &8212 &8212 14rs &8212 &8212 30rs &8212 55rs &8212 Fresh energy gel &8212 &8212- &8212- &8212 &8212 &8212 55rs 60rs &8212 3. push by dint of- * Place represents the location where a product can be purchased. * The close to important part of marketing is how a product will get from the seller to the buyer. * Many products go through a channel of distribution, which involves manufacturers, wholesale rs, retailers, and consumers. The distribution strategy proposed for the Precision toothbrush is through dentists, plastic surgeons, drug stores, food product stores, large retail stores, and department stores. * The product is available in the all India market, including semi-urban & rural markets which are their primary focus. 4. Promotion - * Product promotion is communication spread through advertising, Publicity and sales promotion. * Promotion represents all of the communication that marketers use in the market. * We suggest that Colgate-Palmolive advertise their products by victimization commercial, magazine ads, the radio, ads that are to be placed in dentist ffices, billboards, and the sides of buses. * publicizing is done to continue new products, remind consumers of existing products, and also promote the image of the company at hand. We also suggested that Colgate offer special coupons and rebates through their other products, and also food products. * Also, Colga te could benefit from the usage of in-store displays. * Most of the promotional activities would be T. V. media. * T. V. , FM radio for urban commonwealth. * Promotion towards rural population also. BCG MATRIX * The BCG matrix or also called BCG baby-sit relates to marketing.The BCG model is a well- known portfolio management tool used in product life cycle theory. * BCG matrix is often used to prioritize which products within company product mix get more memory boarding and attention. * The BCG matrix model is a portfolio planning model developed by Bruce Henderson of the BOSTON CONSULTING radical in the early 1970s. * The BCG model is based on classification of products (and implicitly also company business units) into four categories based on confederacy of market growth and market share relative to the largest competitor. SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT is an acronym for the intra grouping strength and weakness of a firm and the environmental opportunities and threats facing the firm. * SWOT analysis is a widely used technique through which managers create a quick overview of a companys strategic situation. * The technique is based on the assumptions that an effective strategy derives from a sound fit between a firms internal resources (strengths and weakness) and its external situation (opportunities and threats). INTERNAL FACTORS- (1) STRENGTH- * Colgate dental cream offers comprehensive cavity protection, even where a toothbrush cannot reach. Its great mint sample freshens breath. * It protects against root caries. * It cleans makes teeth whiter and repairs early break up spots. * Extremely popular brand and high brand awareness due to advertising. (2) WEAKNESS- * High dependency of the company on a single category i. e. , oral care. * drop-off in advertisement expenditure in order to maintain growth. outside FACTORS (3) OPPORTUNITIES- * Leverage on fact that Colgate has been ranked as the near rely brand in India. * Focus on innovations and new prod uct launches by deploying advanced technologies. Growth in emerging markets rural and semi- urban. (4) THREATS- * High contestation from competitive brands want Pepsodent from HUL. * Increasing commodity prices for manufacturing. STP ANALYSIS (1) class - * Colgates market segmentation is very broad because all their products are of need to most people so those people share a similar interest in product needs. * Colgate uses a segmentation bases by knowing that certain groups of people need Colgate toothpaste for a specific similar reason like yellow teeth, sensitive teeth or skillful teeth with cavities. Colgate also uses the family life cycle because they make toothpaste that could be used for grownups and children. * Also, toothbrushes are made to attract young children with cartoon characters and different tastes and are less strong so that it wouldnt damage their gums. (2) TARGET collection- * MAX FRESH Colgate targeted youth with the introduction of this toothpaste, as t his helps in refreshes breath. * active SALT - Elder people are targeted in this segment as it makes teeth stronger and provides protection from cavities. COLGATE TOTAL - Colgate Total contains the anti-microbial ingredient triclosan, which reduces the number of bacteria that cause gingivitis, cavities and halitosis Basically its for kids but Mothers are targeted as they are very concerned about their kids. This toothpaste safeguards teeth for 12 hours. * COLGATE SENSITIVE - passel who amaze sensitive teeth are targeted in this segment who scram problem in their gums. * KIDS TOOTHPASTE - Often small children dont like to brush teeth, so for them this toothpaste was launched. Colgate had focused on taste aspect to pull ahead kids to brush teeth. COLGATE WHITENNING A whitening toothpaste that is Clinically-proven to whiten in 14 old age. Its whitening ingredient is hydrogen peroxide, which gradually bleaches the teethFocus is given on group of customers in this segment those who are already suffering from plaque in their teeth. * COLGATE 2in1 - People who want both strongness and fresh breath are targeted. (3) stance- * Colgate dental cream positions itself as toothpaste that has the necessary calcium and minerals to provide decay protection, strong teeth, germ protection and fresher breath. Colgate positioned several toothpaste so that people would like the products more like adding a different style or taste to the toothpaste. * Colgate repositions their products because with the guidance they market and promote their products, consumers know that these products are way better than other brands and competition that is out there. * Lately with competition from natural vegetarian toothpastes, Colgate dental cream has also positioned itself as an always 100% vegetarian toothpaste. The tagline of its advertisements, trusted by generations to make teeth stronger. Colgate total12 have been projected as the most advanced toothpaste that provide 12 hr germ pr otection even after eating and drinking by building a tutelary shield around the teeth. * Colgate max fresh positions itself on the basis of pertness. The tagline new dimensions brings home this very point. * Colgate kids toothpaste tries to position itself based on emotions which is sheer in its tagline makes fighting cavities fun RECOMMANDATIONS * Colgate should hire celebrities for the advertisement. They should also increase their CSR activities because they have very good image in the market. * Target market should be pee-peely emphasized in the advertisement. * Colgate should emphasize on digital branding i. e. , online purchase. * Colgate should use colorful paste to create uniqueness. BALANCESHEET Mar 12 Mar 11 Mar 10 Mar 09 Mar 08 Sources of funds Owners fund Equity share smashing 13. 60 13. 60 13. 60 13. 60 13. 60 Share application money - - - - - Preference share capital - - - - - Reserves & surplus 421. 79 370. 45 312. 51 202. 0 148. 61 Loan funds Secured loans - - - - - Unsecured loans - 0. 05 4. 59 4. 69 4. 69 Total 435. 39 384. 10 330. 70 220. 98 166. 89 Uses of funds Fixed assets Gross block 522. 50 579. 83 534. 52 425. 26 449. 59 Less revaluation reserve - - - - - Less accumulated derogation 268. 08 324. 79 287. 57 251. 33 258. 19 Net block 254. 42 255. 04 246. 95 173. 93 191. 41 Capital work-in-progress 69. 38 12. 26 6. 19 4. 67 7. 59 Investments 47. 12 38. 74 21. 00 38. 33 72. 59 Net current assets Current assets, loans & advances 758. 8 739. 21 626. 71 577. 18 444. 85 Less current liabilities & provisions 694. 21 661. 15 570. 15 573. 13 549. 54 Total net current assets 64. 47 78. 06 56. 56 4. 06 -104. 69 Miscellaneous expenses not written - - - - - Total 435. 39 384. 10 330. 70 220. 98 166. 89 Notes Book value of unquoted investments - 38. 74 21. 00 33. 01 56. 39 Market value of quoted investments - - - 5. 00 15. 60 Contingent liabilities 68. 45 82. 06 62. 75 46. 46 46. 67 Number of equity shares outstanding (Lacs) 1359. 93 1359. 93 1359. 3 1359. 93 1359. 93 CONCLUSION * By the Detailed look at on the product and market of COLGATE it was able to get a clear picture of the past and present of the products and was able to get in to the assumptions about the future of the product. * The Brand COLGATE has been sold successfully and has created a good accept all the time. * It is also holding a good place in the toothpaste market with a share of around 10% 15%. * As like for all other products Colgate is also facing a ludicrous competition in the toothpaste Market. Since the competition is too strong the company has to stay on watching market closely for avoiding any sudden give away for the product. * Finally, it should note that the company may have to face lot of threats in coming years like political threats, legislation threats ongoing economic crisis, changing life style of the people etc. If the company is able to overcome all the threats and can prepare themselves for facing the pro blems in advance it can achieve a good growth for COLGATE.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Distri stillion Gaps in look R unwrapes By Anuroop Uppuluri June, 2010 diffusion Gaps in Direct s terminal offs By Anuroop Uppuluri Under the focusing of Shri Himanshu Shekhar Dr. Bikramjit Rishi Capability Developmnet ManagerProfessor HCCB IMT, Ghaziabad June, 2010 Certificate of approving The following sp demolition disgorge Report tit guide dissemination Gaps in Direct Routes is hereby approved as a certified force field in management carried out and presented in a manner o.k. to warrant its acceptance as a prerequisite for the award of Post-Graduate diploma in Business Management for which it has been submitted.It is on a lower floorstood that by this approval the undersigned do non necessarily endorse or approve whatever tale made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn therein precisely approve the Summer protrusion Report only for the purpose it is submitted. Summer Project Report Examination Committee for evaluation of Summer Project Report NameSignature 1. F aculty ExaminerDr. Bikramjit Rishi___________________ 2. PG Summer Project Co-coordinatorShri Himanshu Shekhar___________________ Certificate from Summer Project Guides This is to certify that Mr.Anuroop Uppuluri, a student of the Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Management, has worked under our guidance and supervision. This Summer Project Report has the requisite standard and to the trump of our knowledge no part of it has been reproduced from any al well-nigh opposite pass project, monograph, subject field or book. Dr. Bikramjit RishiShri. Himanshu Shekhar ProfessorCapability Development Manager IMT, GhaziabadHCCBPL New Delhi DateDate Acknowledgement I would deal to convey Ms. Saumya Khati (Manager-HR) for gift me an opportunity to work as a summer intern in Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private express mail.I am g reckonful to Mr. Himanshu Shekhar under whose guidance I become success b avenue(a)y terminated this project. I would a like to thank Mr. Inderjeet Bind ra who has been a constant source of encouragement and without whose guidance this project would non suck been completed. I would overly like to extend my sincere give thanks to Mr. Sandeep Rawat for whole the support during the course of the project work. I am gamely grateful to Dr. Bikramjit Rishi, whose guidance and valu competent suggestions helped me move in the right fashion through the course of my nternship. I would also like to thank either the workers in the Dilshad tend repositing and my friends who have speakly or in necessitately helped me complete this project. Abstract statistical dispersal Gaps in Direct Routes For HCCB By Anuroop Uppuluri dispersal (Place) is iodine of the quadruplet elements of market mix, the diverse communal chord existence Product, scathe and Promotion referred to as the 4Ps. The importance of a strong and h peerlessst scattering interlock dirty dog non be over emphasized in an FMCG guild.In an FMCG c whollyer like Co ca-Cola where there is rapid movement of products along the dispersion channels (especially in summer when the demand is at peak), a proper distri andion net profit would pie-eyed both emergenced sales and client satisf follow out. Market Developers (MDs) and r separately Market Controllers (AMCs) be the frontline workers who form the strong base of the distribution ne dickensrk in Coca-Cola union. Any shortcoming on their part give guide in loss of sales for the company and also impinge ons the trigger-happy gain of the upshots where do does not shake up confered.This research was focused on identifying the distribution gaps in unionise bearing of lifes and pickings go to bridge the gaps in ordain to bother the distribution vane more efficient. This study is confined to the designate driveways of Dilshad Garden storehouse in eastbound Delhi. The methodology includes the following steps 1) Collecting the invoice data from invoice history written report, and data regarding stations reliable from the lecture opinion polls. 2) Matching the invoice data with the speech communication weather sheets to identify the egresss where company has not been delivered. 3) Determining the intellect for non address from the AMC and cross checking it with the government issue when necessary.Identifying discharges with grim bothers and solving issues accordingly. The major findings argon 1. The event geters atomic spot 18 very limited rough the SKU that they nightspot. Changing the SKU if the one companyed was not acquirable led to send awaycellation of purchase govern several(prenominal)(prenominal) generation. Such toilettecellation of localizes affects the fill rate. Hence, if any SKU is not available, the order should full be outback(a) instead of being changed to on the button about other SKU. 2. Even though the AMCs argon needful to call the pertain stack when an order gets scrub and inform about it, they ar not pickings it seriously.The AMCs need to study that this is in the best inte succour of either one as the problem can be cured once and for all if they take suitable action. So, this process ineluctably to be oblige strictly. 3. It has been find that it is very difficult to track wrong deliveries where in the products be delivered to several(prenominal) individual/ proceeds objet dart the invoice is printed against or so other military issue where spoken communication did not happen. This can be stopped by machineing a token system where the outlet experienceer acknowledges the AMC upon speech using just about token. Table of limit PageAcknowledgementv Abstract. vi Table of Contents.. 1 arguing of bets 3 List of Tables4 List of Appendices. 5 List of Abbreviations. 6 I entrance7 1. 1 A BRIEF invention OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY.. 7 1. 2 INTRODUCTION OF HCCBPL7 1. 3 fancy up ANALYSIS OF HCCBPL.. 8 1. 4 PROBLEM FORMULATION9II explore PROBLEM10 2. 1 PROBLEM avowa l10 2. 2 OBJECTIVES10 2. 3 PROJECT DELIVERABLES10 2. 4 CHALLENGES. 10 IIIBACKGROUND OF THE STUDY11 3. 1 RSU system. . 11 3. 2 DRAWBACKS OF RSU METHOD.. 11 3. 3 PRE-SALE METHOD.. . 11 3. 4 RIGHT EXECUTION DAILY ( cerise) 12 3. 5 distribution SYSTEM IN COCA_COLA.. 12 3. 6 PROCESSES FOLLOWED14 3. 6. 1 ensn atomic number 18 GENERATION. 14 3. 6. 2 vagabond INTEGRATION14 3. 6. 3 INVOICE AND SETTLEMENT15 IV RESEARCH DESIGN 16 4. 1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. 16 4. 2 DATA disposition. 16 4. 3 FINDINGS GAPS IN DISTRIBUTION. 16 4. 3. 1 SKU availableness. 16 4. 3. 2 STOCKOUT OF COCA-COLA 17 4. 3. 3 WRONG DELIVERY 18 4. 3. 4 DAMAGE TO VEHICLE. 18 4. 3. 5 SHOP shut19 4. 3. 6 BIG VEHICLE UNABLE TO REACH OUTLETS IN LANES.. 19 4. 3. AMC NEW TO THE ROUTE 19 4. 3. 8 FAKE ORDERS. 20 4. 3. 9 MISCELLANEOUS REASONS 20 VRESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS. 21 VIRECOMMENDATIONS. 24 References.. 25 Appendices. 26 List of Figures Figure No. Description Page 1 statistical distribution ne twork depiction count and in fi gure routes. 13 2 dissemination Channels depicting flow of Fulls and Empties.. 14 3 graph depicting the variations in fill rate for school routes. 2 4 Graph display the overall increasing curve in surfeit rate mensurable as simple middling week wise.. 22 List of Tables Table No. Description Page 1 run into grazes in the direct routes. 21 2 Simple honest of the fill rates of the AMCs in the inclined duration. 23 List of Appendices Table No. Description Page 1 satisfy number26 List of Abbreviations HCCBPL Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited CCI Coca-Cola India MD Market Developer AMC Area Market Controller RSU Ready spud UnitRGB Returnable Glass Bottle RED Right Execution fooling PJP Permanent Journey Plan CFA Carry & angstrom unit Forward Agents matinee idol Glass on adhere ROD Return on Deposit RTM Route to Market STL Sales Team Lead SKU burgeon forth holding Unit Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1. 1 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY The Coca-Cola Company is the worlds largest drunkenness company direct in more than 200 countries. It has a portfolio of more than 300 beverage products including sparkling drinks and still beverages such as waters, juices and juice drinks, teas, c outees, sports drinks and energy drinks.The Coca-Cola Company was incorporated in 1892 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Coca-Cola originated as a soda jet plane beverage in 1886 selling for five pennys a glass. Early applyation was impressive, but it was only when a strong bottling system developed that Coca-Colabecame the world-famous send it is to solar daylight. The companys beverages are served over 1. 6 chronicleion snips every day. The company operates afranchiseddistribution system. The Coca-Cola Company manufactures the concentrates, beverage bases and syrups which are because sold to unlikebottlersthroughout the world who hold an sole(a) territory.The bottling partners play a critical utilisation in the Coca-Co la system as the producers and allocators of closelyly 500 beverage brands and they range from international and publicly-traded businesses to small family- owned operations, the abundant majority of which are not owned or controlled by The Coca-Cola Company. The bottling partners are responsible for producing, packaging, distributing and merchandising the beverage products worldwide. gust has kins with terce types of bottlers in unfreely owned bottlers where the company has no possession inte ride out bottlers where the ompany has invested but has a non-controlling proprietorship interest and bottlers where the company has invested and has a controlling interest. Separate contracts, or bottlers agreements, exist betwixt cytosine and each of its bottlers regarding the manufacture and sale of Coke products. The Bottlers Agreements authorize the bottler to prepare designated Coke trademark beverages, package the drinks in authorized containers, and then sell the final product i n an determine territory. Bottlers are obligate to purchase all of their concentrates and syrups for designated Coke trademark beverages from the companys authorized suppliers 1. INTRODUCTION OF HCCBPL Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limitedis nose candy% company owned Bottler in India and reports directly to The Coca-Cola Company. It has 3 business regions, north, south and central, and operates out of 22 mends across India. The business model includes manufacturing the beverage, distribution and sales, trade marketing and market execution. Coca-Cola was the leading soft drink brand in India until 1977 when it left(a) rather than reveal its formula to the government and reduce its equity stake as required under the Foreign Exchange Regulation wreak (FERA) which governed the operations of foreign companies in India.After a 16- course absence, Coca-Cola military issueed to India in 1993, cementing its presence with a deal with Parle that gave Coca-Cola ownership of the n ations top soft-drink brands and bottling network. Cokes acquisition of local anaesthetic popular Indian brands including Thums Up, Limca, Maaza, Citra and Gold Spot provided not only corporal manufacturing, bottling, and distribution assets but also strong consumer preference. With access to 53 of Parles coifs and a well set bottling network, an excellent base for the rapid penetration of the companys international brands was formed.This combination of local and global brands enabled Coca-Cola to exploit the benefits of global branding and global trends in tastes dapple also tapping into handed-down domestic markets. Leading Indian brands joined the Companys international family of brands, including Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, fay and Fanta. Coca-Cola operates through Company own Bottling Operations (COBO) or Franchise Owned Bottling Operations (FOBO) which have demarcated territories. While HCCBPL is COBO, Moon and Enrich are FOBOs in the Delhi region.HCCBPL purchases the concent rates and beverage bases from Coca-Cola India (CCI) which is also responsible for local marketing and R&D apart from holding the concentrates. Every action underinterpreted in Coca-Cola is in some way related to ensuring Activated Chilled Availability of beverages to its consumers. Activation refers to the colloquy to end consumers regarding the accessibility of respective(a) SKUs of cold drinks and price communication. Chilling refers to the availability of cooler/ice box which ensures that the product is served in a chilled form.Availability refers to do sure that the brand requested by the consumer is available at the outlet. patronage registering worlds highest sales volume growth of 29 per cent in India, the per capita utilization of its beverages in India is currently at 11 servings a year (up from 7 servings a year in 2001) which is very little when compared to 600+ servings a year in Mexico. This when combined with Indias one billion plus population and an acclivi tous middle class makes it one of the virtually coveted markets for soft drinks across the world. 1. SWOT ANALYSIS OF HCCBPL Strengths * Distribution profit With a number of efficient salesmen, over 700000 retail outlets and 8000 distributors, Coca-Cola has a reliable distribution network. * Focus on Quality The Coca-Cola Companys internal global forest weapons platform called The Coca-Cola Quality System (TCCQS) not only covers environment management, but also takes into consideration other business aspects such as safety and loss Prevention (SLP), product quality, packaging quality, process capability rise and guest satisfaction.Strict compliance with TCCQS, often rated as a program kindred to the internationally reputed ISO 14001 System, has also enabled all the company-owned bottling plants in the country to successfully get the coveted ISO 14001 Certification from Det Norske Veritas (DNV). * Strong Brands People across the world soft recognize Coca-Cola and Sprite, Fant a, Limca, thums Up and Maaza have a strong brand flesh across the country. Weaknesses Small Scale Sector Reservations The Companys operations are carried out on a small scale and collect to Government restrictions the Company finds it very difficult to invest in scientific advancements and achieve economies of scale. Opportunities * Low Per capita Consumption Despite registering strong growth in India, the per capita consumption in India is very less at 11 servings per year when compared with other countries like Mexico where it is 600+ servings per year and USA where it is 400+ servings per year. Large untapped Domestic Market With one billion plus population and an emerging middle class, India is one of the about attractive soft drink markets in the world. Threats * License Whenever the production capacity call for to be change magnitude, the company result have to renew or update the license which is a awkward process. This is because the production capacity is mentioned on the license. 1. 4 PROBLEM FORMULATION Distribution ( get in) is one of the four elements of the marketing mix and it plays a unwrap role in passing the product along the distribution channels.The products produced at the manufacturing plant (Dasna) break the computer memorys and from there they reach the end consumer either through a direct route (directly to customers) or an indirect route (passing through sub-distributors/middlemans to customers). in that location is a massive demand for the soft drinks especially in summer and distribution system should be reliable to supply the soft drinks to customers as promised on a day-to-day basis. In the direct routes, MDs generate orders for mingled retail outlets and AMCs deliver the orders the next day.STL or Sales Executives overlook the MDs opus RTM is responsible for the AMCs. in that location should be a strong co-ordination between these two departments if the distribution system was to be perfect as the MDs and AMCs are the frontline workers. However, not everything goes as planned and some cadences delivery does not happen to the retail outlets as promised. This is due to the presence of certain gaps in the distribution system. There is a need to identify these gaps and bridge them in order to alter the distribution system and hence the overall sales.The efficiency of the distribution is mensural in terms of engross direct. RED urinates of the outlets is directly dependent on the Availability of products which accounts for 60 of the 100 points. So, the objective of the project includes identifying the gaps in the distribution system in direct routes by finding out the reasons for non delivery of products as per order knowd the previous day and trailing the performance of the AMCs in direct routes. For this specific study, only Dilshad Garden which caters to East Delhi has been taken into consideration.The direct routes serviced by Dilshad Garden depot have been analyze and the performance of the AMCs has been analyzed. CHAPTER 2 RESEARCH PROBLEM 2. 1 PROBLEM STATEMENT In a company like HCCBPL where the products have a huge demand and are sold so fast that the retailers sources need to be replenished on a daily basis, the distribution network assumes a huge significance. MDs, AMCs and the availability of soft drinks ordered are the three life-and-death aspects of the distribution system as far as direct routes are concerned and any shortcoming in any one of these leads to non delivery of products to the customers.These distribution gaps not only affect the Fill Rate but also affect the RED scores of the outlets. Hence identifying the distribution gaps and bridging these gaps is quite essential in improving the distribution network of the company. 2. 2 OBJECTIVES * To find out the reasons for non delivery of products to the outlets from the AMCs and cross check it with the outlets. * To identify the foot cause of the persistent problems present in the distribution n etwork and work them. * To monitor the performance of the AMCs in direct routes. 2. 3 PROJECT DELIVERABLES Root-cause abstract of the various issues place in the distribution network. * passs for bridging the distribution gaps in direct routes. * Fill Rates of the AMCs in direct routes 2. 4 CHALLENGES * The AMCs do not always cooperate when asked about the reasons for non delivery as they see it as being questioned for non performance instead of looking at it as an action necessary for resolving the issues. * Some of the phone number of the outlets are switched off/ wrong come and this limited the ability to corroborate the reasons given by AMCs. 3. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY . 1 READY STOCK UNIT (RSU) METHOD Earlier Coca Cola used to follow Ready Stock Unit (RSU) method. In this method each AMC (Salesman) carried a truck full of load to a predetermined sweep and went to each retail outlet and sold the load as per the requirement of the outlet and availability of disparate SKUs available on the vehicle. The drawback of such a method was that there was no accountability for the AMC and most of the outlets were left uncover. In the RSU method, the salesman generated orders and delivered the products simultaneously. 3. 2 DRAWBACKS OF RSU METHODIn the RSU method the salesman had a virtual monopoly over the area that he visited. The salesman could sell all the beverages to just 3-4 outlets in the area and leave the rest of the retail outlets dry. If the relation between a retail outlet owner and the salesman soured it would mean that the retail outlet would find it very difficult to get Coke products. The retail outlet owners were mostly un aware of the stratagems and discounts offered by the company. There was no contract on the part of salesman to distribute the products fairly among all the outlets in the area. . 3 PRE-SALE METHOD Pre-Sale method was introduced to bridge the gap between the company and its customers. A pre seller generates orders in adv ance after activating the outlet. He also communicates the schemes and promotional offers to the outlets. Delivery vehicles are loaded as per the orders leading to high vehicle capacity utilization and very less shortage of required SKUs to the retail outlets. The outlets in an area are divided among Tell swap and MDs such that the orders are taken from the outlets depending on the volumes sold by them.Diamond Outlets are serviced more ofttimes than the Gold outlets, Gold Outlets more than Silver and bronzy ones. A Permanent Journey Plan(PJP) determines which outlets will be covered by the MDs and which ones by Tell Sell and on which days. All the MDs carry an MC35 shape with them and all these MC35s are integrated to a common emcee where each order can be tracked along with the time at which the order has been taken. 3. 4 RIGHT EXECUTION DAILY (RED) One of the key strengths of the company is its ability to directly reach its customers incessantly.The sales people are dedicated to building strong and constructive relationships with every one of the various customers, including kiosks, grocery stores, convenience stores, hotels, restaurants, cafes, and bars among others. With such a diverse customer base the sales force has to be highly specialized to understand how to best fulfill customers needs. In pursuit of excellence in market place execution, Coca-Cola has been implementing a program we call Right Execution Daily (RED).This program monitors, at the individual outlet level, how well the merchandising standards are employ and maintained. Furthermore, it helps identify opportunities to make immediate improvements that support growth for both customers and the company. RED is just one part of the companys efforts to enhance gross growth opportunities by optimizing the combination of brand, package and price for each consumption occasion. A closer partnership with the customers of the company helps drive a sustainable growth of the business.One of the key strengths of Coca-Cola is its ability to achieve quality in-store execution by having over 17,000 highly trained sales representatives regularly serving approximately 1. 5 million outlets. This direct interaction with customers gives the company a warlike advantage in activating points of purchase and creating value for both customers and its own business. Working together with customers as one team translates into higher customer satisfaction and measurably improved performance. An analysis of the results helped identify key factors that affect shopping references and ha silicon chips.Focusing on these factors, a set of solutions have been crafted such as repositioning the products on display or re-modeling the entire store, which resulted in let on business and increased sales for the customers participating in the program. RED pile has been started in 2007. It adds value to customers and consumers through Excellence in Execution at the point of sale. For conducting RED su rvey, HCCBPL has hired ACNielsen Company, one of the best market research firms in the world. In the first week of every month, a periodic report on RED scores is sent to HCCBPL by ACNielsen.RED score is figure for a total of 100 points out of which 60 points are for Availability, 25 for Cooling and 15 for Activation. 3. 5 DISTRIBUTION IN COCA-COLA The manufacturing of all the beverages catering to Delhi takes place in the Dasna manufacturing plant located in Ghaziabad, near Delhi. Dasna plant is completely owned by Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited. The beverages are then brought to the depots which are operated by Carry Forward Agents (CFA). There are three depots currently operating in Delhi located at Dilshad Garden (referred to as DG), Lawrence Road (referred to as LR) and Okhla.From the depot, the beverages reach the customers either through a direct route or an indirect route. If the trucks carry the beverages directly to the retail outlets as per the order giv en by these outlets the day before, it is referred to as Direct Route. If the beverages reach the retail outlets through a sub distributor or a wholesaler then it is referred to as an Indirect Route. A wholesaler operates from a single shop and has low margin and a high turnover. The wholesaler is not confined by a fixed territory. In contrast, distributor and sub distributor have defined territories.A distributor world(a)ly makes a huge enthronization and is committed to Coca-Cola where as a sub-distributor makes lesser investment and is not committed to Coca-Cola. He seeks out opportunities from other companies as well. Figure1 Distribution Network depicting direct and indirect routes Figure 2 Distribution Channels depicting flow of Fulls and Empties 3. 6 PROCESSES FOLLOWED 3. 6. 1 ORDER GENERATION Every day each MD gets an SMS in the morning which mentions which all SKUs and in what quantities are not available in the depot. So, ideally, the MD is not supposed to take orders fo r those SKUs.Each MD visits the outlets one by one as per the PJP and punches the order given by retail outlets into the MC35 cable car that he carries with him. All the MC35s are integrated to a central server and each order can be traced from the system. The MD also explains the various discount schemes provided by Coca-Cola for the direct route retail outlets and is responsible for energizing of the outlets. The MD is responsible for registering new outlets, fetching down complaints regarding fridge disorders, option the RED tracker sheet and arranging the drinks in the visi-cooler as per the predefined arrangement. . 6. 2 ORDER INTEGRATION Every night the dump of all the orders is taken ColaNet which includes orders of MDs and orders taken through Tell Sell. This has details of Outlet DD Code, Outlet name, Outlet address, hunting lodge Code, Item Code, Quantity in cases and each, market area code, route id and instalment number among others. Using RoadNet these orders are separated according to the Route Ids and an AMC is charge for each Route. RoadNet makes use of the study about vehicle capacities, sequence numbers and market area codes while allocating outlets to different routes. 3. 6. INVOICE AND SETTLEMENT When AMC comes for route ride next morning, his brood is loaded with the route details which will load details of outlets and orders into the handle. When the AMC delivers the drinks to any outlet, he prints an invoice and gives it to the outlet while retaining a re-create of it with him. The AMC can only print invoices against the names of outlets in his particular route which are loaded in the handle and not against any other outlet. When a vehicle goes out of the depot in the morning with the load, a load sheet is printed against the AMC who is responsible for the vehicle.The load sheet includes the hark of SKUs and quantities loaded into the vehicle. When the vehicle returns in the evening, a pullulate sheet is printed which include s a list of all the drinks (SKUs and quantities) left on the vehicle when it is suss out in. Also the number of empty RGBs is matched with the number of Full RGBs that were loaded on the vehicle in the morning. Each AMC is allowed to report a breakage of 2 Empties and 2 Fulls every day. Finally, the account of each AMC is colonized taking all these into account. Glass on Deposit ( god) Lets say an AMC delivered 1 crate (24 bottles) of 300ml Coca-Cola to an outlet named Sai Agency.Sai Agency only had 19 Empty bottles (also referred to as Empties) and agreed to pay for the rest of the bottles in cash. Then the AMC prints a GOD bill for 5 bottles (5*5=25Rs) and collects the amount from Sai Agency. If the number of empty bottles light up short when the vehicle checks in, the AMC will have to pay for these missing bottles from his own pocket. Return on Deposit (ROD) The next day if Sai Agency returned the 5 empty bottles, then that will reflect on ROD bill printed for those 5 bottles a nd Sai Agency gets back its 25Rs. 4. RESEARCH DESIGN 4. 1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGYThe delivery list for each route gives the list of outlets that should be covered on that day for delivery. Whenever delivery happens in an outlet an invoice is printed against that outlet for the list of items delivered and it includes the discount provided. 1) The first step is to identify which all outlets have not been covered for delivery by the AMC on that day. 2) A list of outlets against which invoices were printed when matched against the list of outlets in the delivery list for that route gives us the outlets where delivery has not happened on any given day. ) Establish the reason for non delivery in a particular outlet by calling the concerned AMCs and by cross checking with the outlets if necessary. 4) Check if it is a one off incident or a repeat occurrence and take action accordingly. 5) mobilise random outlets and check that the delivery happened to the correct outlet and that it was not a wrong delivery. 6) The performance of AMCs is measured by calculating Fill Rate for the corresponding routes. 7) The Fill Rate for all the direct routes combined is calculated to estimate the performance for that day in direct routes.A macro has been compose to calculate AMC route wise fill rates saving time and effort. 4. 2 DATA COLLECTION The invoice history report gives the details as well as the summary of the invoices printed the previous day. The dump taken from ColaNet gives the details of the orders taken for the day both by the MDs and through Tell-Sell. Route Wise delivery sheet with details of orders, outlet wise can also be obtained through ColaNet. 4. 3 FINDINGSGAPS IN DISTRIBUTION 4. 3. 1 SKU availability Every morning the Market Developer (MD) gets an SMS stating which SKUs are not available in the depot so that the orders for those SKUs are not taken.However, sometimes it so happens that the SKUs that were expected to arrive on a day had not arrived but there are o rders taken for that SKU by the MDs. When the orders are integrated in the night, these orders for the unavailable SKUs are changed into some other SKU that is available. When the AMC goes to the outlet the next day, chances are that the outlet owner declines the delivery as it was not exactly what he ordered the previous day. Several orders get cancelled because of the resembling reason and the AMC brings back all this leftover beverages as there are no takers and this affects his Fill Rate.Root bowel movement Although the MDs get an SMS stating the availability of SKUs, it might not always be accurate. Sometimes the SMS might come a bit too late in the day informing that there has been stock out in some SKU. It could also be sheer disrespect on the part of MD while taking the order. The logic roll in the hay changing these orders for unavailable SKUs into some others those are available at the time of integration is that the outlet owners might just take any other SKU that is available given the high demand for cold drinks in general in summer.The outlet owners are expected to take any other SKU instead of getting nothing despite giving an order. However, what actually happened in the market was quite the contrary. The outlet owners are very particular about the SKUs of cold drinks that they insufficiency and are not ready to budge. As a result most of the orders where there had been a change of order got cancelled and were brought back to the depot by the AMCs. This had a very big mend on the Fill Rates in the direct routes.Recommendation When this issue had been brought to the take note of the depot manager, he had realized that this was thence a major problem resulting in the cancellation of most of the orders and hence stopped changing the orders taken. So, if the orders requested for some SKU which was not available, it is just removed from the order instead of being changed to some other SKU. The implementation of this resulted in lesser cancel lation of orders due to SKU availability problems and in better Fill Rates. 4. 3. 2 Stock out of Coca-ColaThe company offers several discount schemes in the direct routes and these schemes keep changing frequently. Generally, on every 1 crate of 300ml beverages of any SKU, two bottles are offered as free. By default, Coca-Cola bottles are offered as free for any SKU. This turns out to be a problem when there is a stock out of Coke bottles in the depot. When the AMC goes out for delivery and his handle is showing the scheme as giving out 2 free Coke bottles for 1 crate of Limca (300 ml), while actually Coke bottles are not available in the depot/on the vehicle, he cannot print the bill for that and hence the order gets cancelled.Root Cause It is learned that the psyche integrating the orders in the night is informed to make Coke as the default SKU for the free bottles of any other SKU. However, the frequently changing schemes and the changing stock availability in the depot mean tha t the person integrating the orders is not well equipped with necessary information regarding stock outs which gives rise to the problem. Recommendation A suggestion has been made to the depot manager to make a file containing details of stock availability and the details of schemes and share it in the common folder.The person who integrates the data needs to first check out this file to get a assort idea of the schemes and the availability of SKUs before proceeding to prepare the delivery lists. This way, if Coke were to be out of stock in the depot, say Limca or Thums Up whichever SKU is available could be given as free thereby eliminating the scheme problem. 4. 3. 3 Wrong Delivery Every morning before the AMC leaves the depot his handle is loaded for the particular route in which he goes.So AMC can only print invoices only against the names of the outlets appearing in the delivery list of his route and cannot print invoices against any other outlets. Sometimes it so happens that the AMC actually gives away some of the crates of drinks to some individual/outlet which is not in the delivery list and prints the invoice against one of the outlets in the delivery list even though he did not actually deliver the order of that outlet. This does not have any effect on the Fill Rate of the AMC as such but it affects the RED scores of those outlets where delivery did not happen as 60 points out of the total of 100 re for availability. Recommendation In order to foreclose the wrong deliveries, some kind of acknowledgement is needed from the outlet owners which indicate that the AMC has actually visited the outlet and not maked an invoice. It is not feasible to set aside one person just to call all the outlets and cross check the invoices at the end of each day in all the routes. It was suggested that the AMCs get the one C copy of the invoices (that are brought back along with them) signed by the owners of the outlet.But, it was told that the outlet owners have a widespread perception that when they sign on the invoices, it would mean that they are taking the delivery on credit and hence that suggestion could not be implemented. Then it was suggested that the AMCs get the carbon copies of invoices stamped by the outlets to prevent devise invoices. However, even that suggestion could not be implemented as stamping the carbon copy of invoice is done only by the incentive parties and not by other outlets. As preventing wrong delivery is one crucial step in improving RED scores, another suggestion is to implement some kind of token system.When the MD visits each outlet for taking the orders, he can give a token which is collected by the AMCs the next day upon delivery to the outlets. This would also prevent wrong deliveries and sidestep invoices. 4. 3. 4 Damage to the vehicle There have been authoritys when the vehicle was alter mid way through the route or sometimes just as it moved out of the Dilshad Garden depot. There has also been an i nstance when the vehicle met with an accident and the AMC had to sit in police station for the rest of the day.In such situations, the rest of the outlets in the route do not receive any delivery which drastically affects both the Fill Rates of the AMCs and the RED scores due to non availability of drinks. Recommendation A back-up vehicle needs to be maintained in the depot which can cover for the shamed vehicle when need arises. If the costs do not allow a spare vehicle to be maintained in the depot, at to the lowest degree a mechanic should be dispatched immediately to the location to rectify the revile as quickly as possible. 4. 3. 5 Shop ClosedOne most common reason given by the AMCs when delivery does not happen in some outlets is that the shop is closed. Upon cross checking with the outlet it is found that the shop was indeed closed. There are some specific areas where shops are usually closed on a particular day in the week. For example, in Murga Mandi area, most of the o utlets remain closed on Tuesdays. Also most of the Dairies (like MAL Dairy in Madhu Nagar) remain closed through the afternoon and so any order for these dairies need to be delivered in the morning itself.Recommendation If it is cognize that the outlet ashes closed on a particular day, then the MD should be asked not to take the order for that outlet on the day before. For example, MD visiting Murga Mandi area should be given his weekly off on Monday so that no orders will be due for delivery on Tuesday in the area when the outlets remain closed. Also when it comes to dairies, if it is feasible for the AMC to deliver the order of the dairy before afternoon without having to make a detour from his prevalent route, then it should be done so.If that were not feasible then the MD should be asked to stop taking orders from that particular dairy and it should be removed from the MDs PJP. Taking the order and not delivering it leads to both customer dissatisfaction and affects Fill Rate of the AMC as well. 4. 3. 6 Big Vehicle unable to reach outlets in small lanes There have been several instances of AMC complaining that the outlet could not be reached on the big vehicle as it is located in some small lane. There have been a few instances where the outlet belonged to some sub-distributors area and the MD still took the order.In one particular area (Krishna Nagar) there are several outlets on either side of the road where the vehicle could not be stopped for delivery and hence these outlets are supposedly being moved out of the direct route. Recommendation MD should be asked not to take orders from outlets belonging to some sub-distributor just to increase the number of orders taken. Trolleys need to be provided for the AMCs where the outlets are inaccessible. 4. 3. 7 AMC new to the route nigh of the AMCs are experienced and have been waiver in the same routes for quite some time now and are well aware of all the outlets featuring on the delivery list.However, th ere have been instances where an AMC is new to a particular direct route and is not well aware of the location of the outlets. The AMC could be a one off electric switch for the AMC regularly going in that area or he could be new to direct routes. In such cases, it has been observed that the AMCs do not take persistence of calling the MDs for finding out the location of the outlets which they could not find. They just return all the orders for the outlets they do not find. Thus when a new AMC goes in a direct route an abysmal drop in the Fill Rate for that route has been observed.Narender Sharma is a case in point for the Dilshad Garden depot. Recommendation The AMCs should be made to call the MDs in case they are not able to find the location of any outlet. The AMCs should have the numbers of the MDs of that particular routes and it should be made clear that not being able to locate any outlet is not a good affluent reason to not deliver the order for that outlet. 4. 3. 8 Fake o rders Most of the times the outlet owners just reject the delivery saying that they havent given any order in the first place the previous day or that they have ordered for a different SKU than what appears in the delivery list.When the outlet owner says that he has not given any order the previous day it could mean one of the two things. First, the outlet owner is lying as he does not want to take the delivery due to some other reason like not having enough money or already having enough stock in his cooler. Second, the MD has punched in a fake order. A fake order means that the MD has not visited the outlet the previous day but has punched in some random order under the outlet just to meet his target for the day in terms of the number of crates.When an order gets cancelled due to any of these reasons, it is the responsibility of AMC to confront the MDs for taking fake orders and inform the STL concerned that the MD has taken a fake order. If this communication does not happen, th en there is no other way for STLs to come to know of fake orders being taken by MDs. Recommendation It is already suggested that the AMCs call MD/STL without fail when the outlet rejects the delivery. However, this has not been enforced properly and the AMCs are not following these instructions despite repeatedly asking them to do so.The AMCs should be strictly warned to comply with the procedure so that fake orders can be minimized and Fill Rate can be improved. 4. 3. 9 Miscellaneous reasons Upon close observation, some outlets have been identified where there have been persistent issues for quite a while and delivery in these outlets did not happen for months together. Some of the issues include problem with scheme, replacement and incentive party. For example, for the outlet named Shaheen Pan located in Mayur Vihar Phase1, there has been a problem with the discount scheme right from the beginning.Still, orders are taken for that outlet every other day even though delivery does no t happen. This affects the fill rate of the AMC going in that route. Recommendation These kinds of outlets need to be singled out and issues refractory one by one. The responsibility to identify the problems should rest with the AMC because he is the one who gets to know of the problem. Instead of just ignoring it, the AMC should be asked to report such issues to the STLs concerned so that the problem can be resolved once and for all. CHAPTER 5 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONSThe following table gives the Fill Rates in the direct routes in Dilshad Garden depot for the given dates. Date Direct Route Fill Rate 4/29/2010 65. 38208 4/30/2010 76. 58787 5/1/2010 78. 9128 5/3/2010 71. 20842 5/4/2010 71. 97019 5/5/2010 72. 72874 5/6/2010 75. 89733 5/7/2010 70. 40817 5/9/2010 75. 67431 5/10/2010 78. 7004 5/11/2010 72. 59727 5/12/2010 74. 52693 5/13/2010 68. 4801 5/14/2010 74. 24813 5/15/2010 80. 77308 5/16/2010 81. 0852 5/17/2010 74. 33275 5/18/2010 80. 26975 5/19/2010 82. 7375 5/20/2010 80. 17823 / 21/2010 75. 66602 5/23/2010 81. 29576 5/24/2010 80. 03314 Figure 3 Graph depicting the variations in fill rate for direct routes It can be observed that the fill rate for the direct routes has increased from mid 70s to 80s with one-off variations. A simple average of the fill rates for the four weeks shows a general increasing trend. Figure 4 Graph showing the overall increasing trend in Fill rate calculated as simple average week wise The simple average is calculated by taking an average of the fill rates of direct routes for each weeks data.This shows a general increasing trend with the average fill rate increasing from around 72% in the first week of May to around 80% by the end of third week. A simple average of the fill rates of the AMCs in spite of appearance this duration is as follows AMC Name Fill Rate* Kalyan Singh 88. 37654 Ashok Sharma 87. 76629 DK Sharma 85. 03183 Uday Singh 84. 6047 Sajan padiyar 82. 70731 Rakesh Kumar 77. 69646 AK Shukla 77. 00473 CP Shukla 75. 74619 Suraj Sawaria 74. 75485 Laxman Singh 71. 65821 Kapil malhotra 69. 60537 Rajesh Tiwari 66. 83779 Narender Sharma 61. 06509This indicates that Kalyan Singh has been performing most consistently from among the AMCs going in the direct routes. It has been observed when on a route ride with Kalyan Singh that he maintains a very good relationship both with the outlet owners in the area and with the MD responsible for the area. Narender Sharma has more often been a replacement for some other AMC and not regular for the direct route which shows in his Fill Rate. CHAPTER 6 RECOMMENDATIONS 1) If the orders request for some SKU which is not available, it should be just removed from the order instead of being changed to some other SKU. ) If Coke is out of stock in any of the quantities, the discount scheme should be suitably modified so that a problem does not arise while printing invoice with the handle at the time of delivery by AMC. 3) IN order to prevent wrong delivery, some kind of token system where the outlet owner acknowledges receipt of products from the AMC needs to be implemented.4) In order to prevent complete loss of sales in a route due to vehicle damage, a backup vehicle should to be maintained at the depot. ) If it is known that some outlets are closed on particular days of the week, MDs should be asked not to take orders for those outlets the day before. 6) Trolleys need to be supplied to AMCs in order to reach certain outlets which are located in small lanes where the vehicle cannot reach the outlet. 7) The process of calling MDs/STLs when order gets cancelled due to rejection from outlets should be enforced strictly.REFERENCES http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Coca-Cola_Company http//www. thecoca-colacompany. om/ourcompany/the_cocacola_system. html http//www. coca-colaindia. com/aboutus/aboutus_ccindia. aspx APPENDIX 1 Fill Rate Fill Rate is a measure of the amount of order delivered versus the amount of order initially received for a given day. Calcul ation Number of crates of order delivered / Number or crates of order received Example The total order received in a route for a given day is 100 crates. However, only 80 crates of beverages have been delivered in that route on that day. Then the fill rate for that route is given as 80/100 or 80%.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Supplier Relationships: a Strategic Initiative
supplier Relationships A Strategic Initiative Jagdish N. Sheth Goizueta Business School Emory University Arun Sharma University of Miami Jagdish N. Sheth is Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of grocerying, Emory Business School, Emory University and Arun Sharma is colleague Professor of Marketing, University of Miami. This paper extends research published by the authors in industrial Marketing perplexity (March 1997). Please address correspondence to Arun Sharma, Department of Marketing, University of Miami, P. O. rap 248147, Coral Gables FL 33124, Teleph star (305) 284 1770, FAX (305) 284 5326. supplier Relationships A Strategic Initiative* abstractedness In an increasing combative marketplace, firms argon nameking new methods of enhancing agonistical advantage. Today, purchasing is decorous a strategic function and a lynchpin factor in competitive positioning. This paper signifys that effective family kinship with providers volition provide firms with next-generationa l competitive advantage. With consolidation of firms within industries, continuos point of intersection evolution and unremitting pressure on costs, provider kins pass on locomote to a greater extent than decisive in the hereafter.This paper discusses the emergence of supplier relationships, and how this shift toward supplier relationships has and go forth change the role, processes and strategies of firms. Although purchasing has strategic importance within a firm, pricy relationships surrounded by customers and suppliers ar elusive. Firms, in that respectfore, admit to emphasize aspects that will enhance supplier relationships. * This paper extends research published by the authors in industrial Marketing Management (March 1997). Supplier Relationships A Strategic InitiativeIntroduction Firms atomic number 18 facing progressively competitive environments characterized by continuos pressure on costs, gargantuan international players, incessantly evolving inters ection points, customer fragmentation and acclivitous technologies. To ensure success, firms realize that they cannot be experts in exclusively businesses and ar concentrating on their core competencies. As an example, Westinghouse is selling its tycoon and defense lines to concentrate on the broadcasting business. To enhance their performance in non-core competency areas, companies are reevaluating business relationships so as to form impending relationships with strategic suppliers 1, 2, 3.Firms find oneself realized that collaborative business relationships improve a firms ability to respond to the new business environment by spareing them to guidance on their core businesses and reduce costs in business processes. In an earlier paper, we had suggested that the root word of next-generational competitive advantage will be collaborative relationships that firms have with their suppliers 4. We suggested four reasons for this phenomena. First, marketers or sellers are drivi ng this change as firms have started identifying and catering to the needs of specific customers.Thus, having a relationship with suppliers will enable firms to receive dampen service and therefore be more(prenominal) efficient in procural. Second, firms recognize that supplier relationships will allow them to be more effective. It is easier to implement strategies such as quality platforms, if firms have relationships with their suppliers. Third, there are enabling technologies that allow firms to select their best customers and suppliers. Computer programs allow firms to calculate profitability scallywag 2 associated with all(prenominal) customer or supplier.Finally, competitor and the growth of alliances are forcing firms to catch better supplier relationships to manage a competitive edge. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize that supplier partnerships will provide a strategic advantage to firms. This paper identifies the benefits of supplier partnerships and provides guidelines for future supplier partnering. Shift in Organizational dodge The reason for the emerging emphasis on supplier relationships is the shift in presidential termal get strategies 4. Organizational purchasing strategies have been dramatically changing for four reasons (please see dactyl 1).First, ball-shaped competitiveness had made firms realize the competitive advantages of creating and managing yield chain relationships. Second, emergence of the Total part Management philosophy has support reverse marketing starting with external customers and moving backward into procurement processes. For example, Demand Driven Manufacturing or compromising manufacturing and operations have been instituted in order to serve the diversity of demand with respect to form, place and m value to customers. The role of suppliers is critical in this regard.Third, industry restructuring through mergers, acquisitions and alliances on a global foothold has reorganized the procurement func tion from a de centralise administrative function to a centralize strategic function. This is tho intensified by outsourcing many support functions such as information processing, and human re cites. Finally, uses of information technologies have restructured the buying philosophy, processes and platforms by allowing firms to share market information and use market information to schedule concept and manufacturing of products better. paginate 3Fundamentally, the consequence of changing paradigms of organisational strategy is likely to result in a two dimensional shift as shown in Figure 2. Organizational purchasing strategy shifts from a consummation oriented to a relational oriented philosophy, and from a decentralized domestic sourcing to a centralized global sourcing process. Relationship with Suppliers As stated earlier, we suggest that developing relationship with suppliers will be critical for the effective functioning of firms. This trend is reflected in Table 1 that s hows that large firms have substantially reduced their image of suppliers.This trend also suggests that approximately suppliers would be exclusive to firms. The primary reasons are that stacks are be overture leaner. The procurement function is becoming more centralized while the profit-and-loss (P) responsibility of firms is becoming less centralized. Business-unit heads are raising more questions more or less the way things are bought. And as vertically integrated companies those that have complete internal capabilities and are self-sufficient become relics and outsourcing of operations become a reality, more opportunities to partner with suppliers will rustle.Taking advantage of these opportunities is increasingly primal for several reasons Declining market prices. Nobody expects prices to demonstrate anymore. There is going to be a tighter squeeze on the borders of customer companies. They would like to get that margin re hited by names with suppliers. Rising compet itive intensity. With the restructuring of the world economy, the formation of the innovation Trade Organization, and greater economic integration within and between regions, global and regional consolidation is clearly taking place and resulting in greater rogue 4 competition. Advanced technology enablers. Electronic commerce and networked cipher are here. Dramatically reduced cycle times are becoming an ordinary achievement. These require partnering with suppliers. Reverse marketing strategies. The traditional process strike from R and sourcing to manufacturing, sales and service is becoming a thing of the past. Today, market-foc utilise organizations are organizing into reverse marketing starting with the end users. Partnering with suppliers is critical to this strategy. Strategic positioning. In the past, companies partnered primarily for operational efficiency (i. . , just-in-time procedures or zero-inventory models). Today, intense competition is coming from existing rivals, new entrants and the threat of substitutes. Partnering with suppliers is an increasingly important way of minimizing the competitions negative impact on an industry. Example of Companies Benefitting from Supplier Relationships The study research regarding the advantage of supplier relationships comes from a study of the Japanese automotive component industry 5. They found that the average length of the relationship between suppliers and buyers was 22 years.In addition, the major customer bought about half the output of the supplier firm. About 26% of the suppliers development effort was utilise to a single customer. Competition was restricted to 2-4 some other suppliers. Finally, the quality of delivered product was rattling good. The data would suggest that supplier relationship enhanced the design efforts of the buying company and reduced uncertainty and costs for the page 5 supplier company. Eastman Kodak, get over Motor telephoner, Levi Strauss, DuPont , McKesson and Bose corporation demonstrate that some nest egg can be achieved by supplier relationships 2.These firms as well as examples of other firms using specific tactics to benefit from successful relationships are discussed next Eastman Kodak Company Eastman Kodak Company has outsourced its data and information processing frame to IBM. Kodak has achieved substantial cost savings through reducing personnel, assets and capital expenditures in an area that is not its area of core competency. This shift toward asking data processing and systems management consultants to manage the information and data processing of a firm has accelerated as major firms such as drive away and Ryder have outsourced their internal data processing systems. get across Motor Company crossover formed a relationship with one of their own clasp suppliers. Ford examined the production process of their supplier and was able to reduce the cost of the clutch by 20% benefitting some(prenominal) Ford and the clutc h supplier. Similarly, based on their past incur with Donnelly, Honda picked Donnelly as an exterior mirror supplier, although Donnelly had no experience in the area 3. Honda sent its engineers into Donnellys platformt, and Honda and Donnelly engineers reorganized the plant and re engineered the product process.Sales are judge to be $60 million in 1997 and costs are expected to decline 2% annually benefitting two Honda and Donnelly. JC Penny and Levi Strauss JC Penny and Levi Strauss are linked with an electronic Data rapscallion 6 interchange (EDI) that allows Levi Strauss to obtain sales data. Levi Strauss obtains data on the lead size of jeans sold in individual stores. This data allows Levi Strauss to better plan the production process as well as better bidding inventory and delivery. This saving leads to a reduction in costs and prices benefitting some(prenominal) JC Penny and Levi Strauss.DuPont Dupont has reduced the costs of each purchase transaction in the maintenan ce and repair supplies division from $120 to $16 by working with a smaller number of suppliers. DuPont selected one distributor in each region for a supplier relationship. They then implemented a paperless order, reception and payment process. In addition to decreased costs of transaction, inventory at the maintenance and repair facilities were reduced by 50%. McKesson Drug Company McKesson a major drug distributor, developed a relationship with Johnson and Johnson, one of their major suppliers.Through a joint computer system development effort, twain firms receive data on inventory, point of sale, demand, and customer information. This has led to Johnson and Johnson providing better service to McKesson increasing the level of service that McKesson provides to its customers. Due to the success of the relationship, Johnson and Johnson has turn over a million dollars worth of business to McKesson. Bose Corporation Bose corporation has attempted to eliminate both purchasers and sale speople by bringing suppliers into the manufacturing process.Suppliers have access code to Boses data, employees and processes. They work with Boses engineers on bring in and future products. The knave 7 reduction in personnel reduces costs for both sides, and a direct contact between the user and producer enhances quality and innovation. frameing and Maintaining Supplier Relationships Wilson 6 suggests that the majority of alliances fail. We find out that more or less of the problems are associated with the selection and maintaining of supplier relationships. We present research finding from academic research, USGAO 2 and our own experiences.In order to establish relationships, we suggest that firms be very selective in their criteria. In addition to the usual criteria of competency and quality, we suggest the following additional factors be taken into status Trust and Commitment to Long-term Goals. Both suppliers and buyers need to demonstrate aver and commitment toward a long-term vision. Trust and commitment have been shown to be the major predictors of successful relationships. Mutual Benefit. The relationship should be of benefit to both the buyer and the seller.If the relationship has one-sided benefits, the relationship will not last. diadem Management Support. Most successful relationships are associated with support from the top managers of a firm. As examples, the success of Walmart and Corning in forming relationships is because their CEOs have supported supplier relationships. Also, DuPont and channel Express have formed an Executive Board that meets at both companies to enhance their relationship 2. Compatible Organizational Culture. The culture of firms should be compatible. This Page 8 uggests that they share common values and share common wages systems. A major relationship initiative between two telecom firms did not work because they did not share a common work philosophy. One firm was very intense, whereas the other firm wa s laid back. The relationship dissolved in six months. Sharing of Information. Relationships require sharing of information. The benefits of relationships arise from reducing the uncertainty associated with transaction oriented exchanges. Information increases certainty and reduces costless interaction.As an example, Bailey Controls, a manufacturer of control systems shares data with two of its main electronic distributors that has allowed Bailey to reduce inventory and costs 3. Strong and Open Communications. Strong and collapse communications reduces misunderstanding and enhances the quality of relationships. Maintaining Successful Relationships The following aspects are regarded as important for the successful maintenance of relationships. Simple and Flexible Contract. Simple and flexible contracts enhance relationships as they are used as guides rather than specifying all contingencies.For example, when Kodak outsourced their computer support function to IBM, they used an eleven-page contract 2. In contrast, typically simple business contracts run to about 30 pages. Intensive Management Involvement. Cross functional teams from both the supplier and buyer organizations that meet sporadically to enhance their relationships. For example, Ford uses salespeople to provide suppliers with consumer feedback 2. Page 9 Periodic consummation Monitoring. We have found that performance remindering is critical for relationships. Suppliers also notify a formal performance evaluation method.As an example, Motorola evaluates and generates a score wag for all of its suppliers 3. The suppliers next order is based on the suppliers previous performance. Suppliers appreciate this knowledge and compete better. inhering Controls. It is intuitive but companies need to protect access and distribution of mystic information with rigorous internal controls. Problem Solving Procedures. Companies need to establish problem solving procedures that reduce interlockings or prevent conflicts. One of the simplest forms is snitch communication at all levels of the customer and supplier organization.Organizational Changes Need to Establish Supplier Relationships As stated earlier, as we traverse from a transaction and domestic orientation course to a relationship and global orientation, firms will need to emphasize the development of relationship with suppliers. This emphasis of a relationship orientation toward suppliers will lead to an expertise in many aspects of business buying. These areas are highlighted in Figure 3, raised in our earlier paper 4 and discussed next. 1. Supplier as a client. As discussed earlier, there will be a thrust toward developing and maintaining relationship with customers.However, firms understanding in this area is very limited. Firms will need to develop commitment, trust and cooperation with their suppliers. Firms will need to target in mutual goals, interdependence, structural bonds, adaptation, non Page 10 retrievabl e assets, shared out technology and social bonds to ensure successful relationships 6. 2. Cross-Functional Supplier Teams. Marketers have used interdisciplinary teams to contact and maintain relationships with their customers. As individual suppliers relationships become more important we expect a similar thrust toward cross-functional teams that are dedicate or focused on their make out suppliers.The importance of individual suppliers is expected to increase because of the emergence of sourcing on a global and relational basis with a few name suppliers. Firms will need to change goals, reward structure and group norms of the purchasing function. 3. Does Partnering Pay? Firms will need to monitor the return on investment in establishing relationships with suppliers. Therefore, firms will need to develop a performance metric that analytically quantifies supplier relationship equity. We feel that supplier partnering with smaller share suppliers will not be economical.The cost-ben efit abbreviation of supplier relationships should result in increased supplier selectivity. 4. communicate flummox Curves. Managing supplier relationships will not be an easy task. The task of managing relationships on a global basis will be more multifactorial and not analogous to domestic supplier management as most business customers have realized. Therefore, in industries where supply function is a key strategic advantage, companies need to focus on creating core competency in supply side management and develop sharper experience curves. Page 11 5. Hub and Spokes Organization. We expect organizations to reduce the number of uppliers in each product or service category. In addition, re engineering has forced firms to out source internal activities. We expect the results of these two trends to lead to a hub and intercommunicate organization in which one or two suppliers in each product or service category are the spokes and the procurement organization becomes the hub on a g lobal basis. 6. Bonding with Suppliers. Marketers, specifically those that practice relationship marketing have learned to bond with their customers. Bonding relates to the empathy that the marketing organizations feel toward their customer groups.With an increasing trend toward creating, managing, and enhancing ongoing relationships with suppliers on a global basis, organizations will have to invest in supplier bonding processes and philosophies. 7. spherical Sourcing. We expect global sourcing to be a source of strategic advantage. mend several global enterprises, especially in the automotive, high technology and the aerospace industries are establishing processes and platforms, it is still at an infancy stage of practice in other industries. Firms will have to develop expertise in global sourcing strategies as well as global logistics. . Cross-Culture Values. Firms will need to be more aware of cross-cultural values. These values may be in conflict with the firms present value system. As an example, firms in the US are accused of focusing on short-term profitability whereas firms in Japan are concerned about long-term positioning. Similarly, in some cultures, reciprocity is declared illegal and wrong Page 12 whereas in other cultures it is the preferred way of doing business. What is considered as an agency fee in one country is recognized as a bribe, subject to pursuit under the anticorruption laws.Similarly, doing business with family members and politically connected individuals are presumed to provide a sense of trust and commitment in some cultures whereas it is considered as nepotism and unethical behavior in others. 9. Cross-National Rules. Firms will also have to learn about cross national rules. Specifically, the two tier regulations (one for domestic and the other for contrasted enterprises) are common with respect to ownership, management control, and co-production practices in countries such as China.With the rise of nationalism in recent y ears, this has become a key issue for global enterprises such as McDonalds, Coca-Cola, General Electric, and Enron, especially as they expand their market scope and supply scope in large emerging nations such as India, China, and Indonesia. 10. Services Procurement. As organizations out source more and more internal services, and as suppliers engage in providing value-added services to their customers, firms need to better understand and research services procurement. Additionally, as most advanced countries are services economies, services procurement will rise in prominence.Conclusions The paper examined the reasons for the emergence supplier relations as source of Page 13 competitive advantage. The paper discusses successful relationships, rules for developing relationships and concludes with organizational strategies that will enhance supplier relationships. Page 14 References 1. Napolitano, Lisa, Customer-Supplier Partnering A Strategy Whose Time has Come, ledger of Personal S elling and Sales Management, 4 (Fall), 1-8 (1997). linked States General Accounting Office, Partnerships Customer-Supplier Relationships can be Improved through Partnering, survey issuing 94-173, Washington, D.C. (1994). Magnet, Myron, The New Golden Rule of Business, Fortune, February 21, 60-64 (1994). Sheth, Jagdish N. , and Arun Sharma, Supplier Relationships Emerging Issues and Challenges, Industrial Marketing Management, 26 (2), 91-100 (1997). Wasti, S Nazli, Jeffrey K. Liker, Risky business or competitive power? Supplier involvement in Japanese product design, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 14 (September), 337-55 (1997). Wilson, David T. , An Integrated Model of Buyer marketer Relationships, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 23, 4, 335-45, (1995). Emshwiller, John R. Suppliers Struggle to Improve Quality as Big Firms Slash their Vendor Roles, Wall Street Journal, howling(a) 16, B1, (1991). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Page 15 Table 1 Reduction in the Number of Suppliers Company Number of Suppliers Current Previous 5,000 10,000 9,000 10,000 1,800 22,000 520 7,500 Percentage Change 90. 00% 70. 00% 66. 66% 45. 00% 44. 44% 36. 36% 26. 92% 20. 00% Xerox Motorola Digital Equipment General Motors Ford Motor Texas Instruments Rainbird Allied-Signal Aerospace 500 3,000 3,000 5,500 1,000 14,000 380 6,000 Source Emshwiller 7. Page 16 Figure 1 changing Paradigm of Organizational Purchasing StrategyGlobal Competitiveness Technology Enablers ever-changing Paradigms of Procurement TQM Philosophy Industry Restructuring Page 17 Figure 2 Shift in Organizational Purchasing Strategy Global Sourcing Changing Paradigms of Procurement Transaction Oriented Relationship Oriented Industry Restructuring domesticated Sourcing Page 18 Figure 3 Emerging Areas of Expertise in Supplier Relationships Service Procurement Supplier as a Customer Cross Functional Supplier Teams Cross-National Rules Partnering Cross Cultural Values Supply Experience Curve Global Sourcing Bo nding with Suppliers Hub and Spoke Organization Page 19
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