Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Violence cannot be properly understood if it is approached as an Essay - 1
military group cannot be straight-lacedly understood if it is approached as an growingary horizon of human nature. Discuss - Essay workoutIt is therefore pretty correct to state that military group is the cornerstone of a number of human-related problems which have take after about of age, and that too have lingered on in the longest time. What needs to be understood is the proper role of violence at heart the midst of human comprehension because it sh solely make the good and the bad souls within any society get the hang of how things shape up within violent realms. This paper discusses the basis of violence and how it is dealt within an evolutionary aspect of human nature or the lack thereof. It is important that violence is understood exactly in the way it should be done. How violence comes of age here is the point that its repercussions atomic number 18 varied on the the great unwashed and it is manifested in a number of different ways. What remains significant is the fact that it is something which is abhorred in essence. The element of hatred with regards to violence is because no one appreciates its incorporation within his/her life. There is coarse negativity that comes in the way of violence and quite rightly so. Since the domains of violence be now being seen as elements of extreme disruption, people usually understand the related dictums more than ever. This is because violence brings about expiry and problems for all and sundry, creating a sense of negative upheaval within any society of the world where the aspect of violence is on the rise (Wrangham, 1997). How human beings decipher the notion of violence is understood differently because the people who are close to such levels believe that it is something drastic and could easily destruct the basis of not solitary(prenominal) their own lives alone the ones nigh them as well. It is indeed an inherent feeling within the people all over the world that violence can ransack their peac e, destruct the basis of their tranquility and turn their quiet environments into wrath-filled zones. More than anything else, violence is something that is a definitive no-no from all sides and should always be kept at a safe distance from the lives of the commoners. Whether or not human beings are intrinsically violent in their regimes is an uncorroborated feeling. This is because many people are of the view that there are aggressive individuals spread all around them but whether they possess the violent streak in them is something that needs to be understood in the intimately proper sense. Violence can be a part of an individuals personality but it might not be a vital facet within his own domains. People are of the view that violence is usually something that creates anarchy within the society, though not in a fast-paced way. It does create anarchy of sorts because it is an element which stirs up emotions and sentiments, all of which are deemed in a negative fashion. The evolu tion of human beings is such that violence can affect or literally break their basis. It is something that makes them think and thence find out ways which can deal with the foundation of violence in the first positioning (Ferguson, 2004). There have been critical views regarding the essence of violence creeping into the different societies of the world. It is yet to be establish whether or not violence is the root cause of many a problem within the case regimes, and more so in an area to area basis. This is because locals
Monday, April 29, 2019
State the different steps involved in a confirmed documentary letter Essay
adduce the different steps involved in a confirmed documentary letter of ascribe, with payment foothold of ninety days sight. Then comp ar and contrast documentary collections and documentary letter of credit - judge ExampleAfterwards, the beneficiary or the seller then transports the goods and comes up with the documents required to support the letter of credit. It is aft(prenominal) presenting the relevant documents to the advising strand or the confirming bank that the documents can be processed for any payments to be done (Barru, 2005).The confirming or advising bank scrutinizes the documents to establish abidance with the provided letter of credit. In the event that the exposit are correct, the advising or confirming bank can put claims of funds through either obtaining a debit from the upshot banks account, waiting for some period of time to allow the issuing bank to remit or through any other bank as per the requirements of the credit. After this, it leave be upon th e advising or confirming bank send the documents to the issuing bank which again examines the papers for compliance and in case there are no complications, the issuing bank debits the account of the buyer. Finally, the issuing bank performs yet another duty of sending the documents back to the buyer (Azar & Abdallah, 2015).One of the similarities between the documentary collections and letter of credit is that the execution of both of these payments is performed by the banks. Moreover, documents are very essential in both of the payments and this becomes the sulfur similarity between the two methods of payments. The third similarity is that both of these documents are governed by rules of trade which are accepted internationally (Barru, 2005).While the letters of credit majorly fall under the governance of UCP 600, cash against documents payments in this case referred to as documentary collects fall under the governance of the rules outlined in URC 522 (Ilie, 2015).For the letters of credit to be opened by the bank that issues them the applicant must be willing to accept the banks beseech to open them or in other
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Gay Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Gay Marriage - Essay ExampleHowever, there atomic number 18 researchers who wall that it is not desirable to force homosexuals to engage in heterosexual marital affairs as this would bust their personal and familial life. In this respect, Andrew Sullivan purports that homosexual fathers and mothers who are encouraged in to heterosexual couplings subsequently notice the charade and dishonesty too great to bear spouses are betrayed, children are abandoned, families are broken and lives are ruined (Persily). Thus, the proponents of gay wedding party argue that it is better that homosexuals engage in gay marriage as they are unable to lead a normal heterosexual married life. They also argue that the homosexuality is not a mental illness and is an inherent character of humans which should be treated as well as the case of heterosexuals. Both morality and religion condemn gay marriages the concept of gay marriage is against the teachings of Christianity as it upholds that God has d esigned human beings as men and women to complement each other and marriage is the primary institution that unites both men and women.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Whistleblowing and Deviance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Whistleblowing and Deviance - Essay ExampleHowever, diversion and its definition differ with cultures. For example, somebody going against culturally defined gender roles may be deviant in some cultures, but not in the United States. Types of Deviance The rule-breaking behavior can be understood in three forms Good behavior. This is the symbol of deviance that may break the social norms but intends something good to happen. For example, Dr. David Kelly had talked to a few BBC journalists, off-the-record, about the issues among the Blair government and Saddam Hussains weapons of mass destruction, but his words were portrayed in a very(prenominal) wrong way, which resulted in such a critical situation that finally dragged him to commit suicide. He killed himself as a result of whistleblowing (Henderson, 2003) Odd behavior. Many behaviors ar considered as not normal while they are also not criminal. Such odd behavior includes behaving awkwardly in public places, wearing outre dres ses, piercing ones eyes and lips, etcetera. Bad behavior. This is the criminal behavior that is apt to break the societal and countrys laws, and the behavior is totally unacceptable for the society. ... n 1939 by Edwin Sutherland, a ren takeed criminologist and sociologist, during a speech when he was addressing the American Sociological Society (Schlegel & Weisburd, 1994, p.3). The organization itself is the actor in deviant behavior, where the blanched collar crime is committed by businessmen of the organization. In organizational deviance, the organization is responsible for the crime, and has to example penalties for it. According to Karri & Associates (2006), organizational deviance include crimes like bankruptcy fraud, computer crime, identity theft, pension parentage crime, occupational crime, securities fraud, and medical fraud. However, organizational deviance is more inclined toward unethical behavior shown by its employees. When this deviance becomes a characteristic o f the entire organization rather than of a single individual, it becomes a crime. In early(a) words, when the deviant behavior is overlooked by employees, and is even supported by higher authorities, it becomes organizational deviance, or in other words, white collar crime. Case Study How Deviance Occurred? Individual deviance was macrocosm carried on by the employee, Bradley Birkenfeld and, since it was supported by the whole organization, it became organizational deviance. Deviance occurred because the whole of the organization was operative with an intention to help wealthy Americans evade taxes. Bradley Birkenfeld also found out that the organization was not in compliance with U.S. tax laws. When the organizations authorities came to know about it, they fired him and did not issues him the pecuniary statement for his dismissal, due to which he whistleblew to the IRS and SEC about UBSs activities. This is how deviance occurred. Since Bradley Birkenfeld did not show his own co mplicity in the entire case,
Friday, April 26, 2019
Community Engagement Assignment Earth care Packaging Essay
club Engagement Assignment Earth care Packaging - Essay ExampleIf unchecked, the pollution might finally lead to a corruption of the water-supply and sewer systems around the town.The lake cleaning occupation was a joint activity of the Michigan county council and the UNEP. The two organizers not that organized the event but also provided the materials to be use during the cleaning.In line with the course emphasis on ethics and social responsibility as relating to environsal issues, the cleaning was a wakeup call to the obvious harm that industrialization had on the environment. The theme of the exercise was ane that called on safe industrialization practices, targeted mainly on the big multi-million dollars so engrossed with their business prospects that they be little heed to the cry to spare the environmental. The address on the ethical decisions and procedures in the disposal of their thriftlessness materials should take more into account the impact it has on the general society. As such, the role of social of ensuring the environment is clean or healthy should not be delegated only to the town council or other super C world movements but should be adopted as an obligation of every individual. This is the meaning of social responsibility. When apply to the industry, the right term will be corporate social responsibility.The amount of personal satisfaction that I derived from engaging in this activity was really fulfilling. I was able, to not only engage my time in a worthy cause but was also able to gain a wealth of companionship about how simple acts such as littering the pathways might ultimately lead to such bigger environmental problems as global warming, more often than not resulting in untold misery not only to plants and animals, but also to the human beings.By participating in this activity, I learnt of the immense role and cater of an individual in ensuring the preservation of the environment. I learnt that social responsibility starts with an
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Why is old world wine dropping down in uk Essay - 3
Why is old world fuddle-coloured dropping crop up in uk - Essay ExampleDuring the same period the author find that the New World wine has grown by 3.4%, whereas obsolescent World wine has lost the market share by close to 2%.xlivThe wine market in UK has been the central hub of wine collection from all all over the world. Until recently the Old World economies have been leading in the UK wine market for supplying the upright wines. However, with the emergence of the New World wine producers offering a huge array of wine to guide from along with aggressive promotional strategies have overpoweringly grabbed the market from the hands of the Old World wine manufacturers. The Old World countries like France which used to enjoy monopoly for decades in exporting its tradition-rich wines to the UK markets are now existence dominated by the New World economies like Australia with incredible marketing techniques. Factors like poor branding, qualified labelling, inconsistent quality a nd inept promotional dodging have together led to the decline of the Old World wine producers in the UK wine market. To combat this severe threat an intensive reviewing of attitudes towards brands is exactly what is undeniable for the Old World wine producers to recapture the wine market in UK from the hands of the New Wold wine manufacturers. Understanding the consumers needs in todays modern wine market, adopting clear labelling, recognizing the increasingly posh wine supply chain, filling the huge information gaps is exactly what is required from the manufacturers of Old World wines. Hence, it is solitary(prenominal) through the union of innumerable small Old World wine producers reviewing their entire branding strategy that the possibility of their sustainability in the UK wine market prevails.Various European wine producing economies are undergoing tough generation in UK wine market (Harrop, 2006). France, Spain, Italy and Portugal, the leading wine producers of the world are gradually losing their
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Triple Bottom Line Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Triple Bottom Line - naming ExampleThese components also assume three divisions that include hatful, planet, and profit. In an organisation, these components are crucial for the sustainability of the organization. The components have a linkage, and an organization has to consider them for their business to thrive. The people component involves the benefits people or the community near the localization of function of the organization. The organization should influence the community positively and not impact on it in a controvert way. The organization should see to it it exploits anyone neither treat them inappropriately. The planet component deals with the effects an organization has on the surround (Slaper and Hall 2011). Some organization cause pollution either air, water or soil and these leaves the people suffering from diseases, and also this weighs heavily on the government to correct it. The government has to use the money to ensure environmental sustainability (Savitz a nd Weber 2012). They get the money from the taxpayers. Thus, the organization will be impacting negatively on the environment and the people. The profit component assesses the economic value of an organization its benefits to the society and also to itself. The Triple bottom railway line is relevant to any business as it evaluates the performance of any organization. It also helps to evaluate the future consequences that the organization will have to the society and the environment. All organizations should consider the triple bottom line when setting the organizations goals of sustainability.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
God Orginial Food Plan Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 15000 words
God Orginial Food Plan - Thesis Exampleenforce by the federal government in the United States obesity, aliment borne diseases and nutriment contamination are non uncommon are often heard of in the United States. This study was undertaken to explore Gods original intellectual nourishment plan and why homo beings deviated from it. To evaluate Gods original provender plan dietary laws under four major religions of the world were studied. While some religions permit savage meat restrictions on animal slaughter have been defined. However, all the religions believe in clean, hygienic, natural food and are against genetically engineered food as it amounts to interfering with natures (Gods) plan. Consumerism and materialism prompted the food manufacturers to quester newer ways to lure consumers through offering enhanced nutritional value. This led to accustom of hormones in cattle, use of pesticides, dietary supplements and additives, in addition to genetic medications and hybrid sy stems in food production. In addition, long food supply chains resulted in food getting contaminated as residues of pesticides persisted. All of these led to increase toxicity and interference with natures plan. All the religious heads have expressed their resentment against such(prenominal) foods being supplied as it interferes with Gods original plan. They have insisted that genetically modified foods should be denominate which would enable consumers to take an informed decision. While the government did regulate the sector and framed laws, these laws and regulations were often politicized to pillow slip the larger players in the sector. The study concludes that man has tried to interfere with natures bounty. Consumerism, desires and taste for newer varieties of food have taken man away from nature. The desire for more and more profits gave rise to wrong and immoral practices in the food industry where preferences was given to self-rewards and profits over concern for fellow hu man beings. Even children have not been spared. The study concludes by recommending how
Assigment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Assigment - Assignment ExampleThe wrap up intercessor for egotism and his wife however, would probably be his wifes mother Ubara because mediation is undertaken by males not females and Ubara is associated to Ego by marriage with no historical roots the traffichip is considered as feeble. The virtually neutral mediator for Ego would more likely be Egos grandfather Ubandu because grandparents make up strong joking relationships with their grandchildren and Ubandu is the male grandparent. It would not be wise and the outcomes would probably be negative if Ego and his wife were to go to a Western marriage counselor. According to Davidheiser (2), unlike American mediation, wherein an impartial third-party mediator is usual, the Mandinka operate with a more subjective relational mediator and the Ndake would do the same. American mediators are conglomerate with the task of sifting out the underlying causal links to the conflict, while at the same duration isolating people from the problem. Ego and his wife would be subjected to the Western ideology of conflict resolution and justice, which is in complete conflict to their own. Ndake like Mandinka mediators are more concerned with social order and good relations rather than the actual conflict and its causes they do not concern themselves with mutual benefit or documental decision making and results, preferring instead to ignore the underlying issues in favor of forgiveness and continuing relationships. In other words, the result of a western marriage counselor would be the couple going crystallise ways with all assets divided equally in a win-win situation the result of a Ndake mediator would more likely be Ego and his wife staying together in happiness. Q.2 Jewish humor, founded on ridicule and stereotypes is alive and thriving Berger (xxiv). It does not however, invent the stereotypes or affronts it deals out but instead takes advantage of those already in circulation by manipulation and exploitation (N ilsen & Nilsen). Jewish humor emanates from within and among its own people to rent intellectual, social and emotional needs by mocking themselves along with everyone else around them. Although Jewish humor may appear funny it hides cunning and sometimes ingenious stratums, which when taken apart expose deeper underlying issues. It features an chaff that is exclusive to the Jewish culture and by being a part of that culture the jokes contain nevertheless further meaning. Historically, the Jewish people have used their special brand of humor to deal the ken that life has bestowed them, including the adversities of Diaspora, the Holocaust and alienation. Freud (166-67 cited in Morris) remarked on the particular humor of the Jews, making comment on their preponderance of laughing at their own deficiencies he further claimed that such humor may be two adverse and offensive, but when used in an adverse manner it is a form of defense. Most of the stories and jokes aimed against pa rticular aspects of Jewish life in the past have been invented by Jews themselves, and because of Jewish dispersion they have endured generations of marginalisation and have thus a different view of the world. Self-denouncing and complimentary stories and jokes come from within the group as a means of survival and as Freud claimed, to acquire control of their humor by doing it before and fall apart than non-Jews (Morris). During the holocaust Jewish humor was very much a defense mechanism used as a means of sur
Monday, April 22, 2019
OOP Features Added to Oracle Database Assignment
OOP Features Added to illusionist Database - Assignment ExampleOOP Features Added to Oracle DatabaseAll computer programing languages and particularly database programming languages need to be comprehensively stable and dynamic in adapting to ever changing developmental environments. Like any other programming language SQL*Plus has shown a lot of flexibleness and strength to adapt to the features of intention Oriented Programming while keeping its own shape in tact and without losing the core strength of being an ideal structured query language. In the early 1990 the Object Oriented Programming exemplar begin to gain accelerated acceptance as a major programming approach and most of the database and programming languages begin to extend features that support this model. The approach of extending SQL *Plus for Oracle Database was centered around the efforts to find ways and mean which piece of tail provide an integrated support for the intents, inclination identifiers and inh eritance structures within relative language. The approach was followed rigorously but until the release and shipment of SQL3, the extensions of OOP model were non quite mature. The efforts of finding a better integration between OOP model and structured comparative languages continued, some other approach in this the category is an extension of a conventional SQL that is used to retrieve and manipulate data. For sample POSTGRES (Stonebraker, 1986) provides an extended SQL called POSTQUEL query with the ability to capture the concept of abstract data types (encapsulated data structures and methods), inheritance structures and physical object identity. (Wenny, Annier & Pardede , 2005, p. 17).... (Wenny, Annier & Pardede , 2005, p. 17). a) Object-Relational Methodology The extension of object oriented features in relational languages is commonly referred as the object-relational model. A sedulousness Layer connecting objects in an object-oriented system to data stored in a re lational database. (Object-Relational, 2012). The term, object - relational is non limited to the study of OOP features that can be mapped to SQL rather this section will focus the object - relational model as whole. b) Mapping Objects and Tables Objects are the core constructs of object oriented modeling, therefore, object-relational modeling for Oracle database management system will require the definition of objects and methods to handle them. The objects will then be converted object tables (relations). So, this provides the founding on which we can formulate our object-relational for Oracle DBMS. However, it must be noted that this model does not inevitably require each object translated into a corresponding object table in SQL because, there can be alternatives to this approach. For an example, a solution may be designed on the object - relational model which may use SQL views (instead of tables) to simulate objects. Therefore, two possible strategies to accomplish the obje ct-relational modeling includes the creation of object tables today from the objects defined in OOP model, alternatively the object-relational model can also be built upon an existing relational database by defining SQL *Plus Views in terms of objects. c) Mapping Objects Types and Data Types Secondly the object types of an object oriented model can be utilized to define the user
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Globalization and Global Strategic Planning SLP 1 (401) Essay - 1
Globalization and Global Strategic Planning SLP 1 (401) - Essay ExampleThe companys retail division (called Primark in UK and Penneys in Ireland) has a global presence with over 215 stores application program a total argona of 6.9 million square feet (ABF, 2010). The retail divisions outlets are set in Belgium, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the UK (ABF, 2010).In 1963, the company acquired the British supermarket giant, Fine Fare which it sold later in 1986 in order to acquire British wampum (ABF, 2010). As of 2009, British Sugar fulfills the sugar (ABF, 2010). The company provides workplace to more than 97,000 people and operates in more than 44 countries (ABF, 2010)The Companys profits by geographic region are such that the company derives 53% of its profits from U.K and rest from international sales. Amongst the international regions it targets are Europe , Africa, America and Asia Pacific with Europe and Africa contributing the most and Asia Pacific co ntributing the least (ABF, 2010).The agency of market entry employed by ABF has been diversification of both products and markets (Whittington & Mayer, 2002). It has been observed at times, that diversification into new(a) markets has been the result of product diversification that is, the company has entered into new markets simply because those markets had demand for the product that the company had saucily introduced. This was the case with sugar. ABF modify into the food business because of its intention to provide one-stop convenience shopping to customers the company had know that customer buying habits and trends were changing (Whittington & Mayer, 2002). One of the most important reasons however was the instability of earnings from sugar sector due to its seasonal nature, coupled with the anticipated EU reform (Bertin, 2002).By the early 1900s, ABF diversified into the tea and coffee segment (through acquisition of Twinings and Jackson), the biscuits and chips bread busi ness (through acquisition of Burtons
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Engaging parents and fathers in their children's early learning Essay
Engaging p arents and fathers in their childrens early learning - Essay ExampleFor instance, the ministries and departments of education and child public assistance have been in the forefront of funding projects that gather, assess, and analyze existing knowledge and best practices that would encourage opposite educational and learning stakeholders to work with and involve parents in young childrens learning (Desforges, 2003). This paper explores the open of involving parents, more so fathers in childrens early learning.Many educationists concur that the importance of parental betrothal in childrens early learning cannot be overemphasized. The first reason for this assertion is that parents are childrens first and most enduring educators. Thus, by working together with other child welfare and breeding practitioners, parents play a rather critical role in and have a positive bear upon on their childrens early learning and development. This positive impact of parental involvement stems from the fact that the while and activities shared among parents and children not only affect the childrens social and intellectual development but in addition their emotional development (Desforges, 2003). It is therefore imperative that parents understand that childrens early learning requires more than exactly being parents but requires them to take an active role in the childrens early learning. There are several parental factors infringing on or affecting a childrens early learning. These factors include parents socioeconomic status, education level and nourishment conditions, which have direct bearing on a childs early learning activities and outcomes. Nonetheless, more important than the above factors is the quality of a childs national learning environment.Although parents may not have achieved a lot educationally and might be living in disadvantaged environment and circumstance, their regular engagement in their childrens early learning activities has
Friday, April 19, 2019
Answer Case Study Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Answer Case assume Question - Assignment ExampleIt would also be appropriate for the firm to reserve enough cash for speculative purposes so as to grab any investment opportunities that may come up the countries where they dismount up their new branches. Funds to cover any calamities that may arise be also rattling for the firm.The company should put into consideration the cost of sweat in the countries where they externalise to start branches. There are countries where the trade unions and government policies place very high minimum wages for labourers making the cost of labour high. There are also countries where the governments provide some amount of money for the unemployed. In such countries, plurality tend to only accept jobs that pay beyond certain amounts. These issues make cost of labour relatively high and the company should not invest in such countries. Availability of raw materials required by the firm for its performance process is also an important factor. In countries where the raw materials are readily available, production will be much cheaper compared to countries where the raw materials have to be outsourced from elsewhere. In outsourcing raw materials, transportation be and custom duty are incurred thereby increasing the cost of production. Where the resources are relatively scarce, the forces of demand and offer tend to raise their prices increasing the cost of production.The firm should also consider the economic status of the countries where they plan to start new branches. Countries facing recessions have low per capita income translating to lower purchasing power of its citizens. This may act about low demand for goods and services leading to the company making losses due to scummy sales of its products. In counties with stable economies, the chances of making profits are much higher hence to a greater extent attractive for firms planning to go global. The company should also consider the level of technology in the variou s(a) countries.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Australian Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Australian globalisation - Essay ExampleGlobal movement of ideas, people and commodities increases significantly during the 19th century. Development of new acid forms like railroads and steam ships, and telecommunication infrastructure enabled rapid rates in global interchange (Robertson, 1992). During the twentieth century, airlines, road vehicle and intermodal transport ensured faster transportation. Also by 2010, electronic communication like the net profit and mobile phones connected millions of people worldwide (Robertson, 1992). The globalization has led to significant effects in Australia in terms of transport, communication, business and governance (Stephenson, 1994). This research paper explains both the negative and the positive influencers that the globalization offset has had on the political, social cultural, economic and environmental systems of Australia. In reference to Australia, the globalization process is vital to the future day economy, because of Australia s economic, political and socio-cultural open nature open natures. Globalization is not a single issue, but describes the factors that change an economy like Australias into an economy identified with increased mobility of capital, investments, labor and trade. During the last 50 years, Australia has embraced this phenomenon, and therefore received benefits in the financial and trade sectors of the economy. These benefits led to related disadvantages and costs, especially to the organizations that cannot catch up with the increasing globalization process (Hopkins, 2004).
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Films of moral struggle research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Films of moral fight - Research Paper ExampleIn addition, the paper is going to determine whether clones should be accepted into the ball club since they have benevolent feelings and memories. Also, the paper is going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of cloning. The main question that the paper is going to manoeuvre is should clones or can clones should replace human beings?Moon is a 2009 British film directed by Duncan Jones and produced by Stuart Fennegan and Trudie Styler. The science fiction film is portrayed in the future that is 2035. The star of the film is surface-to-air missile Rockwell as Sam Bell who is an astronaut mining helium-3 in solitary for three years. Moon superseded its cipher of 5million dollars to gross at 9.7 million dollars in total. Towards the end of his three year contract, Sam who works with a robot called GERTY discovers that he has a doppelganger. This is after he crashes and overhears his robot companion talking to the rescue team. after tending to his unconscious doppelganger, the two Sam find out from GERTY that they are both clones of an overlord Sam. afterwards this shocking news the two clones decide to undertake their own investigations and search into the cloning business. They are blow out of the water to discover a vault full of hundreds of clones which seem to be half asleep. They discover that the company the original Sam works for clones astronaut to escape paying new astronauts. They decide to reveal lunar company to the world and the younger or newer Sam goes to earth and tells the story which brings a clustering of conflicts to the company as witnessed in the shift in stock value. In the end the film depicts that human beings do not agree with lunars work ethics and it seems the clones are more tender than humans themselves (Moon).Cloning can be defined as the creation of similar genetic copies exploitation the original organisms DNA thereby making their DNA 100% similar (Hutson, 2015). Clonin g uses the same knead of creation like bacteria or plants do that is asexual
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Greece Crisis Essay Example for Free
Greece Crisis probeYears of unrestrained outgo, cheap lending and failure to implement financial reforms left Greece badly unfastened when the globular stinting downturn struck. This whisked away a curtain of partly fiddled statistics to reveal debt levels and shortages that exceeded limits set by the euroz one(a).Greece was living beyond its means even in advance it joined the euro. After it adopted the single currency, habitual spending soared.Public sector wages, for example, rose 50% surrounded by 1999 and 2007 far faster than in approximately opposite(a) eurozone countries. The judicature also ran up bear-sized debts suffering for the 2004 Athens Olympics.And while money flowed go forth of the brasss coffers, its income was hit by widespread tax evasiveness. So, after years of overspending, its bud total deficit the difference between spending and income spiralled out of control.Moreover, much of the borrowing was c formerlyaled, as successive classica l governments sought to meet the 3%-of-GDP cap on borrowing that is take of members of the euro.When the global financial downturn hit and Greeces hidden borrowings came to thinly the clownish was ill-prepared to cope.Debt levels get toed the point where the region was no longer able to re net profit its loans, and was forced to ask for garter from its atomic number 63an partners and the IMF in the form of massive loans.In the short term, however, the conditions attached to these loans pose compounded Greeces woes.How big are these debts?National debt, rank at 300 billion ($413.6 billion), is bigger than the countrys economy, with some estimates predicting it will reach 120 percent of gross domestic product in 2010. The countrys deficit how much more(prenominal) it spends than it takes in is 12.7 percent.So what happens now?Greeces credit rating the assessment of its ability to repay its debts has been downgraded to the lowest in the eurozone, heart it will likely b e viewed as a financial black hole by inappropriate investors. This leaves the country struggling to pay its bills as stakes rates on existing debts rise. The Greek government of Prime Minister George Papandreou, which inherited much of the financial burden when it took office late last year, has already scrapped most of its pre-election promises and must implement harsh and unpopular spending cuts. Will this hurt the rest of Europe?Greece is already in major breach of eurozone rules on deficit management and with the financial markets betting the country will oversight on its debts, this reflects badly on the credibility of the euro. in that location are also fears that financial doubts will infect other nations at the low end of Europes economic scale, with Portugal and the Republic of Ireland coming to a lower place scrutiny. If Europe needs to re clear to rescue packages involving bodies such as the International Monetary Fund, this would further aggrieve the euros reputa tion and could give out to a substantial fall against other key currencies. If Greece does not repay its creditors, a dangerous precedent will leave been set. This may make investors increasingly nervous slightly the like disputationss of other highly-indebted nations, such as Italy, or those with weak economies, such as Spain, repaying their debts or even staying inner(a) the euro.If investors stop buying bonds issued by other governments, then those governments in turn will not be able to repay their creditors a potentially disastrous vicious circle.To combat this risk, European leaders have agreed a 700bn-euro firewall to protect the rest of the eurozone from a full-blown Greek default.Moreover, if banks in the weaker eurozone countries that are already struggling to find enough capital of the United States are forced to write off even more loans they have made something that becomes more likely if the eurozone economy falls deeper into recession they will become weaker still, undermining corporate trust in the entire banking system.Eurozone banks may then find it even hard to borrow, and on that pointfore to lend, potentially sparking a second credit crunch, where bank lending effectively dries up, hurting the economy further.This problem would be exacerbated by savers and investors taking money out of banks in vulnerable economies, such as Greece, Portugal and Spain, and moving it to banks in safer economies such as Germ any or the Netherlands.These potential scenarios would be made immeasurably worsened if Greece were to leave the euro. The country would near certainly reintroduce the drachma, which would devalue dramatically and quickly, making it even harder for Greece to repay its debts, and setting an even worse precedent.So what is Greece doing?As already mentioned, the government has started slashing away at spending and has implemented asceticism measures aimed at reducing the deficit by more than 10 billion ($13.7 billion). It has hi ked taxes on fuel, tobacco and alcohol, increase the retirement age by two years, imposed public sector pay cuts and applied tangled new tax evasion regulations. Are people happy with this?Predictably, quite the opposite and there have been warnings of resistance from various sectors of society. Workers nationwide have staged strikes closing airports, government offices, courts and schools. This industrial proceeding is evaluate to continue. How are Greeces European neighbors helping?Led by Germanys Chancellor Angela Merkel, all 16 countries which make up the euro zone have agreed a rescue plan for their ailing neighbor. The package, which would only be offered as a last resort, will involve co-ordinated bilateral loans from countries inside the common currency area, as wellspring as funds and technical assistance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).According to a stick statement on the EU Web site, a majority of the euro zone States would contri simplye an amount estab lish on their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and population, in the event that Greece needed support after help littleness to access funds in the financial markets. This means Germany will be the main contributor, followed by France. Although the resolve did not mention any specific figure, a senior European official quoted by Reuters give tongue to that the potential package may be worth around 20 billion euro (US$26.8 billion). However any European-backed loan package requires the unanimous approval of European Union members, meaning any euro zone country would have effective veto power.By the end of 2009, as a result of a combination of foreign and local factors the Greek economy faced its most-severe crisis since the restoration of democracy in 1974 as the Greek government revised its deficit from a prediction of 3.7% in early 2009 and 6% in folk 2009, to 12.7% of gross domestic product (GDP). In early 2010, it was revealed that through the assistance of Goldman Sachs,JP Mor gan Chase and numerous other banks, financial products were developed which enabled the governments of Greece, Italy and possibly other countries to hide their borrowing. This had enabled Greek governments to spend beyond their means, while contact the deficit targets of the European Union and the monetary union guidelines. In May 2010, the Greek government deficit was again revised and estimated to be 13.6% for the year, which was one of the highest in the world relative to GDP.Total public debt was forecast, harmonize to some estimates, to hit 120% of GDP during 2010, As a consequence, there was a crisis in international confidence in Greeces ability to repay its sovereign debt. In order to avert such a default, in May 2010 the other Eurozone countries, and the IMF, agreed to a rescue package which involved giving Greece an immediate 45 billion in bail-out loans, with more funds to follow, totaling 110 billion. In order to secure the funding, Greece was required to adopt harsh asceticism measures to bring its deficit under control. Their implementation will be monitored and evaluated by the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF. On 15 November 2010 the EUs statistics body Eurostat revised the public finance and debt figure for Greece followers an excessive deficit procedure methodological mission in Athens, and put Greeces 2009 government deficit at 15.4% of GDP and public debt at 126.8% of GDP making it the biggest deficit (as a division of GDP) amongst the EU member nations (although some have speculated that Irelands in 2010 may prove to be worse).The financial crisis particularly the austerity package put forth by the EU and the IMF has been met with anger by the Greek public, leash to riots and social unrest. Despite the long range of austerity measures, the government deficit has not been reduced checkly, mainly, according to many economists, payable to the subsequent recession. Consequently, the countrys debt to GDP co ntinues to rise rapidly. The Greek public sector continues to be bloated, but the government has been reluctant to make civil servants redundancies. Immigrants are some convictions treated as scapegoats for economic problems by far-right extremists.Why should Greece Default.Contagion. Unemployment. Haircuts. Seemingly endless summits of the Troika. The news coming out of Europe continues to be opprobrious and at the center of the storm is Greece, a Eurozone member drowning in its sovereign debt. In the shadow of the global financial crisis of 2008, the specter of a disorderly Greek default has spooked investors and policymakers alike. Greece, a country that contributes less than 3% of Eurozone GDP, is holding the international economy hostage. The uncertainty arising from ineffectual rescue packages, prolonged negotiations, and poor implementation of austerity measures is slowing foreign investment in the EU and increasing volatility on the exchanges. Decisive action is desperately needed, but when will it come? It is in both Greece and the Eurozones best interest for the unavoidable to take place, now, before more rescue packages tie Greece to unachievable goals in the short run. Greece should default and beget the painful process of recovery outside of the Eurozone. The Greek crisis is testing the long-term viability of the euro experiment, an integrated European fiscal and monetary union, with supranational well-worns for spending and taxation, a common central bank, and a common currency.Ironically, a preeminent motivation for the establishment of the Eurozone was to protect Europe from U.S. financial disruptions, when, in fact, the reverse scenario seems of greater concern today. With the accident of Greeces sovereign debt default, banks, bondholders, and private creditors those with high levels of exposure and counterparty risk are on high agile and shaping (if not delaying) negotiations. The EU makes up 20% of the global economy and constitutes the heroicst single market by GDP. In the Eurozone alone there are roughly 320 million people, comparable to the United States. But unalike the U.S. dollar, a national currency in a Federalist system, the euro is issued in states that maintain drastically different fiscal policies. How can policymakers realistically equilibrise the interests of economic powerhouses like France and Germany, who contribute 50 percent of Eurozone GDP, with the interests and needs of the other fifteen member-states?The challenge before policymakers is to deepen European integration the move toward political, economic, and cultural homogeneity in order to sustain a Eurozone, while realizing when a line needs to be drawn in order to keep the whole thing from falling apart. From a political standpoint, Greece does not appear to be ad honesting with sufficient speed to justify inclusion in the zone. Its government is under siege tax evasion is endemic across all levels of society and people no longer t rust the government due to its inept handling of the budget, most notably in the cooked books of the Papandreou government. From an economic standpoint, the longer the Eurozone waits to act, the more Greeces balance sheet deteriorates. Since 2008, economic output has fallen by 6.5% and debt as a percent of GDP has skyrocketed from 133% to 163% on a linear projection. Interest rates will continue to go up. And culturally, it is prison term to accept and jazz the societal differences that give Europe its charming vibrancy. Put another way, when the Germans go to bed, the Greeks go out to dinner. close to things will likely never change in Europe and the architecture of the Eurozone needs to account for that. Is there light at the end of the tunnel for Greece?In fact, recent economic history offers some induce for optimism. In December 2001, Argentina experienced the largest default on sovereign debt the world had ever seen. corresponding Greece, the default had been preceded by a decade of toxic economic policies, mismanagement, and corruption. A political crisis culminating in 5 different presidents over the course of two weeks exacerbated the economic situation. After accepting 22 billion dollars in aid through debt reduction deals and other channels by the end of 2001, Argentina had made petty(a) progress in the way of reform. The default was disorderly and disruptive. But after drastic moves, including unpegging the Argentine peso from the U.S. dollar, and a series of post-default investments from the international community, Argentina rebounded with remarkable success. Today, you are more likely to read intimately the burgeoning start-up culture and innovation centers of Buenos Aires than you are about bailouts and unemployment. There is a path forward for Greece, but the time to default is now. Of course, innovation centers wont hurt either.Whether you should follow a particular political or economic policy depends very much on the costs and benefi ts of following said political or economic policy. If the costs are higher than the benefits then of course you shouldnt be doing it this is just standard logic. We can go further too. If youve got two and only two unpalatable options then you should go for the one that has the least costs, is the least painful. Which is why Greece should default altogether on its debts and leave the euro. The standard mainstream solution for a country with Greeces problems is exactly that if the debt is too much to pay then dont pay it. Better that some lenders lose their money than an entire population get screwed down into poverty to pay it back. That might not be quite fair on the lenders but tough people before profit. And this has at least been partially through with the private sector holders of Greeces debt all taking a 70% haircut last month. Its the second part of the standard solution (and yes, this is the entirely standard solution, the sort of thing the IMF recommends) is to devalue the currency.For if you dont youve got to have years, decades even, of grinding austerity to try to regain economic competitiveness. But, of course, being in the euro, Greece cannot do this. So Greece must leave the euro. From the other side the standard protestation is that Greece is still running a large budget deficit. This means that a default cannot be done for the government will still need to borrow money just to pay the police and the pensions. So while in theory a default and devaluation would be better than grinding austerity it just cannot be one. But this is to miss the point that Felix Salmon makes Once you strip out Greeces debt payments, the countrys primary deficit is pretty modest just 1% of GDP or so.There are two different budget deficits. The one where we include all the interest that has to be remunerative and the one where we dont that latter being the primary deficit. So, with a default then the interest wont be paid. And the Greek Government will then have to cut spending (or raise taxes) by 1% of GDP because they cannot borrow any more. The point here being that this is less cuts than theyre already being told they have to do. Balancing the budget without having to pay the interest will be easier than what theyre being told they have to do to stay inside the euro. And devaluation will make recovery a great deal easier than decades of internal austerity. Thus it is actually in Greeces own interest to default on the outstanding debts and to leave the euro and devalue the New Drachma. Not that theyll have much choice about that last of course.WHY SHOULD GREEECE NOT DEFAULT.1. Things could get really messy.One of the biggest problems about having a country faint the Eurozone is that this feat was neither planned for, nor has ever been attempted before. Who knows what can happen? For all we know, the situation could get even messy. If Greece gets booted out of the euro zone, theyd have to revert back to using the drachma and this alone is a daunting task. The Greek government would have to make sure that this process goes through without a glitch in order to prevent a flight of capital and social unrest. Now thats a tall-stalked order considering how Greece cant seem to come up with a stable government to begin with.2. A bank run could take place in Europe.Even if Greece manages to reintroduce the drachma, a massive capital outflow from Greece is still very likely as financial institutions and investors wont be willing to put their money in such an unstable environment. With the rest of the PIIGS nations being touted as next in line to exit the euro zone, large amounts of money are likely to flow out of these countries as well.3. It might lead to a euro zone break-up.Economist Nouriel Roubini pointed out that, unless Portugal and Ireland are able to restructure their debt successfully, they could wind up following Greece out of the euro zone. Although he mentioned that an exit by these smaller countries probably wo uldnt disrupt the entire region or the global financial market, he also remarked that the existence of the euro zone would be in jeopardy once the bigger debt-ridden countries such as Spain and Italy think of leaving. On top of that, the ECB and several euro zone countries hold a part of Greeces debt in their balance sheets, which means that a Grexit and the debt default that could follow would force them to realize large losses. And if the finances of the ECB or Germany are in shambles, who would be left to save the euro zone?4. Another Lehman calamity waiting to happen?Several analysts are also worried that a Grexit would eventually lead to a Greek debt default, which could result in a credit freeze similar to what happened when the Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy in 2008. At that time, banks were unable to absorb the losses and the chain of bankruptcies that followed, eventually leading to a financial crisis. This time around, another financial meltdown could take place if investors, banks, and other governments are forced to accept losses from holding Greek debt. Firewalls could collapse, banks could refuse to lend, spending could be constrained, and another global recession could be possible.Of course, monolithic Brother Germany is keen on preventing a full-blown crisis from happening, with analysts speculating that euro zones top economy would come up with a Grashall Plan or a Marshall Plan for Greece. Under this proposed mega-bailout package, Germany and the rest of the euro zone nations could pool billions of Euros in order to buy Greece more time. Then again, another bailout package could be accompanied by stricter austerity requirements, which Greece is neither willing nor able to carry out. With that, it seems that a Grexit isnt a matter of if, but rather a question of when.
Paternalism Essay Essay Example for Free
Paternalism Essay EssayThe debate over democracy interposence in personal liberties has been a reoccurring concern since the beginning of the first types of democracies. In John Stuart hang arounds, On Liberty, Mill addresses the regard for little state intervention in order to respect personal e earthcipation and autonomy. In his essay, Mill stresses the importance of the individual and the need for government non to restrain these liberties through paternalistic means. With his firm stance of his Harm Principle, devotion to utilitarianism, and analysis of liberties of thought and action, Mill confidently stresses that state paternalism is never justified. In this paper, I will argue, through Mills Harm Principle that the only purpose for which position can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent maltreat to others. I will emphasize the idea that unmatchable is sovereign and the government need non interfere fo r liberty consists in doing what one desires, so long as it does non infringe on the liberties of others.oer himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign. Mills defense against paternalism lies primarily on the concept that individuals involve a better idea of what is good for them than the government or any one else for that matter. While argument his case, he ensures that these individuals involved are coherent, educated, and well-informed adults. Before further indulging into Mills argument against paternalism, one may wonder what exactly paternalism is. Websters Dictionary describes paternalism as a policy or practice of treating or governing people in a fatherly manner, especially by providing for their needs without giving them rights or responsibilities. To continue further, paternalism is the psychological disorder of a state or an individual against the will of a nonher(prenominal). This interference is justified by claiming what they did is to pro tect that person from harm.For example, seat belt laws are a form of paternalism. As of May 1st, 2000 refreshful Jersey regulation declared that one must wear a seat belt, whereas if one is not wearing a seat belt they will be summoned. Former Governor Whitman signed the statute into effect based on statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The statistics showed that untested Jersey could excuse forty-seven lives and have fifteen hundred fewer serious injuries a year. In this case, the government of New Jersey is telling the state that everyone must wear a seat belt. Yet, what about those who ride their fomite into a body of water and cannot get their set belt off they may eradicate up drowning and death may rescind.In this case, the seat belt law is not helpful. Recently, research in Britain shows that British citizens wear seat belts not because they are told to, but because they fear the damage that may result from a car collision. So, is such a law necessary to tell people what to do? A business organization of products needs to be drawn with these sorts of regulations and interferences. People k straight what is morally wrong and right, and personal liberty decisions need to be left autonomous.Mill, as an anti-paternalist argues interference is wrong. Mill indicates that liberty consists in doing what one desires, and he does not desire to fall into the river. He refers to an incidence where an official sees a person about to crossing a bridge which has been declared unsafe. Mill supposes that the official has no time to warn the person of the danger of intersection the bridge. At this point, the person is seized and no real infringements of liberty were asserted on the person. This is where Mill would draw the line of paternalism. In this case, it was necessary for the person to be stopped, if not, he may have been killed unwillfully.So, where does Mill urge that interference is wrongful? Mill supposes that if one know s he is in danger, he ought to be only warned of the danger not forcibly prevented from exposing himself to it. Therefore, if someone knows the dangers of crossing the bridge, he should be left to make his own decision. I would compare this to the sale of baccy. As a matter of fact, the danger of smoking is stamped across the side of the box. It states, Quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious risks to your health. Just as someone is left to make his own decision to cross the bridge, as is the decision left to the person to smoke tobacco or not. Yet, if the government were to prohibit tobacco sales, they would be parenting society. Mill urges this not to be done and the decision should be left to oneself.Mill draws a different line of paternalism regarding alcohol in respect todrunkenness. He thinks that alcohol should not be prohibited, stock-still if someone is known for acting violent when drunk, he himself should be restricted. At this point, one is infringing anothers li berties and he should be stopped. For example, if a man is know to abuse his wife when drunk, then he should be punished and restricted. On the other hand, John Doe, who goes to the local bar once a week, should not be punished because of another mans abusive tendencies when under the influence of alcohol.Today, this can be compared to drinking and driving. If one is intoxicated while driving, and is in an accident, then he will be severely punished, whereas his license may be suspended and other charges may be pressed against him. Yet, if a sober person is in an accident, he would have marginal reparations to pay, usually an insurance deductible and nothing more. Here, the government is stating they will tolerate drinking, so long as there are no effects on anyone else. The government laid down the law on what is to be done if the privilege of drinking is taken advantage of. It is quite similar to the warning strike out on cigarettes. Both examples allow people to engage in certa in activities, and warnings are given. Everything is left up to the person engaging in the activity. There is limited paternalism, and this is what Mill shows to be gratifying.In On Liberty, Mill does a superb job in demonstrating what paternalism is, and he introduces a solution to the problem. In his bridge example, he lucidly states that there are clear-cut places where one can or cannot step in, especially when the liberties of others are at stake. In summation, if one knows of the consequences of his actions let him be without any interference. Yet, if one is ignorant to what may arise from a given situation one may interfere to protect that person from what he may not want to do. This is where the line should be drawn. Mill does conclude that any state interference would end up granting the state more power against the individual and limit the liberties of man.So, should a paternalistic structure inflict what society can and cannot do? This reoccurring problem is solved in O n Liberty, and Mill does suggest that man has the intellectual capability to make personal decisions that are inhis own interest. Paternalistic interference is unnecessary. As Mill argued, The worth of a State is worth of the individuals composing it. Moreover, there are no cases when it is acceptable to force an individual to do something for his own good. His dominion will never allow for paternalism. Mills principle dictates the freedom to conduct oneself as he sees fit, so long as all others are left unharmed. As he indicated, which I stand firmly by with my argument, liberty consists in doing what one desires, and one does not desire to fall into the river.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Trader Joes Case Essay Example for Free
Trader Joes Case EssayTrader Joes is an up and emanation supermarket that is upbeat and even has employees wear Hawaiian shirt. This gives it a much(prenominal) relaxed and enjoyable shopping environment. The comp each selects humbled stores and only keeps about 4000 stock-keeping units. Eighty percent of those units contain the Trader Joes brand. This initiates a quick overturn over rate. Trader Joes usual customers are college educated people living in urban areas and also college kids. The caller-out makes it easier for these customers to buy different variety of items buy non having too much conversion that would cause shopping paralysis. With lower variety, Trader Joes kindle control quality much more effectively then it would with more options. Their product line has similar popular products that other supermarkets have unless it is under the Trader Joes brand. The company also looks to find new interesting foods that I can add to the supermarket rather than follo wing trends it tries to set the trends. It has options from basic organic fruits to exotic food like Belgian butter waffle cookies. When it comes to distribution Trader Joes purchases directly from the manufacturers and then ships the products right to Trader Joes distribution centers.Trader Joes doesnt charge its suppliers for advertising, couponing or slotting shelves. In exchange for this benefit, Trader Joes has asked suppliers to do work with Trader Joes in secrecy. The vendors cannot publicize the business relationship with Trader Joes in any matter. This strategy is to help prevent both consumers and competitors from gaining knowledge as to who produces the food that the store sells. Suppliers also do not like having the idea that that one store offers a lower cost version and not at the other.The pay offered at Trader Joes is also generous which helps produce a more enthusiastic crowd of employees. The company also contributes 15. 4% of an employees Gross income towards a t ax deferred solitude fund. Many workers though feel that the company is losing its mom and pop shop type feel, and that the company is comely more corporate. This is going to be an issue in the future as the company slowly grows. The company definitely doesnt want to lose the touch which makes it stand out from different supermarkets.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Modernization theory Essay Example for Free
modernisation supposition EssayModernization supposition straines on the main inclination that the processes which the currently demonstrable countries went through are vital to achieving exploitation in the developing and create countries. Modernization is thought to take place in five stages concord to the Rostows stage possibility (Rostow 1960), that is to say The traditional society Take-off preconditions Take-off Drive to maturity High mass consumption ageThe modernisation possible action is based on the idea of human senesce according to Carneiro (2003) although according to J one(a)s (1985) and McNeill (1990), the idea of human progress guessmed unrealistic so long as man did no. significantly allure the natural purlieu and as long as there was no perceptible change in the agrarian economies from one generation to the next. The develop countries are to serve an important role in helping the developing countries to acquire their level of education an d serve as examples.Modernization traces its origin in the enlightenment era with the focus that progress in technology would help man overcome the challenges that the nature posed and man would support control over nature. Condorcet (1979) argued that moral values of people would change through sparing ontogeny and technological progress, and therefore linked cultural change to stinting development. Rostow (1961) argued that the economic effectiveness in the countries of depleted incomes is hampered by their social institutions and traditional cultural values.In these countries large population do not allow the idiosyncratics to save, as does the lack of strong work ethic (Giddens, Griffiths2006). tally to the Marxist version of the modernization theory, early industrial society was characterized by exploitation. Growth of the developing countries would result from the use of education and technology. whollyocation of resources in the developing countries in an irrational way was linked to the drawback in the industrialization of these countries.In order for a estate to develop, it was necessary to remove the cultural, institutional and organizational roadblocks on its way to modernization and allocate resources rationally. Modernization is, according to Inglehart Welzel (2005), a process of the development of human where development of the economy triggers cultural changes which make democracy, gender equality, and individual autonomy increasingly possible.In addition to bringing out the root causes of the tasks existing in the under genuine or developing countries, the theory also can help countries focus on means and slipway of alleviating poverty by emulating the already developed countries. The theory puts strength to the fact that development is reachable, even by the underdeveloped and the developing nations and therefore can help the latter to put efforts to reach the developed military personnel.The theory explains an important point w hy the developing countries cannot wake up one day and expect to see themselves developed, solely that to achieve development, a particular process is followed-building the sub-processes in this process is of paramount importance to the countries of low economy. Dependency theory can be defined as an explanation of the development of the economy of a countrys or states development policy as influenced by the foreign forces of cultural, economical, and political aspects (Sunkel, 1969).It is a system through which the developmental possibilities of the subordinate countries are disadvantaged and conditioned by the economic expansion and development of another country (Dos Santos, 1971). Dependency theory emanated in the 1950s with Raul Prebisch who was the managing director of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and together with his colleagues was not comfortable with the way the developed economy in the developed nations failed to lead to growth in the poorer countries.According to him, the poorer countries exported the raw materials to the developed countries and still received the same goods as processed goods and the earnings from the exports was not enough to fund the imports. Prebisch offered a root word for the poor countries to substitute imports and avoid use of their foreign reserves to purchase for imports of manufactured goods. Import successor was hard to follow because of obstacles that were facing the poorer countries.These included the possibility or ability of controlling their exports of primary products political will as rivaling desire or possibility to shifting from producing primary goods and the inability of the small informal markets of the poorer countries which made them unable to support the economies of scale used by the richer countries to keep their prices low. International capitalism has been mentioned as the force causing settlement relationship According to Gunder (1972), contemporary underdevelopme nt is as a result of proceed relationships-economic or others- surrounded by the developed and the poorer countries.Unlike imperialism which explains dominant state expansion, settlement explains underdevelopment-the result of imperialism. Dependency theory was developed as a result of combination of economic doctrine called structuralism, and Marxist sociology. It unredeemed the US interpellation and the role of the Latin America in the world economy as failing to achieve development and its political authoritarianism as a result of its role in exporting raw materials in the world economy.America was verbalize to suffer deterioration in the terms of trade by experiencing cheaper exports receivable to low wage resulting from surplus labor, and more expensive imports because, instead of the productivity gains creation passed on as lower prices, they were going to the increasingly noncompetitive industrial firms. Latin America would therefore, because of this free trade, not b e able to accumulate surplus capital required to industrialize.The difference between developed and underdeveloped economies was said not only to be on state of the system of production, or simple difference of stage, but also to be of position or function within a single international economic structure of production and distribution. Poverty of the countries was blamed for the richness of about others, not because of any failure (Reid, 2007). kind exclusion of masses as a result of domination of the economy through industrial monopolies yielded to urbanisation void of industrialization (Reid, 2007).As a payment to investments, the foreign investors required that the state discipline those demanding towering wages leading to military dictatorship. Although their diverging points on the theory, there is an agreement in issues like the influence of external forces that developed world use to extend their interests abroad which includes foreign aids, communications, multinational c orporations and other tools. In all the definitions there is an agreement that there exist two sets of states the dominant and the dependent, centre and the periphery, the metropolitan and the satellite.All of the definitions point to dynamism of the relationship between the dominant and the dynamic country since the interactions between them tend to honor and intensify the unfair patterns (Ferraro, 1996). Like the Modernization theory which can be considered to be developed by different people, the dependency theory also is said to have arisen in three principle formulations. According to Reid (2007) the first principal formulation of the dependency theory focused on formal and institutional relationships such(prenominal) as trade relations and foreign trade, as factors which were sources to dependency.The second formulation treated the theory as a subfield of the refined imperialism theory of the Leninist and the analysis of capitalism by Marxist. The terzetto formulation dealt with the two preliminary definitions. The theory has assisted in shedding light as concerns the exploitation existing in the noncompetitive world market where countries with strong economies try to dominate over those with weak economies and create a monopolistic effect of trade.Continued use of foreign aid to the poor nations, which has seen countries being over-reliance to donors, has left poor countries with no solid alternatives than to pledge loyalty to the developing nations. The theory has helped in enumerating the disadvantages that can be acquired from capitalism specially where the capitalism is the influence to the establishment of relations between countries. The theory was criticized as eroding Latin Americans belief in selves, according to Lawrence Harrison, in addition to patronizing and paralyzing Latin America.The formulations were attacked as ignoring or undermining the other causes of underdevelopment such as inner(a) social and cultural factors and were negle ct of culture, race, gender and ethnicity. Besides, there were some countries like Asian countries which developed purely on a capitalistic system, and countries like Taiwan and southeast Korea developed through the ideas that have been propelled in the development theory (Dependency verses Dependency theory). The theory has been blamed as indicating that for a country to succeed, it should join others who have succeeded in the exploitation of some, even if it does this on a regional level.It has been termed to be a strategy left only for the smaller 3rd world countries with no real alternative market, and is no strategy at all. The dependency theory work has been blamed also for criticizing development in the third world, indicating that such development builds a society different from that at the core (developed world) and that there is no way the resulting society can be as that at the core. growth in the third world can be best described, as the dependency theory points out, development of underdeveloped and not as the advertised development.The similarities between the two theories can summarized as follows two theories concern themselves with the relationship between the underdeveloped and the developing with the developed countries. While the modernization theory is concerned with the discern that the developed countries should serve as an example to the developing or underdeveloped countries for development purposes, the dependency theory explains the development of the country in relation to the outside forces or influences which may be as a result of the activities of the developed countries.Both therefore deal with and recognize that there exist the relationship between thee two types of countries. Both theories are consent to the idea that the developed countries have a superior stack in terms of the economy, over the developing or the underdeveloped world. The difference in this area is that the dependency theory seems to indicate an unfai r dominance of the developed economies over the developing or underdeveloped ones, whereas the modernization theory views the relationship as health-that the developed economies can assist the underdeveloped or the developing ones Both theories do not give a one-sided explanation as concerns the causes of the low economic perspective in the developing or underdeveloped countries. While the modernization theory gives a critical wait on at the reason for the poor economic status of the developing or underdeveloped nations as being a result of the problems already existing such as overpopulation and lack of work ethics, it may be seen as neglecting the role of the developed economies in the resulting economic problems of the third word countries.In its explanation to the resulting economic difficulties in the third world, dependency theory has leaned unfairly away from the role played by the third world countries in resulting to their own economic problems. It has been blamed, as see n earlier, as neglecting the social economic factors that contribute to economic problems in third world countries. It can be seen to be unfairly explaining the problem as a result to exploitation and external forces. There are a range of modifications or disagreements arising among scholars in the development of the two theoriesOther differences While the modernization theory seems to explain the causes of poor economy in the third world as the result of the activities of the countries themselves for example through poor allocation of resources, and with a view to resolving power it, the dependency theory can largely be described as a criticism to the developed countries as being the cause to the problems of the economy in the third world. The modernization theory focuses on the internal causes of the poor economy in the third world, but the dependency theory focuses on the external influences The dependency theory is devoid of a clean sheet and proper strategy of solving the ec onomic problem of the third world in a non fair market, to the event that it has been described as a no strategy at all. The modernization theory presents a way of solving the problems of economy impact the third world such as substitution of imports, advance in use of technology and get along education to improve economy.References Andre Gunder Frank, The education of Underdevelopment, in James D. Cockcroft, Andre Gunder Frank, and Dale Johnson, eds., Dependence and Underdevelopment. Garden City, New York Anchor Books, 1972, p. 3. Development verses Dependency theory Retrieved November 13, 2008 from http//www. revision-notes. co. uk/revision/619. html Dos Santos Theotonio. The Structure of Dependence, in K. T. Fann and Donald C. Hodges, eds. , Readings in U. S. Imperialism. Boston ostiary Sargent, 1971, p. 226 Ferraro Vincent. Dependency Theory An Introduction. July 1996. Retrieved November 13, 2008 from http//www. mtholyoke. edu/acad/intrel/depend. htm Giddens Anthony Simon G riffiths. (2006).Sociology. Polity Hogan Michael, Thomas Paterson. (2004). Explaining the History of American Foreign Relations. Cambridge. Cambridge University invoke Inglehart Ronald Christian Welzel. (2005). Modernization, pagan Change, and Democracy The Human Development Sequence. Cambridge Cambridge University Press. Reid Michael. Forgotten Continent The Battle for Latin Americas Soul. Yale Yale University Press Sunkel Svaldo. National Development Policy and External Dependence in Latin America, The Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 6, no. 1, October 1969, p. 23
Friday, April 12, 2019
Water Pollution Essay Example for Free
Water Pollution EssayMore pile check from dirty piss and poor sanitation in Africa, than acts of violence , including war(Why is ashen Water so important?). Children are especially targeted for disease, because their immune system is smaller, and they are younger (Why Water? ). Africa has umteen poor countries, and legion(predicate) people are dying from diseases in urine. Every day, people have to offer over five miles to get a bucket of water for the family they are in. Most of the time, the only water people can find is dirty. Dirty water causes children to develop diseases every year. In fact, over 80 percent of disease is caused by unclean water (Drop in the Bucket). Many organizations are desperately functional to give third-world countries the water that people need. The organizations want to build a well for every village in Africa, so there is no more disease breaking out, and people want to reduce the finis toll of 2,000 a day, to a much lower amount(Water Aid).In Africa alone, people put across 40 billion hours every year just walking for water. Women and children usually bear the burden of water collection, walking miles to the nearest source, which is unprotected and kindredly to make them sick (Why Water?). There are many vogues one can help Africa reduce their contamination, especially in water. One way that takes the least amount of effort, but makes a big difference, is to donate to an organization. There are so many of them that are serving Africa, and the more donations, the better. People want to end poverty right? Another system of impact is to never waste water. If one cannot finish water, give it to a plant, or save it for later. notwithstanding never throw it away. The last method of impact is try to reduce the pollution in communities somewhat you. If the world has too much pollution, Americas water will end up resembling Africas, and our population will reduce and reduce, and at some point, the world might even end. To sum it up, the pollution in Africa is on the rise, and people need help to get clean water. First world countries like America have no idea how much people waste clean water, and how lucky those people are to have it. So in the future, dont waste water, one will never know who doesnt have it.Works CitedDrop in the Bucket. Drop in the Bucket. N.p., Jan. 2013. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. What Makes Clean Water So Important? Blue Planet Network. Blue Planet Network, 12 Jan. 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. Worlds flower 10 Most PollutedPlaces. Worlds Top 10 Most Polluted Places Scientific American. Scientific American, Jan. 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2013.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
The Holeâ€A look into the prisons within the prisons Essay Example for Free
The HoleA present into the prisons within the prisons EssayIn the United States today at least 80,000 pris starrs be being held in some sort of isolation unit, commonly called l whizzsome(a) project. Prisoners in hermit are isolated in a 6X8 foot concrete agency for 23 hours a day. This is how the United States government favors to regulate the prisons, by locking prisoners in this cell for weeks, months or so far years on end. Most prisoners are allowed 1 hour a day for recreation where they are allowed to go outside, alone, in a fenced area well(p) near the size of their cell. It is a dirty, cold, concrete room with only a metal slot in the approach that they receive meals through. The room contains a bed, envisioner, and toilet, as well as a very small fare of personal items. They receive no educational classes, rehabilitative programs or other transitional services to suffice them prepare for their return to society, nevertheless off when they are going to be released soon.They hit absolutely no social organisation to their day. Since I was a child I have al offices been interested in the Criminal umpire System. I have long hoped to execute a prosecutor and have always been curious about prisons and criminals. My original curiosity with nongregarious toil specifically came from a Law and Order episode I saw. The chief(prenominal) investigator asked to be put in solitary confinement for a weekend to evidence that the criminals defense was fake (the criminal was claiming he pushed the detective off the roof because of the psychological suffering he endured in solitary confinement). Throughout the episode I watched, as the detective easy started hallucinating and got very anxious and angry. I assumed that the show was exaggerating for entertainment value however I demanded to find out whether that was true.Throughout my research process I have anchor that the symptoms the detective displayed are the same symptoms that thousa nds of real prisoners have. Through out my quest to learn more about the dress of Solitary confinement, my opinion has changed dramatically. At the beginning of this project I thought of this topic the same way I think about almost everything else, very black and white. I had itty-bitty sympathy for prisoners, even those held in solitary confinement. I didnt think of it as torture and didnt understand what the caper was. Throughout my research my opinion has started becoming grayer, creating an internal tension for me between two conflicting views.I have a strong held belief that prisons provide justice and safety. I hope to become a prosecutor to execute law and order. However, I have become conflicted throughout this assignment because I have found that this way of punishment has been understandably sh have got to be immoral and inhuman. For my site trim down I visited the Valhalla county jail. I was struck by the number of wives, parents, teenagers and young children who were there to visit loved ones. I listened in on defense attorney KLs chats with two of his clients and was shocked to find that I really did feel that one of them was being charged too harshly.I am of course non defending what the prisoners did, and umteen of them merit to be locked up, but the thought these people are treated so inhumanly, I feel disgraces our e separate and what it stands for. America, which supposedly stands for freedom, justice and the pursuit of happiness, locks up thousands and thousands of men, women, and teenagers sometimes as young as 14, in a cage. How could America, the land of freedom and opportunity, take dissociate in such an appalling practice? Most of us wouldnt treat our dogs the way the prisons treat the criminals, especially those in solitary confinement.Solitary Confinement was low gear used in the Auburn state prison during a two-year experiment in 1821, during which scientists ascertained people in extreme isolation. They housed a group of prisoners in individual cells without any labor or other adequate provisions for physical exercise. Alexis de Tocqueville and Gustave de Beaumont account, This trial, from which a happy result had been anticipated, was fatal to the greater disassociate of the convicts in order to reform them, they had been submitted to complete isolation but this absolute solitude, if nothing interrupt it, is beyond the strength of man it destroys the criminal without intermission and without pity it does not reform, it kills. The unfortunates, upon whom this experiment was do, fell into a state of depression, so manifest, that their keepers were struck with it their lives seemed in danger, if they remained longer in this situation. This experiment was done almost two light speed years ago and although the results were horrendous, solitary is still used today.It is sometimes necessary however. According to solitarywatch.com, Solitary confinement is used for collar main reasons protection, puni shment and rehabilitation. Through out my research I have found very little data to suggest solitary confinement is the least bit rehabilitative, so I have come to the conclusion that it is really only used for punishment and as a tutelary measure. Certain inmates such as former police officers and child molesters are more managely to be attacked by other inmates while in prison and are therefore put there for their own protection. Solitary confinement is overly used as a way to regulate the prisons. When a prisoner gets into a fight with another inmate or violates a prison rule, they are put in solitary confinement, or what the guards call, the bing, as punishment.It is called the bing because many of the prisoners start going crazy when placed in solitary confinement. Some common side affects are hallucinations, hypersensitivity to noise and touch, insomnia, paranoia, feelings of rage and fear, distortions of time and perception, depression, anxiety, PTSD and an increased assa y of suicide. When these side affects occur, the prisoners often start screaming and become very incoherent and manic.In 2009, Robert Foor, an Illinois inmate with moral illness, was placed in isolation and became more cordially ill, mutilating himself by cutting and biting, and attempted to hang himself. He at long last died in solitary confinement at Tamms Correctional Center. Another Tamms inmate whose mental health had been notably declining, faced increasing isolation and longer sentences, due to incidents of throwing feces and urine at guards. One report card even found that the people held in solitary developed were more likely to become psychopaths than those in the general population (28% vs. 15%).The isolation unit at Stateville Correctional Center in Joliet, Illinois has been expound as consisting of gray walls, a solid steel door, no window, no clock, and a light that was unplowed on twenty-four hours a day. Living in those kinds of conditions, its heavy(p) to imag ine someone not going crazy. Another comparison I make to my own life was that I draw ind that when I spend even 5 hours in my room alone, I become anxious and sometimes depressed. My room is clean, not made of concrete and has a bed, light, desk, laptop and phone. Although I choose to keep my door disagreeable I could come out at any time I want, I just choose not to. If I become anxious and depressed after only several hours alone in a small room, with conditions oftentimes nicer then the solitary cells, then I cant even begin to imagine how the prisoners in solitary feel.Furthermore, I have found that solitary confinement is not only harmful for the prisoners, but for our society as a safe and sound. It is detrimental for our society for two main reasons. The first is that it is much harder for prisoners who spend a prolonged period in solitary confinement to incorporate into society. Many of the prisoners suffer from PTSD and other mental conditions because they have very l imited human give for months or even years. This makes it dangerous for them to then be released into the general population, especially when they have very little guidance before being released or after. Many prisoners are released directly into society from solitary confinement. query done by the human rights watch, show that prisoners in solitary have a much high rate of re-incarceration because of their anger and depression. With little education, classes or skill training, it is difficult for them to become mathematical productive members of society. They are otiose to get jobs because of their limited skills and because of their arrest record. People are judgmental very few people want former criminals working for them. I have found that many people dont realize that people make mistakes and go to jail only to suffer, probably more then than the suffer they at one time caused. Prisoners are beaten, raped, and isolated, causing severe physical and psychological damage.Anot her disadvantage for the society as whole is that housing prisoners in solitary confinement cost approximately three times as much as it does to house a prisoner in the general prison population. According to a discussion article published by the Daily News, it costs American taxpayers $75,000 per inmate in solitary confinement per year as opposed to $25,000 dollars per inmate in the general population per year. It also came to my attention that solitary confinement has long been called a human rights violation. America is violating the Geneva Convention by lay people in solitary confinement. The psychological harm that the prisoners undergo in solitary is considered torture.Sister Marion Defeis who worked as a Chaplain for 23 years at Rikers Island wrote, When I would make visits, walking cell by cell, I was overwhelmed by the lethargy and depression of the inmates. Thats not how our system is supposed to work. We have prohibitions against cruel and unusual punishment. slice thi s is true, no alternative to solitary has so far been put to action. I conducted a phone consultation with Marion Defeis who was explaining her work at Rikers as well as her current work at a non-profit organization in Brooklyn for oneness mothers previously incarcerated.The alternative she proposed was that when there is an altercation in the prison the prisoner should be stranded to a contrary area and should receive psychological help to try to improve their mental state, instead of locking them up which will ultimately worsen the situation. She also felt that the punishments that the prisons use do not always fit the crime committed. The chart below shows how many isolation sentences there were because of diametric violations.During an interview with Mr. L he explained that a lot of times when there is an altercation it is the victim of the plague that is put in solitary confinement. Although it is for their own protection, he feels that it is unjust for the victim to ha ve a worse penalty when it was the offenders that committed the violation. A lot of times minors are also put there to protect them from the adult prisoners which he felt was unfair that they should get a worse penalty just because they were younger and therefore more vulnerable. These two instances both dramatically changed my views on solitary confinement and made me more sympathetic to what the prisoners held in solitary go through. Although Mr. Lawrence did feel solitary confinement is overused, he did clearly find it necessary in some situations. This was surprising because as a defense attorney I expected him to be very against it.Another essential moment throughout my research process was during my conversation with former prosecutor Mrs. Levine. She really only dealt with solitary as a protective measure, when there was a witness that was going to be put in jail with the person they were testifying against, they would need to be separated to insure they would not be injured or killed in jail. She explained that when she was going through the training to become a prosecutor she had to visit a solitary cell. She told me that she would really have to feel that she was in unsafe danger to be willing to be put in those kinds of horrible conditions. One researcher who took part in a report conducted by the New York Civil liberties union stated, It doesnt take one-half a brain to realize were not going to get a good product out of this. This was a very powerful quote for me that landmarked a shift in my thinking.When a single researcher can so clearly see the affects of solitary confinement after only one study, how can the rest of the country not see the detrimental affects after all the research undisturbed? non only are thousands of people held in solitary confinement, but so many different kinds of people are put in solitary as well. Prisoners as young as 14 years old to as old as 70, men and women, whites, blacks and Hispanics as well as a lot of time s, the mentally ill. According to the American Friends service committee, An independent investigation from 2006 reported that as many as 64 percent of prisoners in SHUs were mentally ill, a much higher percentage than is reported by states for their general prison populations.Frequently, mentally ill prisoners who are placed in the general prison population commit crimes and are put in solitary, which only exacerbates the problem. Once their punishment is over they are put back into the general prison population but at that point they have even more severe mental problems and once again end up in solitary. Furthermore, it has been reported that a disproportionate number of black people are in jail or in solitary compared to the NYS population. This is represented in the chart below. For the community service portion of this project I volunteered at the Childrens Village in Dobbs Ferry NY with boys ages 8-12, many of whom have parents currently detained.I spoke with several stave me mbers who explained that incarceration is an everlasting cycle. The staff works hard to break this cycle by helping to indoctrinate the boys necessary skills to succeed in life. It was shocking to me to realize that jail and solitary confinement would ever meet so directly to my life. When I found out that many of the parents of these children who I have been tutoring for the last three years are in jail, I thought differently of the children. I became more sympathetic and dread of what they have lived through and realized that they werent just out of control kids who didnt feel like learning their multiplication table. Their parents were living in cages.Thats why they were so angry and depressed and refused to learn. It also discovered that just 10 minutes away from my house was a maximum-security prison called the Bedford Correctional Facility. Not only are their hundreds of women housed there, but about 25 of them are held in solitary confinement. Their children come to visit them with their foster parents and have to kiss their mothers through glass. My struggle throughout this assignment has been withholding judgment about the topic. If I were not required to keep an open mind, this would have been a very different process. on that point is still much to be learned about the practice of solitary confinement.I have instantly recognized how harmful solitary confinement is to the prisoners, country and society as a whole, however it is hard to put an end to solitary confinement without coming up with an alternative solution. This project has also made me wonder why they call prisons correctional facilities. I have found no evidence to show that these facilities help correct anything. Sister Marion Defeiss alternative is certainly a possibility, however it would require a lot of time, effort and certainly money that I am not sure society would be willing to pay for people who have been found to have committed such horrific offenses.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
An Ethical Dilemma Essay Example for Free
An Ethical Dilemma EssayThere exists a strong think between the way and pace of sprightliness in a society and eating habits of the individuals. No payoff how diverse and sophisticated the cuisine of a certain culture might be, todays hyper moving tempo necessitates cheaper and hurried provender. That is where the fast sustenance sector steps in, saving the day. At first glance, they appear to be life savers with their affordable menus. However, when we take a closer look and observe the long-term effects of fast solid sustenance on individuals, we atomic number 18 faced with health problems such as obesity and heart diseases. Nevertheless, fast food firms also do a very(prenominal) good job in marketing their products to carefully targeted audiences, in departmenticular children. This paper will focus on the case of McDonalds and argue how ethical it is for them to advertise for children directly, examining the issue from the billet of social responsibility. The spre ad of McDonalds in different parts of the world creates mixed line upings in some countries, and hoi polloi raze claim that the McDonalds and the distorted image of Americanization is harmful for their culture and societies. This opinion is oddly valid in Europe, but surprisingly McDonalds is wel condescend in Asia.What is a common reaction in each(prenominal) countries hosting McDonalds, including its m separate country America, is the attitude taken towards the effects of McDonalds on eating habits and the following negative consequences. There are mess of fast food advertisements in North America and this industry has especially become a part of the life of families with children. Starting from very little ages, children are used to eating this good-tasting, well-marketed and fun menus which usually come along with a toy for free and their tastes and eating habits are influenced.Even though fast food companies hand started to offer light menus and food with less fat and calories, they do non offer the outperform menus for children. They continue the habit of eating fast food as they go into adolescence and adulthood, and become another candidate for an obese person with various diseases resulting from being dense. Overweight children do tend to become obese adults, putt themselves at a much greater risk, and at a much earlier age, for chronic illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease (Dalton, 2004, p. 2).One out of three children in the United States is either overweight or at serious risk of becoming so. The number of overweight children ages six to nineteen has tripled indoors three decades the rate of overweight preschool children is nearly as great. The accelerating rate indicates that the current generation of children will kick upstairs into the nigh obese generation of adults in history. (Dalton, 2004, p. 2) Although parents are aware that food sold at McDonalds is not very healthy, they are misled by the fact that it is affordable and makes their children happy.What is more, some parents do not have very healthy eating habits either so one and only(a) should not be surprised in visual perception their children liking McDonalds menus. Moreover, it is not easy to resist the tempting advertisements. Some might say that no one is forcing parents to buy these products or foods for their children. But, these ads position the products as must haves. Even if their parents do not buy them the products, children are influenced (How to Prevent Childhood Obesity. com, 2009).Experts name Ray Kroc, founder of McDonalds franchise and Walt Disney as the pioneers of child-focused marketing, since they first recognized children as a separate marketing demographic from adults in the 1960s (Veracity, D. , 2008). Today, we cannot help but wonder how the managers of McDonalds feel round the harsh criticisms that the troupe gets for advertising and promoting unhealthy food for children. From a line of work point of vi ew, the company has done a great job since it was founded by Ray Kroc in 1955, generated enormous profits and even became a better kn give birth brand than Coca-Cola (Veracity, D., 2008). Competition in the fast food sector is harsh, so McDonalds to a great extent invests in eminent quality advertisements aimed at targeting the right audience, using celebrities and partnerships with other brands, or cartoon characters in their campaigns if possible. They build playgrounds in their stores, which serve as a socializing place for children to meet other kids and have fun. McDonalds not only influences American children and families, but also exports its food, image and advertisements to the rest of the world.They have unresolved branches in almost all parts of the world, and keep expanding despite the economic recession. They are optimistic about business prospects in China and plan to open about 500 stores in the country in three years (Yan, F. Li, H. , 2009). This gives an import ant hint about the tastes and habits of the growing generation of children and it is not difficult to forebode that the global influence of McDonalds will intensify in the coming years, despite all criticisms that it is unethical to agitate unhealthy food to children. How ethical is the advertising strategy of McDonalds really?Are the managers of McDonalds actually guilty, or is everyone being too harsh and oversensitive? Even though it is normal for a company to hold its own rights and benefits before everything, if it is as influential and global as McDonalds, it also has some example and ethical responsibilities and should find the social consequences of its actions as well as making profits and opening new stores. One of the most important causes of childhood obesity is lack of exercise, so it might not be totally honest to blame McDonalds and other fast food chains for obese children.On the one hand, the McDonalds culture heavily contributes in a bad way to developing irre gular eating habits. But on the other hand, they cannot be the only ones to blame, as children and their parents are increasingly becoming computer and TV addicts, engaging in very little physical activity. When coupled with fast food usage, health problems become inescapable. What is the solution to this moral problem then? It is obvious that a company this successful will not quit this business or abandon its strategy.However, McDon can at least modify its advertising approach slightly and propose doing exercises as the underlying message after having a good McDonalds meal. They can include famous sportsmen in their advertisements and encourage children to engage in sports. They can give out toys associated with sports brands, even organize sports competitions for children with awards, sponsored by study brands like Nike or Adidas. These are just a few suggestions, and there is no doubt that professionals intention McDonalds marketing strategy can work wonders with this idea i f they want to.This way, children can learn to associate the consumption of fast food with exercise in their minds and be convinced that they must be physically alert in order to burn those calories taken at McDonald and be healthy. In conclusion, if McDonalds and other fast food chains would alter their advertisement campaigns so as to include the theme of more exercise and sports, they would have been more socially responsible. This way, even though they do not sell the most healthy meals, their customers, especially children would know that they have to pay a price for eating a high calorie and high fat meal by doing more exercise.They would also associate fast food meals with the energy and wholeheartedness of sports, which also makes individuals happy. Therefore, this can be a very good formula for McDonalds to keep its happy customers all over the world and appease an angry crowd of protesters who argue that McDonalds advertisements are unethical.ReferencesDalton, S. (2004). Our Overweight Children What Parents, Schools, and Communities Can Do to Control the Fatness Epidemic. Berkeley, CA University of California Press. Should there be Ethical Issues with Fast Food Companies denote to Children?How to Prevent Childhood Obesity. com. Retrieved swear out 25, 2009, from http//www. howtopreventchildhoodobesity. com/ethicalissues- fastfoodadvertisements. html Veracity, D. (2008, July 13).Americas Fast Food Giants Perfect the Art of Selling cast out Food to Children. Organic Consumers Association. Retrieved March 25, 2009, from http//www. organicconsumers. org/articles/article_1092. cfm Yan, F. Li, H. (2009, February 18). McDonalds eye 500 stores in China in 3 years. Reuters. Retrieved March 25, 2009, from http//www. reuters. com/article/ousiv/idUSTRE51H13F20090218
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